
The Real Legend of Ace

“Ye Muchen, you can either be a coach for your team or play with them.” Ye Muchen, a professional e-gamer, was known for his outstanding skills in the game ‘Legend of Ace’. He had changed his name to Ye Mucheng because he did not want his fans to know his real name. He was the leader of one of the best e-gaming teams, team SNFX. His boss or the head of the building, Yang Mingze, had replaced Muchen with a controversial player who was kicked out of his own team due to dating scandals. Handing in the resignation letter, he walked out leaving his best friend alone, but kept in touch with her. Walking down the streets, he found ‘Merry Internet Cafe’. There, Ye Muchen found a job as an Internet Cafe Manager. Playing anonymously, he met a fan who gave ideas to his idol. “My own team sounds nice, but how?” Read on to find out! Note: This book is inspired by the Chinese TV show ‘The King’s Avatar”.

Dinwrites_0713 · Du hí
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17 Chs

The Truth

"Hey it's me." Said Ye Muchen over the phone. "Me, who?" Asked someone on the phone. "Sorry. Who is this?"

"Your mom." Replied Ye Muchen. "It's me. Ye Muchen." "Oh. You could have said that." Replied the man from the call. "Huang Ming, come to the internet cafè today. I will send you the details." Said Muchen.

Ye Muchen hung up before Ming could say anything. He got up from his bed, brushed, had a bath and he went upstairs to work. Muchen reached the ground floor of the internet cafè and walked towards Mei na, who was at the counter.

"Boss, I need some time off." Said Ye Muchen. "Are you blind? I am with a customer right now." Said Mei na.

"It's urgent. Just say yes or no. 4 pm to 6 pm." Ye Muchen leaned on the counter.

"Fine. Now go." Said Mei na irritatedly. Ye Muchen then, went behind the counter and sat down on an office chair with his phone out and searching for some things. While searching, he thought to himself, "Should I call Li Huan? Maybe I could go through with my plan along with her."

"Or should I call Huang Ming first? Maybe I will just text him and call Li Hu." He then texted Huang Ming and called Li Huan.

[Li Huan: Hey, what's up?"]

[Ye Muchen: Supp, I wanted to ask you something, but not over phone. Can you come over to Happy Internet Cafè at 4pm?]

[Li Huan: Sure, but why?]

[Ye Muchen: I found this guy who is a huge fan of mine. Just come over, I will tell you later.]

"Hey boss." Said Ye Muchen to Mei na. "What? Can't you just shut your mouth?" Mei na replied angrily and threw a rag on her employee, Muchen. "I was just wondering, if you knew how to play Legend of Ace?"

"No. I once had tried playing but I failed miserably. I lost every round I played and got one shot to death everytime a player hit me." Replied Mei na. Ye Muchen wanted to laugh so hard but figured[1], if he laughed at her he would have been fired.

Just to make sure his boss Mei na was not lying, he asked her, "Which lane did you play in?" Mei na turned around facing Ye Muchen in a confused face and said, "Lane? What lane?"

Mei na's answer almost made Ye Muchen choke on his own saliva and ask her another another question. "Did you farm the minions to level up?"

"Farm the what? What are you saying?" Mei na was so confused that she did not even try making her face less obvious that she was sincerely confused.

"It's okay. Continue working." Said Ye Muchen and he strolled over to a desktop at the counter and put his phone down. Suddenly, someone entered Happy Internet Cafè screaming, "MY MASTER I HAVE COME! WHERE ARE YOU MY MASTER?"

Just as the person screaming came in visual sight of the people in the internet cafè, they all turned their heads around at that crazy man screaming. The man was flustered by the people staring at him and he just stood there.

The man looked around and saw Ye Muchen. He ran towards Ye Muchen like crazy screaming, "MASTER! I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE. YOU MESSAGED ME TO COME TODAY, DIDN'T YOU?"

"Yeah, at 4 pm Huang Ming." Said Ye Muchen. "Why were you screaming? Are you crazy? It's not even 1 pm." Shrieked Ye Muchen.

"Master, I had no work to do. So, I came early. " Said Huang Ming. Ye Muchen was speechless and said, "Ju-just sit and play or something."

Huang Ming happily ran over to a computer and started playing. Ye Muchen let out a deep sigh.

"Ye Muchen." Mei na called him. "Yes boss?" He answered. "I am closing the cafè today since I have to go out for some work and my assistant has a family emergency. You can't manage the cafè on your own, so I am closing it." Explained Mei na.

"Okay. Bye." Replied Ye Muchen. "Are you serious? Did you just say bye?" Said Mei na angrily. "What was I supposed to say? Should I be crying right now?"

Mei na scoffed and she barged out of the cafè, causing the door to bang. Ye Muchen slightly chuckled and stood up silently. "Huang Ming, where do you work?" Asked Ye Muchen.

"Work? I don't have a job, but my dream is to be a professional e-gamer, just like you. Except, I don't want to be kicked out like you." Said Huang Ming.

"Kicked out? E-gamer like me?" Questioned Ye Muchen. He was shocked to hear Huang Ming say this. His eyes widened.

"Oops." Said Ming and his left eye twitched. "Why did you say that?" Asked Ye Muchen and he walked towards Huang Ming. "Okay, fine. I know you are Ye Mucheng. You just changed your name by removing the letter "G" from your name." Said Ming.

"I was not kicked out! I simply left the team." Explained Ye Muchen. "Also, my name is Ye Muchen. I just added the letter "G" in my name so nobody would know my real name, except my teammates." He added.

"Chill, I won't tell anyone. By the way, you said one of your friends was coming?" Said Huang Ming. "Yeah. Li Huan. I thought of an idea I need to go through both of you." Said Muchen.

"Wait. Li Huan, as in SNFX'S Li Huan?????" Said Ming with with his eyes widened. Ye Muchen Answered by nodding his head. "She will come in a few minutes. She has some training going on with the team." Said Muchen.

"Cool! This is so exciting. I get to see two of the most famous gamers." Said Huang Ming excitedly.

"Don't you dare say anything stupid to her. Just introduce yourself and that's it. Do not do suspicious talks or things." Ye Muchen warned Ming.

"Okay, as you wish Master." Replied Huang Ming. "Can you please for God's sake call me Ye Muchen and not "Master?"


[1] Figured- Here, realised.

How is the book so far? I wrote atleast +1k words in every chapter. i have improved a lot since my first book, "Good Hunter". I would love to have the same support on this book and if you enjoyed so far, make sure to leave a comment or a review.

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