
The Quests of the Purple-Eyed Luna

Malia was considered the best lycan in Luna Academe because of her sixth sense. She can see the future. Luna Academe is a school that trains werewolves and lycans to be potential lunas. She may not be the strongest fighter, but she can discern fate. But there is one thing she cannot predetermine, her future. As her journey outside Luna Academe commenced, she became the luna of her pack. The pack was brave and mighty, full of the prowess of their acumen and sixth senses combined. So far, nobody has ever beaten them, but one day, Malia meets a dragon prince while she is searching for an Alpha mate. As soon as she touched the dragon, she saw his future-and she was included in it. She saw a world of love and destruction, and she, having more senses than what she possessed. Who will she end up with? An alpha? Or the dragon prince? What is her seventh sense? Will she be the world's salvation or destruction? Join Malia in her quests as she perceives and discovers more about the world around her.

October_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

You are not human

/Malia's Point of View/

'A child born of an Alpha and a human

Will alter the cosmos

The eyes will perceive the fate

Salvation or destruction, Blessing or a Curse

Fourteen years ago in the human world, I was a five-year-old child, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Why do the kids at school hate me?" I asked myself as I looked at my glistering eyes.

I sighed heavily. I feel like I don't belong in this world.

"Malia! Are you done changing your clothes?" I heard my foster mom scream from outside of my room.

I never knew my real parents. My foster parents said that I was left in a forest when I was an infant.

"Yes, mom! I'm coming!"

We will go on a trip to the province this day. Mom said that it would be best to meet my grandparents.

I mean, fake grandparents.

I ran downstairs with my red checkered dress while holding a penguin plushie. My short hair was tied into pigtails.

"Mom!" I ran to my mom and gave her a hug. She hugged me back.

"You look great, Malia." She caressed my hair, and I pressed my head into her.

"Make it fast! We're gonna be late for grandma's special dish!" My older brother, Ethan, yelled at mom and me.

Mom carried me in her arms and rushed to enter the dad's old red, rusting car. I wonder if this will even last a trip.

"Be good kids, Ethan and Malia," Dad said and glanced at Ethan and me sitting in the back seat.

He started the car's engine, and we traveled for more than two hours. Ethan fell asleep, but I maintained my gaze on the view outside the window.

What a wonderful world, I thought.

Throughout the years, the world has constantly been changing. We will never know what future awaits in this world. Will it still be the world we know? Or a world of doom?

I closed my eyes and felt the breeze of air touch my skin.

We passed through a forest of woods and big trees. I opened my eyes because I felt something strange.

I felt like... the forest was calling me.

A few more hours passed, and we finally arrived at my grandparents' house. Their home is made of really stiff wood and surrounded by pine trees. It isn't that big but good enough to accommodate a family.

"We're here," mom said and carried me in her arms again.

"Ouch! My neck feels so painful!" Ethan complained while holding his nape. That's because he's been sleeping in one position throughout the trip.

"Are you ready to see your grandparents, Malia?" Mom asked me, and I nodded at her.

We went inside the house, and two old people wearing pajamas greeted us with smiles. They looked so happy, and they were very welcoming.

"What a cute child you've got here. Are you Malia? You're a big girl now." Mom handed me over to grandma.

"I remember the night I saw you crying in the woods. You looked so sad and starving," grandma continued.

I just looked at her. I didn't understand what she was saying.

"Oh, that's right, Malia. You're grandma Fiona was the one who found you in the forests when you were still a baby," mom uttered while fixing our luggage.


I gasped in shock and looked at grandma, who was holding me in her arms. She's smiling dearly at me.

"I'm happy you grew up to be such a sweet and adorable kid," grandma said.


All of us ate dinner with grandma's special dish. It is a mixture of veggies and meat enclosed in a hot pot. It's really delicious.

"Grandma, you have such a skill in cooking!" Ethan exclaimed while his mouth was full of food.

"Shh, Ethan! You shouldn't speak with your mouth full," mom reprimanded.

"Oh, by the way, do you guys want chocolate? There were a few chocolates left from Switzerland," grandpa asked us and stood up from his seat.

I've never tasted chocolates in my entire life. I see my classmates eat chocolates sometimes, but mom doesn't allow me and Ethan to eat sweets and junk foods.

So, I really felt fascinated when grandpa asked us if we wanted chocolates.

"Here you go." Grandpa placed the jar of chocolate balls on the table. The chocolates had various colors depending on their flavor.

I looked at mom as an act of permission, and she smiled at me, so I grabbed a piece of chocolate and put it in my mouth.

My eyes widened as the chocolate melted, "Yummy!" I said.

"See, she loves it," grandpa said and smiled.

I grabbed more chocolates as well as Ethan. I think the adults are not interested in sweets that much.

"Do you like it very much, Malia?" Ethan asked.

"Yup, it's delicious. I hope mom will allow us to eat sweets once in a while," I replied and smiled at him.

"Yeah, mom, can we eat chocolates at home too? Even if it's only during weekends!" Ethan begged mom.

"Yes, mom, please," I also begged.

"Hmm, I'll think about that," mom replied.

Ethan cried and pulled mom's arm, still begging her to allow us to eat sweets.

Then out of the blue, I felt my stomach hurts so much. I held unto my stomach and winced in pain.

I haven't felt this before, is it because of the chocolate?

"Goodness, Malia!" Mom screamed and hurriedly approached me. All of them looked at me with worry.

"Mom... my stomach h...hurts," I cried.

"Oh no," mom uttered as I vomited.

She gently tapped my back as I continued to release everything that was inside my stomach.

As soon as I felt a bit of relief, I looked at everyone. They were staring at me with a strange look on their face.

"Your... your... eyes," Ethan murmured.

After that, I felt fragile, and my legs were wobbly. Everything turned pitch black.


I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the wooden ceiling. I was startled when my eyesight got very clear. I can see the ants crawling on the ceiling, the spider webs messing with each other, even the slightest trace of dust.

What's happening?

I sat down and looked around me, everything so clear!

"Malia, are you okay?" Mom entered the door and immediately came to me. She started examining my eyes.

"Why, mom?" I asked.

"Do you... do you perhaps feel something eerie with your eyes?" She asked me back.

"Uhm... I can see everything so clear." I looked at mom's eyes, and I could clearly see the nerves inside her eyeballs.

"Yes, of course, your eyesight is very clear since you're still a child," mom muttered.

"No, mom. My eyesight right now is above the average. I can see the nerves in your eyes, the oil beneath your skin, and the cracks in your lips, mom. It's zoomed," I replied, still gazing at my mom.

Her mouth opened, but a word didn't come out.

"But don't you feel any pain anymore?" She finally said.

"No, I don't feel any pain anymore."

"I'll call your grandma."

Mom went outside of the room again to call grandma. I wonder why I felt intense pain in my stomach a while back.

"Malia," grandma called.

"Hi, grandma!" I smiled at her, and she walked towards me.

"Are you feeling alright now?" She asked.

"Yes, I feel totally fine," I responded.

They exchanged glances with mom.

"Malia, listen, your eyesight has changed, right?" Grandma asked again.

I just nodded.

"And, do you know that your eyes right now have a purple hue?"

My mouth formed an O shape because of shock.

"What?" I went to the mirror and saw my reflection. My eyes were shimmering purple!

"Wow, mom! I think this is so amazing!" I laughed while looking at my eyes, but mom and grandma didn't say anything. They maintained a worried demeanor.

"Are you guys still worried about me? I'm excellent! Look." I raised my arms at them and pointed at my body.

"Malia, we have something to say," mom said while kneeling down to match my level.

"You are not a human, Malia."