
The Raiders of the Two Dimensional Life

Mengapa menjadi seperti ini? Untuk pertama kalinya, saya memiliki kehidupan santai yang saya nantikan, dan saya memiliki orang yang saya cintai di sisi saya. Dua hal bahagia seharusnya tumpang tindih, tetapi waktu telah jatuh ke dalam reinkarnasi yang tak terbatas. Itu terus berulang setelah lulus dari sekolah menengah, waktunya terbalik. Kembali ke siklus dari sebulan yang lalu. Pada saat ini, iblis datang ke sisi Su Ye dan mengatakan kepadanya, "Ini adalah dewa yang menyetujui permintaan seorang gadis. Jika kamu tidak menyerangnya, waktu akan selalu berputar seperti ini. " Siapa dia?" "Aku tidak tahu."

Wulan_Apriyani_0925 · Võ hiệp
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17 Chs

Chapter 6 Amazing Transformation

Xia Xiaowei's opponent was a girl. In general, the girl's strength was weak, so her opponent was basically a girl. Except for a monster like Ayumi Minami, it was basically impossible to have a group of men and women.

At this moment, Xia Xiaowei glanced at Su Ye worriedly. Every time Su Ye and Shui Ayumi played against each other, Su Ye was beaten.

Are you worried about your lover?" The girl who trained with Xia Xiaowei, followed her gaze to the side of Su Ye, and asked with a smile.

"Not that !!" Xia Xiaowei's cheeks turned red, she glared at the girl and said, "Sister is shaking, don't talk nonsense, I am not that kind of relationship with her"

"Then do you want to have such a relationship?" Mei Dou's nickname is because she works in a coffee shop waitress, and over time she becomes the most popular waitress in the shop. The maid was Mei Dou and was taken far away. nicknames like that. He didn't care about such a nickname, and was more curious about Xia Xiaowei's current thoughts.

"If you speak nonsense again, I will be merciless," Xia Xiaowei said with a flushed face and raised her fist.

Mei Shao was threatened and felt helpless. He couldn't beat Xia Xiaowei, so he could only compromise, nodded and said, "Okay, okay, okay, I won't talk about it."

As soon as the words fell, the little sister couldn't help it, and said again: "But if you don't take the initiative, he will never understand your thoughts."

"You're still saying it!" Xia Xiaowei said angrily after being harassed repeatedly.

Su Ye and Ayumi Minami stood still.

Ayumi Minami looked at Su Ye, did not act immediately, but said: "I always feel that there is something wrong with you today, and I don't know why, it gives you confidence and makes you feel that you have a chance to be able to beat me."

Facing Ayumi's provocation, Su Ye was not angry, but smiled and said, "Whether you can win, you will know after the match."

"Okay." Ayumi Minami smiled disapprovingly.

The martial arts battle in this world, before entering the profession, although there is a gap, it is not very big.

School martial arts teaching is all about the basics, with no secret skills or the like, just simple practice moves and a set of explosive skills. Student confrontations are based solely on personal understanding and experience, more often depending on who is stronger on both sides before determining the winner.

Although Ayumi Minami was strong, she was only strong in her physical fitness and fighting talent. If Su Ye wanted to win, he had to make some decisions.

Thinking of this, Su Ye immediately attacked.

Ayumi Minami looked at Su Ye's attack in surprise. The duel between the two was usually Su Ye's defense. He came to attack, and Su Ye rarely attacked first.

However, this didn't make Ayumi Minami panic, Su Ye, who was attacking in a hurry, was full of blemishes in his eyes and vulnerable to a single hit.

Su Ye wanted to strike Ayumi Minami's shoulder first, but Ayumi Minami just dodged, and with a flick of her hand, she immediately grabbed Su Ye's chest, completely ignoring the fact that she had opened the door.

Ayumi Minami's idea is very simple, just use a quick and powerful punch to beat Su Ye neatly, as usual, a matter of defense? He couldn't believe that under such an attack, Su Ye still had the strength to resist!

Although these moves are simple and crude, they are usually very effective. As the saying goes, the best defense is attack. Even against the same rank, no big deal.

But today's Su Ye was different from the past. Since his move failed, he understood Ayumi Shui's next plan. With his legs steady, he dodged Ayumi's punch and headed towards Ayumi on the water. Body lump!

Ayumi Minami didn't expect her punch to be so easily dodged. Su Ye seemed to know it beforehand, immediately dodged, and then immediately fought back. He just wanted to hold on, but it was too late. Su Ye had already crashed.


Su Ye's looks directly caused Ayumi Shui to sit on the ground, and she couldn't even stand up for a while, Seeing this, Su Ye did not continue to attack.

Victory and defeat.

Ayumi Minami looked at Su Ye in disbelief, as if she didn't know him anymore, she just counterattacked at that moment, as if she had already anticipated her next move, when did this person become so strong! And the power is much greater than before!

Thinking of this, Shui Ayumi couldn't help but think, Su Ye attacked directly at first, and the appearance that was full of flaws and prone to one hit was also a disguise.

"I lose." Minami Ayumi said after a moment of silence.

From the time they formed dueling practice opponents to the present, the two had played against each other for over 100 matches. Each time, Ayumi Minami easily crushed him. Su Ye didn't even have a chance to hit a backhand. It was only a few days away from the practice of the last duel, but now Su Ye had completely outdone himself. Why did this person have such a big change? For a time, Ayumi Minami was filled with doubts.

The results of the victory and defeat here also surprised many people. Ayumi Minami is famous for her ferocity throughout the school. Only the head of the martial arts department and the head of the judo department could easily defeat him. However, the current Su Ye who wasn't even a rank amateur, actually defeated Ayumi Minami.

Unknowingly, Su Ye had grown to such a level.

"Win?" Not far from Su Ye, Xia Xiaowei, who was very embarrassed, defeated her sister in an instant, then looked at Su Ye with worry, and suddenly saw Su Ye knock Shui Ayumi to the ground. In this picture, for a while, I couldn't believe my eyes.

When Ayumi Minami said that I lost, Xia Xiaowei realized that Su Ye actually won!

Not only were the students shocked, but even Coach Dongyun, who was checking the students' practice, was dumbfounded at this scene and was silent for a while.

I read it right, Su Ye really won!"

"You read it right, you really won!"

"When did this person become so strong!"

"Having enlightenment?"

"What? Su Ye won over Ayumi on the water?"

After Su Ye won over Ayumi Minami, the discussion around him gradually sounded. Obviously, the commotion caused by Ayumi Minami's big defeat shouldn't be too big.

I really won. To be honest, Su Ye didn't expect him to win so easily. Even if he thought that he had a chance to win, there were more chances under Ayumi Shui, but he actually won. After that, I still can't believe it.

But isn't that too flashy? Su Ye thought helplessly, and reached out to Ayumi Minami, trying to pull her up.

Ayumi Minami glared at Su Ye, did not grab Su Ye's outstretched palm, but opened it directly, then stood up on her own, turned around and left the martial arts hall.

Su Ye looked behind Shui Ayumi and knew that her pride was unbearable. She has always been so strong, but she also has a fragile side, but her mind is right, she is just a little girl who has not grown up. Thinking of this, he hurriedly gave chase.

"Hello" Su Ye called Ayumi Minami.

Ayumi Minami paused, glanced at Su Ye, and asked lightly, "What are you doing?"

"Bet, don't forget, you are fully responsible for today's task." Su Ye said with a smile.

Ayumi Minami was stunned for a moment, she thought Su Ye was after her to cheer herself up, but she didn't want to remind her of the bet, she couldn't help but snort and said with a cold face, "I won. Don't forget it!"

Then he left angrily.

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