
the Realm of Talomét

A prophecy here, a little chaos there. Add some ruins and reincarnates. Everything will be fine, right? Currently on brief hiatus. Updates here and AO3 on Sundays (US EST).

tysaembir · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

6 - Fluid

The man smiled and bowed his head slightly. "Well, Suni, my name is Danann Mahon. Nice to make your acquaintance."

Noemi raised her eyebrow. "Likewise," she said after a moment. She could feel the drink making its way through her system, heightening all her senses and slowly loosening her up. The music in the pub had changed to something more upbeat, and some people had moved to dance. Danann ordered a refill on his drink from earlier, and Noemi tried not to stare openly at him. "You, ah, you come here often?" she asked.

A thick eyebrow went up in question. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Danann asked, reaching for his glass once it was refilled and taking a swig. Noemi grinned and tilted her head to the side coyly.

"So far, to my knowledge, you have yet to ask me a single thing."

His dark amber eyes danced in excitement as he regarded her statement.

"Right you are…"

Noemi smiled into her glass, drinking more of her Audisiac and feeling a bit of an adrenaline rush. This is still only one glass…and already I'm starting to feel the effects. Then again, it has been some time since I've had any Talomét drinks. Mundane alcohol can't even compare when it comes to our stuff. She turned on her stool and leaned back against the bar, crossing her legs and smiling. I said I would keep a low profile when I came back... She glanced at Danann, who had just set down his glass and smiled back at her. Maybe he lives in this city.

Danann leaned in to whisper to her. "Do you want to dance?"

Her smile grew, and she wiggled her fingers at her side. "Do you know how to dance?" Noemi countered, issuing her challenge as she finished her glass and slid off her stool to her feet. Looking up at him, she noticed that she was a head and a half shorter than him. She made her way over to the little dance floor on the other side of the pub, feeling Danann's eyes on her as he followed suit. Other people around them were already dancing to the music. Noemi stopped in the middle of the small crowd and faced him, moving her hips to the beat.

Noemi tried to keep the smug grin from forming when Danann joined her in the dance, matching her rhythm and moving to the same beat.

It then became a sort of competition between the two: the fluidity of their movements were so synchronized, other patrons to the pub would have thought they'd choreographed the entire thing. Noemi raised her wrists above her head, curling and winding her body like that of a belly dancer, her blood racing with adrenaline and Audisiac. Danann swayed his hips in response, countering each move she made with a sensual move of his own. She could see faintly his veins and, in her mind's eye, she could see the blood as it traveled through him. They drew closer and closer until they were pressed up against each other, ending the dance (and song) with their palms pressed together on either side of their faces and slowly drawing down to their sides, still together. Her amber eyes held his darker amber ones as applause erupted around them, neither of them paying attention to it.

Every one of her senses felt like they were zeroed in on Danann, and Noemi couldn't figure out why—but she didn't complain about it either. It took a huge amount of self-restraint on her part to take a step back and bow in acknowledgment of his dancing and to walk off the dance floor.