
The Rebellious Son of Lucifer

Don't Bully me, I am a Bull.

JOJO99 · Tranh châm biếm
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32 Chs


The next day, Irina and Xenovia got ready to officially meet the ruler of the town and ask for their cooperation.

Though they called it cooperation, it had the complete opposite meaning to it.

Stay out of our way. How does that sound in simple words?

"We'll be back by Evening." Irina stated as I saw them off to the front door, "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"

"No, I have no interest of visiting school." I shook my head with an humble response, "Say Hello to Issei from me if he's there."

"Of course, how could I miss the opportunity to embarrass them?" Xenovia was the one to reply, "In a way, we'll be using this meeting show them their place."

"I won't ask you not to fight, but be careful." I said with a smile.

"Your words are noted." Xenovia nodded in acknowledgment and leaned forward.

I know what she was trying to do, so I immediately leaped behind to the corridor to avoid her hand.

"Tch, you have good reflexes." Xenovia praised with an annoyed click of her tongue, "But don't worry, I'll see what you're hiding behind that blindfold of yours."

"It's better if you don't, but I won't stop you." I shrugged in response, "And have lunch outside, I won't be cooking."

"That's cruel." Irina pouted and then stuck out her tongue to me as they walked away from the house.

"Now, then." I chuckled sinisterly now that I was all alone in the house, "Time to continue the grind."

I went back to my room and created a Domain Expansion, though this time I applied extra gravitational force to the atmosphere as my plan was to work on my physique and Ki today.

While Demonic energy and Mana were generated from the Soul, Ki was something that was similar to life essence and applied to enhance the body.

The best utilisation of Ki was full body reinforcement and enhancing physical capabilites, including the six senses, reaction timing, and mind to body communication.

The sixth sense was the ability to perceive the energies in the atmosphere and body, such as Mana, Ki, Demonic, Holy, and Divine energies.

Touki used by the Youkai and Ki could be mistaken for the same thing. Difference was, Touki could be used on both body and magic, while Ki focuses just on the body and the enhancement of the users life force.

"Maybe I should apply the time Stasis spell to the Domain as well." I thought and used the Mugen to slow the time of my Domain by three times compared to real world time.

Eventually, I ended up working out for Nine hours and would've continued to train more, if not the doorbell of the house had distracted my focus.

"What the hell is Shitori doing here?" I frowned when I detected her presence outside the house and deactivated my Domain.

I appeared back into my room, even when I had never left in the first place, and headed to the living room's corridor to answer the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked directly in an irritated tone.

"A-Alex.." Sona stuttered with a deep blush and shamefully pointed out at my chest, "You're naked."

Even her companion, Tsubaki had a red flush on her cheeks as she intensely stared at me.

"Oops." I voiced my concern and closed the door on her face.

After wearing my clothes, I opened the door again and asked the same question, "What the hell are you doing here?" Though, this time it sounded more clamer than the last time.

"You were absent at the school again." Sona stated by firmly meeting my eyes, "I heard what happened between Rias and you yesterday, but she seems to have forgotten to remind you to attend school."

"You're being stubborn, Kitagawa-san." Tsubaki remarked by adjusting her specs, "Not only are you missing essential education, your absence could also ruin your records."

"Believe it or not, I genuinely want you to attend the school." Sona sighed stressfully, "Please don't make things worse for me, Kitagawa-san."

"Then suspend me." I suggested nonchalantly and leaned on the doorframe by folding my hands, "It solves the problems for both of us."

"Listen, you." Sona grumbled with an irritated twitch on her eyebrow, "I will drag you to school with me if I have to."

"No, listen you." I argued by standing straight and taller above her, "Would you have gone out of your way if it was some other student, Matsuda for example?"

"I can expel Matsuda and the group right now, but their friendship with Issei Hyoudo protects them." Sona replied with an annoyed look, "I would've kicked them out in the first year itself, if not Rias had scouted that idiot."

"Is my guardian asking you to make me attend the school?" I questioned genuinely.

"Yes." Sona answered with a firm nod, "And you know that he's your father, so there's no need to pretend that it's some unknown guardian."

"I don't even know how my father looks like." I rationally argued back, "Why would I listen to him?"

"You want to know what your father looks like? Just stand in front of the mirror and lower your smug hairs down." Sona reprimanded, "That's somewhat how your father looks like!"

"And don't be so childish, I am fed up of you!" Sona scolded me by stepping forward and glaring into my eyes, "You know nothing about the things your father had to go through, and you don't realise what efforts he has made just to keep you alive!"

"You stubborn, arrogant, moron, prick!" Sona threw curses at me with an loud exclamation and grabbed my collar, "You are coming to school, and that's final." She threatened me in a calm tone.

In the intense moment of her emotional outburst, I couldn't help but lean forward and snatch her lips.

"K-Kaichou.." Tsubaki stuttered with her legs going weak as she saw her King get kissed by Alexander Kitagawa.

Our tongues stayed entangled for a long minute, before Sona pushed me away after coming back to her senses.

"I am going to kill you.." Sona declared by clenching her palms into solid fists and glared at me with a tearful expression.

"I don't believe that was the first time we-" She dashed forward in an inhuman speed and immediately sealed my mouth with her right hand palm.

Tsubaki stayed frozen on her spot, because she could easily predict what I was about to say, "Kaichou?" She gave her king a dazzled stare.

"Of course he's lying!" Sona defended her dignity by lying through her teeth, "He was the one who took my first kiss!" That was truth, "You saw it happen." Lie again.

"Kaichou, I think I should head back first." Tsubaki stated by shamefully lowering her face, "I remember we had a meeting with the Tennis Club Buchou today."

"Tsubaki..!" Sona helplessly called out, but Tsubaki did not turn around again.

"You had to.." Sona turned back to me with a devious glare, "Now what if she tells about today to Nee-sama?!"

"Nee-sama?" I curiously titled my head.

"You don't know." Sona realised and calmed down a little, "Let's talk inside." She moved ahead of me into the living room.

I closed the door behind me and shrugged as I followed her in. She was already sitting on the couch, so I sat opposite to her and crossed my legs.

"Why did you kiss me?" Sona questioned me with a death glare.

"That's obviously because I like you." I answered blatantly and atmosphere went quiet for a few seconds.

"Did I.. Did I hear you say..?"

"I am physically and emotionally attracted to you, Sona Shitori." I clarified with a smirk, "Is it really that big of a surprise?"

"It.. Is." Sona sighed and thought with a calculative expression, "Why?"

"You seem to be the only person to care about me after my mom's death." I replied honestly, "Not even the maid cared if I lived or died the next day, what she did was simply performing her duties."

"That maid is your stepmother, Alex." Sona informed me with a light frown, "She never got to have her own child, so obviously she holds you in contempt as you're the only and bastard son of her husband. Though, trust me, she's a kind person when you get to know her."

"I don't care." I snorted and looked away.

"So, Issei." Sona pointed out, "He told us what happened yesterday, also about your powers."

"I stopped time and beat the crap out of him for being a creep to my childhood friend." I replied with a frown, "So what?"

"Honestly, I think you did the right thing, but you could've gone easier on him." Sona replied genuinely, "And childhood friend, huh?" She gave me an intense stare, "Why haven't I heard of this before?"

"That's because she left the town when we were seven years old." I replied, "Her father was a priest and I was just an innocent fatherless boy. We became friends in the Kindergarten and spent most of the time together during those days."

"Then I am envious of her." Sona remarked with a giggle.

"If you express such cute emotions, I might have to kiss you again." I stated frankly as I was truly attracted to her smile.

"Do I get to hypnotise you like the old days?" Sona smirked mischievously and adjusted her specs with a shine to it.

"You can try?" I offered with a smug grin, "Or do you want me to defeat you in a game of chess again? Even if I was hypnotised, I remember we got naked once, just because you were curious about-"

"Let me stop you there." Sona stated with a deep blush, "And please, don't tell about it to others like you did in front of Tsubaki, it's embarrassing for me."

"Hm." I nodded in acknowledgment, "Though I won't promise."

"That's acceptable." Sona faked a cough with a flustered expression.

"By the way, if you are here, who is dealing with Irina and Xenovia back at school?" I asked curiously by raising an eyebrow, "Rias?"

"Provably." Sona sighed and stressfully shook her head, "I only hope your friend does not cause any trouble for us."

"I could say the same about yours." I pointed out accusingly, "Rias is no less when it comes to evoking a fight."

"Let's complain about each other's childhood friends." Sona suggested with a grin and crossed her feet atop the table, "Come to me, Alex."

"Oh, fuck off." I snorted and used my magic to levitate her off the couch and into my lap, "You're the one who has to come to me." I whispered by gently caressing her cheeks with my fingers.

"Y-You're only allowed to kiss me." Sona stuttered with a shy blush as she helplessly stared at my face.

"Oh, I already wanted to make babies though." I pouted with a dissappointed look and placed her down on the couch while staying on top of her, "Can I at least touch you?"

"T-Touch me." Sona gulped and shyly looked away.

I held her chin with my right hand and made her look into my eyes, before I leaned down and snatched her lips again. While kissing her, I unbuttoned her uniform's jacket and softly groped my palm and fingers on her breasts.

'Alex...!' The expression Sona made was so cute that I felt a tug on my chest.

Sona gasped a heavy breath as we separated from the kiss for a moment and she got on top of me, "You horny asshole.." She cursed irritatedly and took off her specs, before throwing them to the table, and leaned over while sitting on my crotch.

Sona knew I was aroused, yet she was willingly grinding herself to me.

After kissing for a while, I hugged her petite body frame within my arms and simply laid on the sofa together.

Sona was too embarrassed to say anything, while I was simply glad that she had accepted my feelings for her.

"Alex.." Sona whispered and lightly shook his shoulder, 'He's asleep.' She couldn't tell before because of the blindfold covering his eyes.

Sona somehow got out of his gentle grip and dressed herself properly again, "Are we a couple now?" She wondered as she picked up her specs from the table and wore it.

Sona looked at his sleeping figure on the sofa and sighed with mixed feelings in her chest, "No matter how much I try to deny it, I do love him." She confessed her emotions and gave up on thinking about the excuses.

By conjuring a white paper and pen, Sona wrote a note for him and left it on the table.

He could call her petty if he wanted to, but Sona was going to use all the weapons in her arsenal if it meant Alexander's own wellfare.

Though before leaving, Sona took out her smartphone and snapped a few hundred pics of him peacefully sleeping on the couch.