Born of the wastelands, Spheris Arnadel, a young skilled thief, finds himself subject to a twist of fate when he steals a powerful relic and becomes a Bearer — humans gifted with powers from the Gods. As a punishment for his theft, he is cast into an otherworldly realm alongside other Bearers, where he faces off against monstrous beasts and powerful enemies. Yet, in his determination to return to the Continent and save his dying mother, Spheris is hell-bent on surviving the abyssal world. Even if it means giving his body to the Dark God whose powers he had stolen... even if it means losing all of his humanity.
"There he is!" someone yelled.
"It's The Raven Thief!" another cried. A loud eruption tore in the Dome's atmosphere as the crowd began to clamor once again.
"What?" Spheris gazed to the crowd, confused. They seemed to be cheering for him. He stared at the multitude of people, and most of them seemed to be applauding him, crying 'The Raven Thief!' at the top of their voices.
"Ah, you didn't know?" Bellunder smiled, noticing Spheris's stunned gaze. "You seem to have begun some sort of revolution after word got out that you stole Obsidian's Essence."
"There are Heathians here," Spheris uttered in disbelief.
"Yes. The High Magus gave the order to allow Heathians to attend the Ceremony for the first time in history." Bellunder then placed his hand on his shoulder. "Do you hear that, Spheris? No matter what happens, you've already made history. This all happened because you had the guts to steal from me. I do not condone such acts of course, but I give credit... where it is due."
Spheris continued to gaze at the crowd. Lost for words.
"Hey, that's the Heathian kid whose bird attacked me in the market!" a voice in the crowd cried.
Of course not all the people were cheering for him, but he didn't care about the rest. It was the first time he'd felt encouragement from other people, and he wanted to savor it.
"People of the Continent!" the emphatic voice of High Meister Gavryndor roared through the Dome, silencing everyone. "We are gathered here, once again after twenty-five years to send off our Representatives, the Avatars of our Celestials into their conquest in the Abyss."
Spheris finally shifted his gaze to the Magus, who was standing on an elevated podium. Beside him was Meister Grengo and on the other side was Merisset. She gave Spheris a mischievous smile and waved her fingers, Spheris didn't think waving back would be a good idea.
"This Ceremony feels a bit different than the rest. Yes, they are a few obvious changes, but I have an inclination that we are finally going to have a true winner this year! A champion who will bring forth blessings from every Celestial to their realm!"
The crowd cheered excitedly.
"Nero Karterug, son of Duke Nerbus Karterug of the Fifth Wing, Avatar of Glacius!"
Nero raised his hand proudly, as the Fifth Wing section all cheered.
"Akemi Nagata, daughter of Duke Shenga Nagata of the Fourth Wing, Avatar of Atomos!"
Akemi remained still, as expected, but the Fourth Wing section still cheered her on.
"Cerene Mauldyrie, daughter of Duke Syron Mauldyrie of the Third Wing, Avatar of Atlant!"
Cerene stepped forward and bowed, the crowd cheering her on proudly.
"Thorin Dames, son of Duke Dathred Dames of the Second Wing, Avatar of Helios!"
Thorin only smiled assuredly as his people cheered with even more vigor than the other wings.
"And Spheris Arnadel, taking the place of Bastopher Bellunder, son of Duke Dornis Bellunder of the First Wing, Avatar of Obsidian!"
It was different in Spheris's turn, the First Wing section cheered for him, including members from other sections as well. The Heathians had no section of their own, so they were everywhere, crying as chants of 'The Raven Thief' echoed the building.
Hearing it, it still hadn't sunk in for Spheris. His reserved, calm demeanor had slowly faded away and he was left astonished, different emotions threatening to overwhelm him and he didn't even bother to hold them back.
"It takes someone special to create a moment like this," Bellunder said to him. "You have shown everyone a truth that some of us have refused to accept. That there are no Heathians and Gentlefolks, just citizens of the Continent. And no matter what part of the realm you are from, you can do anything."
Spheris finally lowered his gaze. "So you are not angry at all...? At me? At all of this?"
"Hmph," Bellunder grunted a laugh. "I have learnt to accept change in the hard way. Hah! Some of the other Dukes even believe that I orchestrated this whole thing myself."
This raised Spheris's eyebrows, as he remembered High Meister Gavryndor's visit and the things he had told him.
"Now we await the signs from our Gods, the Celestials!" Gavryndor declared. "Each sigil of each Wing will glow, as a sign that the Celestial of that Wing approves of their Avatar and for the Convergence to begin."
The Third Wing's sigil immediately glowed, a ringing sound coming with it. The Second Wing's sigil glowed next, and then the fourth. Each time a sigil glowed, the audience in the section would cheer loudly.
The Fifth Wing's sigil was the next to glow and the audience went loud once more. Then, they all waited for the First Wing's sigil to glow.
Seconds past and it was yet to. Murmurings echoed in the Dome and Spheris could feel the air shifting, the tension becoming morbid. Atlant had given his approval, so had Helios, Glacius and Atomos. What was Obsidian doing?
Was this another of his sleights? Perhaps the final one — to disgrace Spheris in front of the entire Continent by not approving him as his Avatar?
What would happen next if he didn't? Would he be imprisoned? Beheaded? Or maybe even stoned to death in the spot by the audience knowing that Obsidian would not punish them.
As Spheris waited, his eyes darted around the Dome. He could tell what the others were thinking. Everyone of them, through the look in their eyes. Cerene, Nero, Meister Grengo, even the High Magus.
Some of them bore a little worry, while others, Nero for example, were full of glee.
"I knew he was an abomination!" someone yelled in the crowd. The voices slowly became louder and Spheris could feel the angry Gentlefolks gain more momentum. It was like the entire crowd were turning on him.
"Stay calm, Spheris," Bellunder whispered an assurance. "You are Obsidian's Temple. His Chosen Avatar. If you are not, fate would not have allowed it."
The bell rang. The First Wing's Sigil glowed.
Everyone fell silent.
Spheris was approved by Obsidian.
And the crowd cheered once again.
As much as he tried to conceal it, a flush of relief streamed through his body, and he felt his breathing become lighter.
"The Celestials have spoken!" Gavryndor apprised. "These are your annointed Avatars representing every Wing of the Continent! May the Convergence begin."
Spheris glanced back at Bellunder, a glint in his eyes that signalled at gratitude for his support. A gratitude that he didn't mean to show.
"As I said," Bellunder nodded. "Fate."
He then slowly stepped back, causing Spheris to frown in uncertainty. He gazed around and saw that the other Dukes were doing the same. Something was happening.
The atmosphere suddenly shifted, in a way that certainly wasn't ordinary. Spheris felt his hair stand. A chilling wind swept through the Dome, carrying with it a sense of foreboding.
The sky darkened ominously, as if the very heavens were bracing for what was to come. And before Spheris could gather what was happening, he saw Meister Grengo ascend into the air, a green magical force carrying him weightlessly.
The Summoner Mage stretched forth his hand strategically and yelled a Spell. "Avyāhṛtaṁ antaḥsthānaṁ pradīptaya!"
A thunderous crackle echoed across the sky and right before Spheris and the other Avatars, just above the stage, the fabric of reality itself seemed to tear asunder, revealing a reddish portal beyond—a Bridge.
"Step forth into the Abyss, Young Bearers!" The High Magus said. "Your conquest has begun."
With the wind whipping against their faces, the Avatars approached the portal, taking careful hesitant steps as the crowd cheered them on.
Spheris could feel his heart racing with fear and yet, some determination, knowing that there was no turning back now. Whatever waited him inside that dark world, he would have to face it.
He glanced at the High Magus who stretched forth his hand and a black birdlike figure flew into the stage. A glimmer of surprise shone in Spheris's eyes.
Was that...? Talon!
The bird cawed loudly, happy to be reunited with Spheris as he perched on his shoulder. "Talon? Where did he find you... How is mother?"
Talon cawed in reply.
The answer seemed satisfying enough for Spheris as he looked up at the High Magus again, this time with gratitude that was intended, and he received a solemn nod in return.
"Go into the circle, lad!" Grengo demanded. "I can not hold this Bridge for much longer."
With Talon perched on his shoulder, Spheris joined the rest of the Avatars at the center of the stage.
And as the Bridge slowly descended on them, everything seemed to be coming to an end for Spheris. He didn't know why. He took a final glance at Bellunder, at the High Magus and at Merisset. Was this the very last time he would see those faces?
"Hey?" he heard Cerene's epicene voice whisper to him. "Don't be afraid. We're gonna make it."
Spheris didn't reply, he only lowered his gaze away from her. There could be only one winner, so he could not trust her words.
But before another thought graced his head, the portal enveloped them.
And Spheris heard silence. Felt it.
They were no longer in the Dome, or in the Continent.
The Abyss was all.