
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

XINYUAN_WU · Võ hiệp
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49 Chs

Chapter 28: Propose marriage

Li Changsheng took the girls out of the underground cave to meet Du Qing. A total of 15 abducted women were rescued, and Li Changsheng felt that it was worthwhile to be busy and hard that night. Yin Yue and her parents met. The three felt that they had separated for a lifetime, and they hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Li Changsheng has a big head. He doesn't know how to arrange these rescued women. So he humbly asked Du Qing for advice.

Du Qing laughed: "Are you in trouble now? The trouble is still behind. Mr. Li doesn't want to send every girl back to her hometown in person?"

Li Changsheng said, "As the old saying goes, save people to the end and send the Buddha to heaven. Although this matter is very difficult, in any case, men should work from beginning to end.

Du Qing said with a smile, "I now know your character. You have the kindness of a bodhisattva and the ability of Vajra. But you have finished the most difficult things. Let me do the task of sending these poor girls back home."

At dawn, Du Qing rode out and hired a cart pulled by an ox in the countryside ahead, and then drove fourteen girls to Hengyang. He watched the old driver pull the girl to the reception desk of Hengyang Municipal Government. He saw the girls go in there, and then went to the roadside post office to call the local newspaper to reveal the news which shocked the whole country, and asked the reporters to go to the municipal government and the abandoned salt mine village to interview.Li Changsheng drank tea in the teahouse opposite the newspaper office. Seeing reporters swarming out of the newspaper office, he got up and left the teahouse to chase Du Qing. With the arrangement of the municipal government and the attention of the national media, these women should return to their hometown safely.

Yin Yue and her parents hired a donkey cart. They planned to go north to Wuhan, and then take a boat along the Yangtze River to the east to Xuzhou's hometown. Since they are on the same road, five people go together.

That day they rested at the inn not far from Xiangtan. At five o'clock in the morning, Li Changsheng breathed across his legs on the bed of the inn. The dazzling purple energy inside his navel began to glow. At this time, the energy mass is the size of a baby's fist, and the light becomes more dazzling. Especially in the morning, there is 10% golden energy and 90% black energy in the sky. It is as vibrant as a newborn baby. It is most suitable for practicing Taoist Kung Fu.

Before practicing, Li Changsheng habitually let his spirit spread around. He wanted to see if there were any disturbing factors in the practice environment. He saw Du Qing next door still snoring in the quilt, with a gun on his pillow. The three members of Yan Yue's family got up early and got together to talk in a low voice. Li Changsheng's spirit continued to spread in the black and gold energy of the universe, and every tree and plant outside the inn clearly appeared in his mind. Behind the inn is a dense bamboo forest. There is a cemetery behind the bamboo forest where the dead are buried. A huge poplar tree stands quietly with a crow's nest on it. In the darkness before dawn, the tombs were covered with ghostly fire, form a green sea of ghost fire. Suddenly a tombstone in front of the grave fell down, and two dark figures climbed out of the grave.

At this time, it was quiet all around, and the appearance of two dark shadows was particularly obvious. Li Changsheng's spirit could not help concentrating here.

A squat dark figure said in a low voice, "Yes, I have confirmed it. These people in the Yuelai Inn came from Hengyang. Yesterday I asked my sister to dress up as a tofu buyer and stand on the roadside they passed by. When she came back, she told me quietly that there was a woman inside, who was as beautiful as a fairy. You know my sister is very confident about her appearance. She never said who was beautiful before."

Another thin and tall figure said, "Mr.Third of the human trafficker in Hengyang has a common friendship with us. We don't need to avenge him, do we? Besides, that matter has caused a stir in the whole underworld, because the dozen people of the third master were killed in one night. These people are very powerful."

The squat figure disdained and said, "Powerful? Mr.Third is trafficker who abduct and sell women. What are they capable of killing a few traffickers? Which of our brothers in Xuwo of Dongting Lake has not killed people before? Our big leaders, four deputy leaders, and eight gold medal killers were all from the Hunan army before. They are real men who survive in the battlefield and from the environment of corpses mountain and blood sea."

The tall and thin figure said, "That's right! But we robbed the passing ships on Dongting Lake. There is no need to avenge Mr.Third of Hengyang,right?"

"Mr.Third is not worth our revenge. But five days ago, one of the people killed with the third master was the local police chief. He was the sworn brother of our leader when he was in the Hunan army. The two of them were deadly friends! Today the leader came with four deputy leaders and eight gold medal killers. We followed these people for so many days, and we finally finished our task..."

After hearing this, Li Changsheng thought a little and knew that it was the abducted woman who described the appearance of him and Du Qing when taking notes in the patrol room. The information was spread to the underworld by the spies in the patrol room, and the bandits in Dongting Lake tracked them here.

As the old saying goes, since bad things have come, don't be afraid. As long as these bandits don't come to the inn now, don't worry about them.

Li Changsheng is immersed in the practicing Taoist Kung Fu. By breathing the two energies that are completely opposite and unified between heaven and earth, he can strengthen his vitality. When he felt that the vital energy in the navel was sufficient, he used his attention to guide the vital energy to strengthen the functions of the five viscera and six internal organs, and strengthen the bones and muscles. In the state of practicing Taoist Kung Fu, his mind is a boundless peace, without joy or worry.

After Li Changsheng finished practicing Taoist Kung Fu, the sky was already bright. While he was washing his face and brushing his teeth, Du Qing came and knocked at the door.

Li Changsheng opened the door and saw that Du Qing seemed worried. He came in to talk, but stopped. Li Changsheng smiled and said, "Brother Du, don't worry. I already know!"

Du Qing was overjoyed: "You already know? Great! What are you going to do?"

Li Changsheng's face was as calm as water: "let nature take its course, everything has causal relationship. You can't avoid it."

Du Qing laughed up and hugged Li Changsheng: "Good brother, you are really heroic and do things easily! I was worried last night. It seems that I will be the matchmaker. Ha ha ha!"

"Matchmaker? Who does Brother Du serve as a matchmaker?" Li Changsheng was immediately puzzled.

Du Qing punched Li Changsheng on the shoulder: "silly brother! Of course, it's for you and Miss Yin Yue to match!"

Li Changsheng suddenly realized: "I misunderstood you. I thought you were talking about another thing."

Du Qing looked at Li Changsheng nervously: "So do you promise to marry Miss Yin Yue?"

Li Changsheng said, "Brother Du, sit down and let's talk slowly."

After taking Du Qing to sit down, Li Changsheng said, "To be honest, I go home this time to practice at a Taoist temple in Zhongnan Mountain! So I can't accept Miss Yin Yue's kindness."