
The Ragtags

Decades ago, Potent abilities emerged; criminals awakened their newfound abilities and broke out of the jails containing them—psychopaths, serial killers, and war criminals tormented the world. That period was titled the Doomsday Era. To combat this, the first vigilantes surfaced, and with their potent abilities, they managed to bring an end to the Doomsday Era. These days, S.P.E.A.R. (Syndicate of Potent Empowered and Archetypal Relations) brought in heroes, people with potent abilities who used them to fight criminals and stop disasters. --ALL THE ART WILL BE AI--

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Elijah Jones Jr

The main protagonist, he's a comic book nerd with a Minor Grade Potent, he enjoys reading comic books, keeping track of hero news and hanging out with his best friend Wendy. He works part-time at his family's restaurant.

Personal Information

Ethnicity - African American


. Student

. Waiter

Education - High School (10th Grade, Sophomore)

Base of Operations - The Zero

Skills & Powers

Potent - Amplify (Minor Grade)


. Hero Knowledge

His potent allows him to amplify his strength, speed and durability for a duration. They make him around the strength of an athlete. 

Wendy Tucker

Elijah's best friend. She spends most of her time at The Zero, a place her aunt owns and where Wendy produces music. It's her full time job to knock sense into Eli. She's in a band called Charcoal Web.

Personal Information

Ethnicity - White American

Occupation - Producer

Education - High School

Base of Operations - The Zero

Skills & Powers

Potent - Non-Potent


. Above Average IQ

. Boxing Training

Sadie McCarthy

According to Elijah, one of the coolest people he's ever met. She doesn't really talk to anyone but Wendy, she rollerskates and hates math.

Personal Information

Ethnicity - White Canadian

Occupation - Student

Education - High School

Base of Operations - The Zero

Skills & Powers

Potent - Non-Potent


. Brawler

Scout Price

Second and only member of The Ragtags, he's often doesn't know when to stop talking however he's a cool guy once you get to know him, he's obsessed with heroes though.

Personal Information

Ethnicity - White American

Occupation - Student

Education - High School

Base of Operations - The Zero

Skills & Powers

Potent - Laser (Minor Grade)


. Hero Knowledge

His potent allows him to create laser out of his finger, he's been trying to train it to possibly make a big one out of the palms of his hand.

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