The news outlets had been busy unearthing the Pavlenko saga, maybe because they were hoping for an interview with Nikita or maybe because they genuinely wanted to know what actually happened that led them to this day.
They had gone to the Pavlenko company to get information, but they had come out empty.no one at the company wanted to talk about the tragedy. They all wanted everything to happen whenever Nikita wanted them to.
They respected him, not because he was their boss or the son of the great Pavlenko doctors, but because no one wanted to be on the wrong side of Nikita. They knew him as a man of very few words.
He usually dropped by at the company when he wasn't in the operating room, but that was only because he was checking in on the company and the state of it all. Since they were all doctors, their parents wanted Yuri to take care of the company, but Yuri was too stubborn.