
The Redemption of Claynen Kayllien

It's the story of a human imperial prince named Claynen Kayllien, who in his past life was Adolf Hitler. It shows how Claynen regrets his dark past and progresses mentally from infancy to adulthood in the imperial family of the Empire of Kayllien. He becomes a multicultural leader who respects all cultures, eventually ruling his father's empire in a world without magic but filled with dwarves, elves, goblins, orcs, and other mystical beings.

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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Birth of the Seventh Prince

Empress Jadea was about to give birth to her seventh child. Her husband, Emperor Kallius, was with her in the delivery room along with midwives and ladies-in-waiting. Jadea felt unbearable pain with each contraction of her stomach. She knew this would be her last child, as her body could no longer withstand another pregnancy.

"Hold on, my love," Kallius whispered in her ear. "Soon you will have our little one in your arms."

Jadea nodded with difficulty. Despite the pain, she was happy to bring another prince or princess into the world. She already had six wonderful children: three boys and three girls. Each with their own personality, talents, and dreams. Jadea loved them all equally, but felt a special connection to the one about to be born. Perhaps it was because he was the smallest and most vulnerable.

"The head is coming," announced one of the midwives. "Push hard, Your Highness."

Jadea made one final effort and pushed with all her might.

A sharp cry was heard in the room. The midwife lifted the newborn and wrapped him in a blanket. He was a beautiful boy, with blond hair and green eyes.

"It's a boy," said the midwife with a smile. "Congratulations, Your Highnesses."

The midwife approached the empress and handed her the baby. Jadea tenderly held him and brought him to her chest. The baby stopped crying and became calm.

"Hello, my little one," Jadea said sweetly. "I am your mother and I love you very much."

The emperor leaned over his wife and son and kissed them both.

"He is beautiful," Kallius said with pride. "What shall we name him?"

Jadea looked at her husband and said:

"Claynen. His name will be Claynen Kayllien."

Kallius nodded in approval.

"I like it. It's a strong and noble name. Welcome to the world, Claynen."

The baby opened his eyes and looked at his parents. He didn't understand what they were saying, but he felt their love and warmth. However, something inside him told him that this was not his true life. That he had lived before, in another time and place. That he had done terrible things and now had a second chance. But he couldn't remember anything else. Just one word echoing in his mind like a distant echo: Hitler.