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 I opened my eyes to a world, a world filled with mysterious creatures never seen by us 'humans'... We dragons were solitude creatures, but one day those humans which we ignored saw us as a threat, they saw many things and I always thought those insignificant creatures would destroy themselves but,they always seem to surprise us all.

They sought to destroy and exterminate our kind like they had done in the past to others before, so it began a great war fought not only between humans and dragons but other creatures,against and with us, the great war wiped out thousands of races....including mine and so I found out the true reason wasn't because we were threats but because they wanted our sacred items that we would have never given anyone and due to the fact that we didn't belong on earth it was much to say they wanted it to carry out experiments. 

 They turned some against us and those that remained also suffered the same fate as us leaving me as the sole survivor of my clan;

 We weren't from here, we ce from a different planet but due to some conflicts we left and decided to settle on this planet called 'Earth' because of how much mana it had, so it's no surprise at all. After the war the humans and their allies separated of course not without taking from the dead. I swore to kill every single one of them.

 Unfortunately they had another helper stronger than a young me she was called goddess Luna she knew I was the only survivor and so isolated me in a cave where I couldn't get out but anyways what could a young dragon like me do and due to my weak constitution I always had to hibernate and so I slept but it was enough for many things to change.....many.