


Alicia looked in shock, I mean who wouldn't her beloved child dead and her other child covered in blood, obviously from the other child.

 She pointed at me and yelled " You bastard, how could you do this to your own brother! My son how could you leave me! Stephen I always knew we should have gotten rid of him, because of his behaviour, but you didn't listen!!" 

I stared at her in dismay and thought about the times when she would look at me in a venomous way and always talked to Stephen about my future so impatiently, like she wanted me to leave so badly.

I stood up and started laughing "So that is how you felt about me, hah if you told me I would have left...you and your family" I muttered in anger, I gazed at her with fury " So why didn't you! Why keep me here and pretend like you cared about me!!!" I yelled out as tears almost spilled out of my eyes

"You were always jealous of him,weren't you! You were jealous because you couldn't be like him, as important as him, but let me tell you I never considered you my son! I have only one son and that is Adrian" she breathlessly said like it had been weighing her down all this time.

" But now you have taken my joy away" her voice resounded in the silent forest with self mockery.

I just stared at her blankly with no emotion, making her furious, she gave me a hard slap on my face making it swollen, I glared at her in hatred 

Stephen picked up my brother's body before proceeding to say "you are no longer me child" then walked away with the two following him

I was all alone like before

 After a while it started raining "such a coincidence, rain, hah the heavens have spoken" I laughed "I never considered any of you my parents in the first place after all my parents were killed by your kind"

*P.S: his parents were dragons killed in the great war.

I went back home, which I knew was a bad idea but thinking about it I had nowhere to go to. They stood there looking at me with malice, what was I expecting from people who didn't like me for a long time.

She was still crying, with her husband patting her back, she glanced outside and when it fully clicked I was the one, her expression changed to fury, she ran towards me and dragged me inside the house, towards a room and locked me inside the room 

Her last words being " You'll stay here forever"

I looked around and noticed I was in the storage room. It was humid and big, there was no place I couldn't sleep, but no place to clean myself, and the only significant thing I saw was the wooden doll Stephen got for me, but never used.

I sat down on the ground after wringing me clothes, they were still wet, but it will dry eventually. I looked around but found almost nothing, I was looking for " this was probably the furniture storage room" 

They didn't come in to check up on me like bad people do to their....um victims! Yes,victims. At first a week, then two, then a month. I heard noises and voices from people offering their condolences and cursing me, even her parents came and I never saw them once, even when I was born, but they only saw my younger brother and sometimes he used to stay over at their place. 

As for my father's parents that is unknown as they never once mentioned them and there is nothing as a memoir.

After being here for a month I was hungry, but I know they won't care, it's not like they have, I was always on a diet and could never eat what others were eating, even my brother could eat them and plus I only ate what was available and not much was ever made available for me, as they ate outside. With me not eating much I was quite skinny making even my brother my height.

' Why should I dwell on it, I'm used to being alone' I thought, I decided to take a nap after being awake for so long, not even that deep into sleep I heard the door open and soon enough I was awoken by something wet being poured on me, the woman put a plate of raw meat, probably freshly killed because there was blood still leaking out , "This is the only food you are getting this week, as for the other weeks I will still think about whether you deserve it or not"

She out down an old piece of cloth and a bucket, and proceeded to leave and locked the door once again.

I pushed the meat aside and walked towards the wooden doll and noticed it was powered by an advanced tier crystal, I continued inspecting the doll.

A few hours later the woman came back, unsurprisingly she walked towards me, and dragged me to where the meat was, before proceeding to pick the meat and shove it in my mouth, she pressed my neck almost suffocating me just so I could swallow the meat, I choked on the meat as the meat was too big to pass 

I choked on it, but all she did was say " You better swallow it, else I won't give you anything to eat for a very long time" as soon as she said that, she let go of my neck, I spat out what I couldn't bite into smaller pieces which was almost 90 percent of it, making her mad, before she smacked me making hit my head on the floor loudly with a thud before leaving.

'why did I have to have such a body, if only I was stronger or else why would I be at the mercy of humans!' I held my head which was bleeding and took the cloth and pressed dit against my head

I knelt down near the bucket and vomited all the content of my stomach which was just gastric juices and the meat that hadn't digested into the bucket " Disgusting" I said to myself 

Beforehand I had searched again for secret passages but none was found.

Sighing, I stared at the crystal remembering the information I acquired before 

There were portals that mysteriously started opening around 50 years ago in different places around the world led to different planets that they haven't discovered or come across yet. They were full of different creatures like mystical beasts like chimeras, goblins, mutant creatures and species of things that outright look ugly and disgusting...that don't exist here again because the mana is trash here now.

  I still feel a conspiracy in this, how did they mana here suddenly disappear and how did all the mystics beast disappear, and even if the humans destroyed them why is there no trace of the. Existing, that I couldn't put my finger on it.

I also didn't feel surprised when I first learned it, because it wasn't so different back then.

They are classified according to danger, strength and intelligence, but the general classification is:

Basic tier

Intermediate tier

Advanced tier

Legendary tier

Demi-god tier

Demon tier

Saint tier

The saint their being the highest, according to research most of them are intelligent and their strength being unrivalled and according to research there are even some that can transform into humanoids and a rumor saying that if their intelligence reaches a certain limit they could transform to actual humans and they are also adept in many languages.

The first saint tier beast took almost up to thirty S-ranks,A-ranks and B-ranks together, to kill and took a total of six years to refine it, in order to make a weapon from it and later another ten years to kill another Saint tier beast.

Weapons and armors could be made from the beast cores, they drop and they also use their bodies(not leaving anything behind such disrespect!) According to those beast the cores are their life essence.

The portals were also graded according to the colour that shows up:

Blue:safe or normal

Purple: mid

Red: Danger only for B-ranks and above

Some other colours need immediate action as there have been cases of that happening before and it also doesn't mean all blue coloured portals are safe, just the atmosphere and inhabitants are not that dangerous.

Using the portals as a get-to station they set up transporters on the planets they have explored and made bases for easier traveling and identification so the portals are still there but they are sealed off from people, and due to the fact that the portals have severe side-effects, so not just anyone can go.

The government put guilds in charge of the portals, only registered guild members or travellers can go to the stations. Top guilds are treated like gold, but I won't forget those secret families; they are also put in charge of some important things but no one knows what exactly as it is too secret.

My father...I mean Stephen is a traveller, A rank I must say, so he was pretty popular as sometimes he used to take government missions and always come back successfully

During the time I was kept locked up, some emergency or the other arose, but I simply ignored it like it wasn't me business. Then later I found out, Stephen got infected by some diseases and the people he went with on the mission;so they were kept in a facility.

Due to that she wasn't around much and I also didn't get food since that day, so it didn't matter if someone was to offer me poisoned food I would down right eat it. I looked at that doll everyday making me remember I used to practice some basic punches and kicks and I also learnt self defence.

It made me remember when I was sick, and Alicia forced me outside in the snow to complete my training all the while complaining that I was pretending to be sick and was too lazy to do it, I was three at that time If I recall well

"Tsk, I shouldn't allow these humans to treat me badly" I glanced at the doll before deciding to use the doll to train

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hyacinth_4creators' thoughts