
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

XINYUAN_WU · Võ hiệp
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49 Chs

Chapter 2: Xiangxue Park

Li Changsheng goes back to his rented apartment every day and passes the west gate of Xiangxue Park. There are many plum trees in the park. In the blooming season, Xiangxue Park becomes a silver world, and you can smell the fragrance of plum blossoms for ten miles around. Therefore, a famous poet wrote a poem praising the beautiful scenery in the park:

Beautiful and fragrant snow park

It is said that it will not snow in the hot south of China.

But why is there white snow in this park?

Everyone knows that snow has no fragrance,

but the snow here is very fragrant.

Under the brilliant sunshine, plum blossoms here are in full bloom like heavy snow. The charming fragrance comes to my nose.

Every spring and autumn, the plum blossoms in Xiangxue Park are in full bloom, and the beautiful scenery of flowers like snow is famous throughout China. The park is full of tourists during the day, but now it is dark and there are no tourists in the park. Li Changsheng, however, likes to walk around the park every day after work, not only avoiding noisy streets, but also relaxing after a busy day's work.

In addition to the famous plum blossom, there are several hills in the Xiangxue Park. The highest peak is Luofeng. It took Li Changsheng half an hour to climb the Luofeng Peak. When he looked around, he saw that the rocks were abrupt and the trees were lush. This place is a good place to watch the scenery, with its back against the green mountains and the sea to the south. There is Yuyan Academy at the foot of the mountain, and Luofeng Temple is separated from Yuyan Academy.

Tonight, the sky is clear and cloudless, with no moon, only the stars in the summer night, showing the eternal cold silence.

Li Changsheng also prefers this kind of night, because here you can stay away from the bright lights in the port area all night, and the sirens of cargo ships and passenger ships that come and go day and night. The silence on the mountain is the best reward after hard mountain climbing in summer. Li Changsheng knew that only at night in this place could there be boundless darkness, and he would reveal his loneliness as a wanderer.

Like millions of young people, Li Changsheng was often upset because of the state affairs, family affairs and his uncertain personal future. He lingered on the viewing platform of Luofeng Mountain, feeling his body wandering in the brilliant Milky Way. In fact, he enjoyed the rare peace.

When Li Changsheng was relaxing and happy, he suddenly became alert and turned around. In front of him on the right, he don't know when, there was a figure standing.

His heart was cold, and the hairs on his back stood up. As a graduate of Beijing University majoring in civil engineering, Li Changsheng studied natural science and technology, and did not believe in ghosts and gods. But when the moon is dark and there is no one in the park, it is the bad guys that should be worried.

The vague figure in the dark coughed a little and approached slowly. Li Changsheng was relieved by her familiar posture and voice. It turned out that they knew each other! This is the old woman on the flyover that must be passed by when he goes to and off work every day. The granny who sells ant medicine, cockroach medicine and some groceries on the floor all the year round. Thinking of the noon event, though Li Changsheng felt strange, he smiled and said: Grandma, you are really powerful! You can still climb to the top of Luofeng alone at this late hour!

The old woman didn't answer the question and asked slowly: "Young man, I ask you, you saw someone robbing a woman's purse during the day. As a young and strong man, why didn't you step forward to help the robbed woman?"

Li Changsheng laughed at himself and said, "Grandma, I'm just an ordinary migrant worker. My ability is limited. In this city, I need to use up all my energy to survive every day. I'm not a superman and a great hero who saves lives and helps the world."

The grandma said, "Oh? You are very wise to protect yourself! Although it sounds very frank, it is also shameless. If that girl is in danger and hurt by a bad man with a knife, do you feel indifferent to it?"

Li Changsheng said calmly, "Every day, countless people in the world are killed, starved to death, frozen to death, or died of other natural and man-made disasters. What can I do? What can Jesus or Buddha do? Besides, I'm not a policeman. Catching bad people is not my job. I didn't cause the death of these people. I don't feel shameless because I didn't save that woman."

Li Changsheng thought for a moment and then said, "Besides, if that girl is killed, there must be a reason to be killed. Either she was killed because of hatred or she was killed because of adultery. Either she was too careless and too ostentatious and did not take personal protection. Every adult should be responsible for his own behavior and pay for his own mistakes. Why should I risk my life to pay for others' mistakes?"

The grandmother smiled and said, "Confucius said that a cultured person should be a noble person. Mencius said that a cultured person should be an upright person. They all said that when people see evil things, even if there are tens of thousands of bad people, I will bravely rush to stop them from doing bad things. Such a person is a real man. You also wear the robe of a scholar. Haven't you read the book of Confucius and Mencius?"

Li Changsheng also smiled and replied: "I think that if I can live on my own, I am a real man. The real man of Confucius and Mencius is to let people die for nothing. The standard of nobility and integrity they say is to let you sacrifice yourself. I will not do such senseless things. Every living creature in the world has its own ability to survive, and the survival of the fittest is an elimination rule. Why should I interfere?"

The grandmother's voice was sharp and she said angrily: "Confucius and Mencius are the most noble teachers. How dare you disrespect these two great teachers! Since you want everything to be natural, you just used your body to protect me at that time. Isn't that hypocritical?"

Li Changsheng was also a little angry. The grandma was aggressive. She criticized him with the national moral standards, which made him lose patience: "Grandma, I protected you with my hands at that time, afraid that you would be knocked to the ground by that bad guy. That's what I can do. Within my ability, I would like to do something beneficial to others. I don't think it's hypocritical, but kind."

After Li Changsheng finished speaking, he turned and left. It was obvious that the conversation between the two people was not pleasant. He decided to end the communication. Besides, we are just friends by chance.