
The Raccoon and the Fox

Peace is only temporary. a figmite of our imagination before chaos ensues. During that fateful night on October tenth, two tailed beasts had attacked the village. How different would Naruto's childhood be with the perfect Offense and Defense? Would he fold under the pressure and succumb, or will he perform and be what he was born to be. A God Amongst Shinobi.

ZiixlZ · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

"Kushina, you're almost there," an elderly woman announced aloud, crouching down at her feet waiting for the head to bob out.

"Minato, when I'm done, I am going to kill you for putting this baby inside me!" The red-haired woman yelled out, her fist forming up into a ball, squishing the older man's own.

His pain was evident on his face, his eyes and nose scrunching up due to the physical feeling. He let out a little grunt before letting his attention settle on his wife giving birth.

"Kushina, keep on pushing, you are almost there, I think I can see his head popping out now!" the elderly woman called out again, Kushina's head now tomato-like-red from her pushing so hard.

Cries of a baby could now be heard from Kushina's side. The wizened older lady grabbed out, clasping the baby's body, before holding him up. His wisps of yellow hair were now evident, three whisker-like marks plastered on his face. Minato smiled at the sight of his son.

Kushina softened her grip on Minato just enough for him to, fortunately, escape the tight hold on his hand. He smiled and chuckled out loud, tears of joy slowly falling down the corners of his eyes.

"I am a father," Minato said to himself quietly, wiping the tears off his face. He went out to reach for his child before getting yelled at.

"Don't touch him! The mother sees him first."

Kushina reached out for her son, smiling at the sight of him. She could see that he had Minato's hair and her eyes.

"How are you feeling, Kushina?"

"I'm fine now, Minato. Glad to finally have a complete family."

Before he could respond, the elder lady dropped in a cold heap.

"Lady Biwako!" Minato shouted out. And before he realized it, a man took the baby out of Kushina's hand and held a kunai to his jugular holding him hostage.

Minato assessed the situation for what it was. He had wondered how the man had gotten past the border he had put up without getting notified of it but quickly pushed that to the back of his head.

"Get away from the Jinchuriki," the man told Minato, who stopped himself from getting any closer to his son.

"Please, just give us our son," Minato pleaded, Kushina stopping herself from sitting up, conserving her energy in the process.

The man chuckled, "don't you care about your son?" The masked man asked out loud, before tossing up the baby.


Minato, acting quickly and on his feet, threw a three-pronged kunai toward the masked assailant. He teleported into its place and grabbed his son. He had barely enough time to react when he heard multiple exploding tags go off under the blanket.

He threw it off his son, before teleporting out of the building to a nearby kunai.

Minato looked back and noticed that the entire lodge was decimated by the many exploding tags. He could sense his wife and the man a little off to the side of the lodge. He would have run after them, but fighting with a little kid at his side would be a little too hard. A handicap if you would.

"I must hurry," Minato said before disappearing in a yellow flash.


Minato teleported inside a colorful room, quietly and slowly putting his son inside a crib.

"You'll be safe here, Naruto." Minato quietly said to his son, tucking him under the white covers of his crib.

"Don't worry son, I promise I will come back with your mother." He smiled at him one last time, before quickly leaving the room, one thought in mind. His wife.


Kushina was strapped to two stumps of wood, bound by a weird sealing array.

"I'm going to pull the nine tails out of you and then destroy the hidden leaf," the masked man announced to Kushina, who was struggling to get out of the sealing chains.

The shock had erupted into her consciousness before she felt her control over her will and body fade out, as she locked eyes with the masked man. Peering through the hole in his mask, she saw his lone eye, now revealed to be a Sharingan, lazily spin in circles. She could feel the Kyuubi's bindings slowly being destroyed one by one. Her control over the chains is gone, and the feeling of dread reverberated throughout her entire body.

The sound of the Kyuubi's roar clattered through her mind, and the feeling of dread was overcome by the pain that erupted through every fiber of her body. A shroud of orange chakra enclosed Kushina's entire being, and slowly formed into the Kyuubi's head.

The same roar that had erupted in her mind had finally escaped her body into the outside world, the Kyuubi's roar was probably heard by everyone in the village, alerting every one of the oncoming dangers.

A gaping hole was now found to be in her midsection, a dark, powerful chakra shooting from that very spot. The chakra shroud that had originally covered her body, now expanded out, farther away from her being, taking form into the full body of the nine tails.

The Kyuubi's body was now fully visible, its tails wisping around creating mini gust storms, its roars reverberating throughout the air, shaking the earth's core, uplifting trees from their roots.

"Good. You don't die right after the Kyuubi extraction? Just another testimony to the Red-Head habanero's strength," the man looked off to Kushina, before returning the majority of his attention to the Kyuubi's body.

"Now, to make sure you achieve your goal, Kyuubi, let's give you some help," the man said, placing down a scroll. Adding some chakra through the scroll, a cloud, big enough to almost be the size of the Kyuubi, maybe a bit smaller, spawned out of the scroll. After the dust and clouds disappeared, Kushina was able to make out the body of the Ichibi.

A roar erupted from the Ichibi before his eyes expanded into the sharingan, making it obvious he was under the same influence the Kyuubi was, going off of his eyes alone.

Kushina's constraints had been destroyed by the force of two, tailed beasts.

"And I will kill you with them," the masked man announced to Kushina, pointing to her to add to the effect. She watched on as Kyuubi's paw was heading straight for her form, clocking in closer and closer every second. She closed her eyes, waiting for her downfall, thinking of the wishes she had, the dreams of being there for her little Naruto.

Before she could continue with the thought, she felt herself glide through the air. She forcefully opened her eyes, looking into a familiar pair of blue. She smiled gratefully at her husband, who smiled back at her. They landed on a nearby tree that hadn't been uprooted.

"I must say, you are as quick as your nickname says."

Not paying any attention to the man, Kushina turned her attention back to her husband, "Is Naruto… Is he safe?" Kushina asked, tears running down her face, fearing the worst.

Minato nodded, reassuring her that he was safe, most likely at their home she thought.

"Minato, you must stop that man and the two tailed beasts," Kushina said in a soft voice, weak from the constant torment on her consciousness and body. It seemed the birth and extraction of the Kyuubi had finally taken a toll on her. Minato just thanked her strength. Most people would have died from the extraction of the Kyuubi, let alone the birth of a son too.

Minato responded by teleporting back to his house, placing her next to Naruto in his overt-sized crib. She snuggled up next to her son, getting a feel for his tiny body. Tears of joy slowly dripped down her face, being next to her son as safe as she's been all night was a relief.

Minato let a tear fall from his right eye, before scrunching up his nose and wiping away the tear with his sleeve. His eyes narrowed, his teeth seething at the thought of the man who had tried to take the life of both his son and his wife running through his mind. He balled up his fist and looked at his wife one last time before teleporting to a new location, leaving his wife to attend to his son.

Minato was now at the Hokage tower, putting on his robe and grabbing some supplies in a last-moment effort to gear up for the long night he had ahead of him, and probably the ultimate demise of himself. Chances where he would have to seal both the Ichibi and Kyuubi into an unfortunate child using the reaper death seal, and most likely that the unfortunate child would have to be his. He would never damn another soul with the task of dealing with a tailed beast. Especially after the torment that Kushina had gone through, and the torment he'd seen others go through if he wasn't willing to put that on his son, no way in hell he was willing to put it on another.

Minato sighed through his nose before teleporting out of the Hokage storage, ready for battle.


"We have an early start tomorrow, Guy, so let's pass for tonight., Kakashi said, eyes smiling through the lie. Guy didn't take no for an answer though.

"Don't take a mission as an excuse to lose against me in one of our many youthful challenges, Kakashi!" Guy said to Kakashi, practically yelling at that point.

Kakashi looked away from Guy and at the other markets closing up. It was a very peaceful night, a little bit too quiet than usual. Everyone was leaving, either from packing up from the busy day in the shopping district or from being barely able to walk straight from the nearest bar.

"You are only young once Kakashi, so let's use these times of peace and youthfulness to express and strain on our hard work! Let the youth blossom into a beautiful rose inside of you Kakashi!" Guy yelled out in a way to convince Kakashi, which wasn't working, going off of the fact Kakashi had already disappeared halfway through the conversation. Guy just sighed in exasperation. Just meant more training for him.


"What is this feeling?" a young, black-haired boy wondered out loud, a younger child bundled up in a white cloth in his arms. He had tear troughs that were defined under his eyes. The young child became unsettled in his arms, alarming the older child that something was indeed not right.

"Of all times for mom and dad to be out."

As if an answer to his fears had been warranted to show up, he could hear a loud roar followed by a blast of wind from a distance.


"Lord third! The Kyuubi and Ichibi have just descended on the village and are currently wreaking mayhem as we speak!" A member of the Anbu had relayed back to Hiruzen, who was readying his battle armor.

'Was Kushina's seal broken? Even despite all the precautions that were set,' Hiruzen wondered, Minato was very skillful at the art of sealing, so he doubted that the seal had broken due to a faulty tap into her seal. So either she had died during birth, which was terrible, or something even worse. Someone, an enemy more exactly, had found out where she was giving birth and had extracted the Kyuubi from his seal.

"And the Ichibi? How did it come to be?"

"No idea, Lord Third. However, the border patrol says that the Ichibi had just appeared out of nowhere in a puff of smoke," the Anbu member explained to Hiruzen, who just nodded in understanding. So, it was the latter then. That just meant he had three enemies or more to deal with. For all he knew, it could have been an entire village laying siege on theirs, how they got past the plentiful number of seals and border patrol was a wonder but didn't entirely matter. This could mean the start of the Fourth Shinobi World War.


The Kyuubi laid siege to the village, its tails wisping around to hit people from its flank, setting buildings ablaze. The Ichibi sent multiple condensed shots of sand at the enemy shinobi that were shooting balls of fire and other elements at them. Their eyes glisten in the moonlight with the three tomoe symbols.

Minato teleported right next to Hiruzen, three-pronged kunai in hand. Hiruzen was seen shooting orders to his fellow shinobi.

"Minato, we must hold back the One and Nine tails to think of a plan!" Hiruzen hurriedly yelled out, clasping his hands together on his golden, black staff that had seemingly announced its presence out of thin air.

Minato nodded, before narrowly dodging a right paw coming directly from the nine tails. He tsked out loud as some sand was sent his way directly after. He didn't know how long he could keep this up, they were slowly advancing into the village where both his wife and his newborn son were hiding out.

Minato had no time to think however as he felt a build-up coming from the nine tails. If it was what he thought it was, then he had to act now and fast. Thankfully, he knew just what to do.

Waiting for the right time, the Kyuubi shot out a tailed beast bomb. Minato, rushing through hand seals, stopped the tailed beast bomb in its place at the very last second. Before the tailed beast bomb could hit the Hokage monument, an array had blocked its path, sucking it in like a black hole or vortex, shifting through time and space, before completely swallowing the tailed beast bomb.

In the distance, an explosion big enough to have destroyed the entire leaf village plus more went off, creating ripples in the sound and even a gust reaching past Minato himself.

Before Minato had any more time to think about the Kyuubi and Ichibi, he felt a presence behind him, with an intent to kill. He wisped around, kunai in hand ready to stab the attacking assailant.

He was stopped by the man seemingly phasing through him, which had surprised him for a second, but he was able to recover, by flipping over in mid-air and throwing his kunai at the man. When he had phased through that too, Minato had just teleported to where it landed, taking the three-pronged knife in hand.

"I'm your opponent and it's all over," the black-robed man stated, before grabbing a hold of Minato's right arm and pulling him toward his body and over him, flinging him up into the air. Minato who was now airborne teleported to one of his kunai's outside of the village but close enough that he could still see the Kyuubi laying waste on the village. He just had to put in faith that Hiruzen could keep the two tailed beasts busy enough till he could finish off this masked man.

Minato pondered on that jutsu though, it was mysterious and seemed to phase through objects, either automatically or through thought he couldn't tell just yet. A distance away a black, spiraling vortex similar to the one Minato had used to teleport the tailed beast bomb away had formed just in front of him. The masked assailant had walked out of said vortex, chain in hand.

'Is that how he took Kushina and moved so fast at the same time?' Minato thought. It was the only way he could move Kushina to a long distance in such a short amount of time. Minato knocked it up to a space-time ability too, sort of like his kunai.

The man had not only extracted the Kyuubi from Kushina but had summoned both the Kyuubi and Ichibi to the middle of the village. The only person he could think of that could have done that was one very much dead man. Madara Uchiha.

"I am Madara Uchiha," the man stated, possibly reading his mind with his sharingan. Minato knew the man could predict his thought process, so he wasn't too surprised that the masked man predicted what he was thinking.

"But that's not possible. Madara died decades ago, before Hashirama. He's dead," Minato stated to the masked man, who just stood there, possibly thinking of his next move.

'No matter who he is, it doesn't matter. He's a danger to the leaf village and a threat, nonetheless. A very weird and interesting man.' Minato thought to himself, grabbing his kunai and bracing himself for the fast-paced fight.

'If the man truly is who he says he is, I can't let him keep the Kyuubi under control any longer.'

The man and Minato both rushed at each other at the same time, and upon reaching each other, Minato met the same outcome, phasing through the man and missing once again. However, this was a good thing. From what Minato could tell of the masked enemy, he can't take any physical attacks, but he does materialize and dematerialize himself to attack him.

That just meant he had to bait the man in attacking him. Minato had gotten an idea.

Rushing at the man again, he threw his kunai at the mask of the man, around three feet away from him, when he saw the man get ready to attack him, he formed a rasengan, and almost in slow-motion he teleported to his kunai, flipped in mid-air and slammed it on the masked man, slamming him into the ground at the same time. And in doing so, he planted his hand on the man, silently placing a thunder god seal on the man's back.

Minato could tell he had caught the man by surprise, especially going by the hefty amount of damage he had done to the man. He and the masked assailant both jumped back from the second confrontation. The next would probably settle it. He could see the masked man now visibly pant, what seemed to be white sludge pouring down from the man's wounds.

"So, this is what they meant by 'elusive,'" the robed man called to which Minato hadn't replied. The masked man was tired, so he was conserving stamina and chakra by waiting for Minato's next moves. Sadly, for Madara however, these next moves were going to be his last.

Minato teleported to the Madara's back, obviously catching Madara by surprise once again today, he then placed a contract seal on his person, interrupting the control the man had left on the Kyuubi and Ichibi.

"I must admit it to you, fourth Hokage. You truly are the fastest man alive." the man known as Madara said lastly, before being sucked into one of his black, spiral vortexes. Minato felt like that wouldn't be the last time he'd see that man.

However, now that he was gone, he would now have to start paying attention to the Kyuubi and Ichibi.

Minato teleported inside the village now, preparing his next plans for the Kyuubi. He watched on as Hiruzen and the jonin were just barely keeping the Kyuubi back from pushing on forward to the village. The Ichibi seemed to be less of a threat but still very much an annoyance if one seemed to keep their attention on one, it was sure to be fatal with the other.

Minato flashed through a familiar set of hand seals, before teleporting to the nine tails and slamming his hands on him. Gamabunta seemingly teleports right on top of the Kyuubi.

"Hiruzen, keep the Ichibi at bay while I take care of the Kyuubi!" Minato called out his plan to Hiruzen, who just focused more of his attention on the raccoon, signifying his understanding of his new assignment.

"Gamabunta! Please, hold down the Kyuubi just for a while." Minato said hurriedly.

"That's going to be tough… even for me, Minato!" Gamabunta managed to get out, as the Kyuubi started forming a tailed beast bomb through its lips again. The Kyuubi had swallowed it, and gotten ready to aim it at Hiruzen now, who just stood there, watching the Kyuubi. Before he could fire it off though, Gamabunta jumped on the Kyuubi again, stopping him in his tracks.

Minato gritted before teleporting away. It was now up to Gamabunta to shove the Kyuubi back.


"Minato?" Kushina asked out loud, Minato gritted before looking over to his wife. Clear frustration, exhaustion, and guilt was mustered all in one on his face for full exposure.

"Kushina, I am sorry, but I have to seal the Kyuubi and Ichibi inside of our child. There is no other way. I refuse to seal it in another one's child." Minato simply stated, now holding Naruto tight to his chest, about ready to leave to get to the sealing.

"No, you can seal it inside of me. That way young Naruto can live with at least one parent and not the life of a Jinchuriki. You know how they are treated in their villages, Minato?"

"Don't act like I don't know, Kushina. It's terrible, however, it is my duty as the leader of this village to protect it, and if I am not willing to seal it into my son, then it's not right to seal it into another child and burden them with that responsibility. There is also no other child that is almost full of Uzumaki and the reserves like Naruto does. He will be able to hold the entirety of the Kyuubi and Ichibi together in the eight trigrams seal." Minato finished, already his mind was made up. And he knew he was exactly right; it still didn't make the choice easier. But knowing the cause made it a little lighter on his conscience.

"Then at least take me with you. I can help you with the little amount of chakra I have left." Kushina argued, which Minato couldn't rebuttal. He had no way of securing the Kyuubi down, while also creating the seal on baby Naruto's stomach.

"Fine, grab a hold of my hand, Kushina."

Minato teleported along with his son and wife right next to the Kyuubi and Ichibi. He assessed the area. The Ichibi was currently getting dominated by the accumulation of jonin, anbu, and Hiruzen. However, Gamabunta was struggling and getting pushed back. He was also newly adorned with a scar on the left eye which was most likely caused by the Kyuubi.

"I'll leave the rest up to you, Minato," Gamabunta said hurriedly, reverse-summoning himself back to Myoboku Mountain.

Minato just nodded off to himself, reverting his attention to the Kyuubi and Ichibi.

"I can still do it, Minato," Kushina said, crouching down at Minato's side. She closed her eyes and summoned a hefty amount of chakra. The chakra quickly turned into golden chains blasting out of her back and quickly concealing both the Kyuubi's nine tails and the Ichibi's one.

She grunted out in an effort to keep a hold of the two-tailed beasts.

Baby Naruto started to finally announce his presence too, wailing out in discomfort at the sounds of his mother's sounds of pain.

Minato sat baby Naruto down next to his mother and set up a barrier between everyone and him and the tailed beasts.

He summoned a sealing altar and started writing seals on Naruto's stomach. He quickly but carefully etched each line skillfully on Naruto. He grabbed Naruto's body, gently placing him on the altar.

He started to slowly go through the chain of hand seals, but as he went through them to the very last few, he picked up pace as his feelings resolved.

After finishing the hand seals, a huge ghostly silhouette was summoned behind the body of Minato. He stood there menacingly, towering over the blonde. Sword in mouth, he looked down smiling at all of the mortals. Hiruzen watched from behind the barrier as the man he had once given his hat to, now sacrificed himself for the village.

"When I'm done with the sealing, I will seal both of our chakras into baby Naruto, so that way we can see him when he is older," Minato stated, before the death reaper plunged his chakra-covered hand into the soul of Minato and came out of Minato's front chest area.

The hand extended over to both the Kyuubi and Ichibi, digging into their chakra bodies, and pulling out miniature blue versions of them, and plunging them inside the baby's center, completing the sealing as the eight trigrams seal was etched onto baby Naruto's stomach.

Kushina's hold on the Kyuubi had broken, however, her hold on the Ichibi still stayed. Minato could feel his body failing him, his soul leaving his body forever. Everything started to become dazed.

As a last-ditch effort, the Kyuubi sent his claw down on Naruto, however before it could reach young Naruto, both Kushina and Minato jumped in front of the claw, impeding it from its original target, stopping it just right above Naruto's naval.

Minato called out summoning jutsu and a toad appeared out of the cloud of smoke.

"Take this key, Naruto might need it for when he's older."

The toad wrapped itself in the scroll or key, "You have my word. I confirm the key is in my possession," the toad finally said before disappearing into the realm of toads where he was summoned from.

Minato could feel his wife tremble from under him, tears streaming down both of their faces now. He wished he could have been there for Naruto for his entire life, been for his first time awakening his chakra, becoming a genin, chunin, jonin, first girlfriend. All of it. But now, he would miss all of it. And so would his wife.

Kushina was the first to speak up.

"I wish I could stay with you longer, son. To be there for your first crawl, walk, and eventually fly. But I can't. However, although I may not always be there physically, I sure as hell will always be there for you mentally, son. I will never leave your side; I will protect you in your last moments. Life will not be fair or the kindest to you, but I hope you find friends and eventually a girlfriend to help you on your journey and burdens. And one momma will approve of it too. One as sweet and charming as your old lady!

There are so many things I wish I could tell you, teach you personally. But it's our time. Hopefully, we will see you later in the afterlife when you are much older in your hundreds. And I hope you find our chakra constructs. I might not have been the kindest of hosts to the Kyuubi, but maybe you'll find a way to soothe your way through his heart." Kushina finished off, her body finally shutting down on her, her eyes that had been so vibrant and full of life, now as dull as the darkest of blacks. As colorful as the darkest nights.

"I wish the same for you too, son. I believe your chatty mother said everything necessary. Eat healthily I suppose." Minato was able to get out before he too succumbed to his wounds, both falling backward as the Kyuubi's form disappeared into the chakra and sucked into the pit of Naruto's stomach. His wails could be heard all the way to Iwa. The chains that had originally surrounded the Ichibi now broke into nothingness, and the Ichibi coming along with it into Naruto too.

Naruto's outer eyes got this black pigment signifying the seal of the Ichibi inside young Naruto.

When everything became still and quiet, the barrier between Naruto and Hiruzen faltered and broke down entirely.

The older, wizened man quickly ran over to the bodies of his successor, his wife, and his child.

He held the child in his hands before signaling the Anbu escort to grab the bodies of Minato and his wife for a proper burial. Hiruzen quickly shunshined towards the Hokage's office with the boy bundled up in his arms. He had some business to get to. As of right now, he was the Hokage reinstated into the position.

Today was a tragic day and would be known to all as the Kyuubi attack or tragedy. And to one toad, it would be known as the day the child of prophecy was born. The boy who learned to wield the raccoon and the fox.


OMG, for the people who saw this before the update, I am so sorry this was unreadable, hopefully it's fixed now.

Okay, now that we got that out of the way, I hope you guys enjoyed this, if not, tell me how I can make it up to your standards, make it readable and enjoyable and of course, realistic. I enjoy writing, however if it's not something you guys like I can always make something else. If you enjoyed it, please let me know, if not, tell me something I could fix, constructive criticism is always appreciated. And maybe a little help here and there for the story, I have an idea, however it's not solid and something could change for the better.

Where my italics and Boldness at yo?

ZiixlZcreators' thoughts