
The Raiders of the Two Dimensional Life

Mengapa menjadi seperti ini? Untuk pertama kalinya, saya memiliki kehidupan santai yang saya nantikan, dan saya memiliki orang yang saya cintai di sisi saya. Dua hal bahagia seharusnya tumpang tindih, tetapi waktu telah jatuh ke dalam reinkarnasi yang tak terbatas. Itu terus berulang setelah lulus dari sekolah menengah, waktunya terbalik. Kembali ke siklus dari sebulan yang lalu. Pada saat ini, iblis datang ke sisi Su Ye dan mengatakan kepadanya, "Ini adalah dewa yang menyetujui permintaan seorang gadis. Jika kamu tidak menyerangnya, waktu akan selalu berputar seperti ini. " Siapa dia?" "Aku tidak tahu."

Wulan_Apriyani_0925 · Võ hiệp
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17 Chs

Chapter 13 The Change

Just when Su Ye was in class, Ayumi Minami came to the activity room of the track and field department. No new network pop-up.

Ayumi Minami put down her school bag, then walked into the girls' changing room, took off her uniform, and put on her gym clothes.

At this moment Matsuhara, Ayumi Minami's student, had just entered.

When Matsubara saw Ayumi Minami, he immediately greeted: "Good morning, senior!"

"Oh, good morning." Ayumi Minami nodded and was about to leave when she suddenly remembered something and stopped.

This junior high school girl surnamed Songyuan has a gentle personality, is very careful, and is very popular in the athletic club. The only unfortunate thing is that his physical strength is not good, so he is only suitable to be a club manager, not a minister, otherwise Ayumi Minami will definitely leave the ministerial seat to him, so I will be more comfortable.

Matsubara also started to change clothes, but noticing Ayumi Minami's movements, stopped and asked strangely, "Brother? Is something wrong?"

Ayumi Minami didn't know how to speak, she was a bit confused for a while, but she finally asked, "That's it... Songyuan, look, is there a difference between me today and yesterday?"

"Ah?" Song Yuan was stunned for a moment, and carefully observed his favorite senior. After a while, he was still a little confused, and he couldn't find the difference between senior and yesterday.

In the end, Songyuan hesitated for a while, but still asked, "Brother... Today is much prettier than yesterday!"

"Pfft... What is this, I'm not asking you to compliment me, I'm just asking, you never think that I'm different from yesterday?" Listening to Songyuan's praise, Ayumi Minami was stunned for a moment, trembling. He shook his head and said.

"Is that so? I don't think there is any difference between Senior Brother today and yesterday, Senior Brother why are you asking this?" Song Yuan asked a little strangely.

"So." Ayumi Minami heard this, her mood was a bit smooth, she nodded and said.

"What is the difference between Senior Brother and yesterday?" Song Yuan asked curiously.

Ayumi Minami pointed to her headband and said, "I got a new headband."

"Hey, if you look closely, it seems very different, but this one is almost the same as before. Senior Brother, you suddenly said this, how could I see it!"

"It's nothing, I'm just saying this, you change clothes, I'm out to warm up." Ayumi Minami said this and left the changing room.

Ayumi Shui, who left the dressing room, looked a little strange. Even a very considerate schoolgirl couldn't see the difference under her own impulse, and why was Su Ye able to see at a glance that she had changed into a new one. headband?

Ayumi Minami didn't think much, she shook her head, pushed a lot of thoughts out of her mind, and started to warm up.

The track and field department's morning practice went on as usual.

As usual, Ayumi Minami is like a dazzling star in the athletics club, really eye-catching.

After warming up, Ayumi Minami did a 400 meter sprint.

Like before, it was Ayumi who attracted a lot of attention. But after the sprint, the faces of several students in the athletics department couldn't help but look a little strange.

Even though it was only morning practice, when I just ran, someone was still counting it.

400 meters takes 60 seconds, one full minute.

To some people who don't exercise much, such a result may feel overwhelming and unattainable, but in the track and field department, this is a very - very low result!

Even Matsubara, the club manager of the logistics team, was able to achieve this result with minimal effort.

In the past, Ayumi Minami was a monster that could easily run within fifty seconds.

In track and field sports, a one second difference is a world difference, not to mention that Ayumi is actually ten seconds slower this time.

The minister's condition was not good, all members of the track and field department were clearly aware of this.

Those days, all members of the track and field department clearly felt that the minister's speed was much slower.

But they really didn't expect that the Minister of Waters would achieve such a result, and they couldn't help but stare at each other for a while.

Songyuan looked at Ayumi Minami who had finished running with a little worry, and said with a little worry: "Of course, that's the reason for the recurrence of the old injury..."

After running 400 meters, Ayumi was slightly panting, frowning, and feeling a little uneasy. Lately, the condition has gotten worse, the glide is too clear, and members of the track and field department feel it. When he arrived, of course he had already noticed.

This was also the main reason why he was in a bad mood lately.

"Minister, you should rest for a few days." At this time, Matsukata came to Ayumi Minami and spoke. In private, he called Minami Ayumi senior, but in public, he was called minister.

"It's fine… I'll be back in shape soon." Minami Ayumi shook her head and said.

"Okay..." Songyuan hesitated a little and wanted to say something, but in the end he sighed slightly and closed his mouth. He knew the athletic club situation very well. If Ayumi rested for a few days, a big mess would definitely ensue.

At this time, there was no one in the class, but Su Ye understood that someone would be coming soon, and there wasn't much time left to talk with his classmates tonight.

After the exchange, Su Ye discovered that Dusk Xizi was unexpectedly far from understanding.

In his previous life, Su Ye liked to write things on the Internet. He is considered an Internet writer. Although he is on the road, he also has some experience.

After hesitating for a while, Su Ye still asked, "How much do you know, classmate at night, do you also write?"

"Ah?" Dusk Xizi really didn't expect Su Ye to suddenly ask such a question, and couldn't help but be surprised and asked in disbelief, "How did you know?"

"Is that true?" Su Ye was a little surprised. He just asked casually. He didn't think that tonight's classmate was really a creator. Think about it carefully. She usually looks like a girl, doesn't she? There's nothing wrong with that either!

Su Ye wanted to say something, but someone came, and the two stopped communicating very quietly.

After the communication was stopped, Dusk Xizi no longer had much time to read. He always kept this matter a secret. No one at school knows about it. Why did Su Ye find out? Is it really just a guess? And he just said also write? Did he also write?

For a moment, Dusk Xizi's heart was filled with confusion.

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