
The Quests of the Purple-Eyed Luna

Malia was considered the best lycan in Luna Academe because of her sixth sense. She can see the future. Luna Academe is a school that trains werewolves and lycans to be potential lunas. She may not be the strongest fighter, but she can discern fate. But there is one thing she cannot predetermine, her future. As her journey outside Luna Academe commenced, she became the luna of her pack. The pack was brave and mighty, full of the prowess of their acumen and sixth senses combined. So far, nobody has ever beaten them, but one day, Malia meets a dragon prince while she is searching for an Alpha mate. As soon as she touched the dragon, she saw his future-and she was included in it. She saw a world of love and destruction, and she, having more senses than what she possessed. Who will she end up with? An alpha? Or the dragon prince? What is her seventh sense? Will she be the world's salvation or destruction? Join Malia in her quests as she perceives and discovers more about the world around her.

October_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Sixth sense

/Malia's Point of View/

"You are not a human, Malia."


"Mom, what are you talking about?" I'm getting so confused.

"You are a lycan," grandma spoke. I looked at her, and she breathed heavily.

"I didn't expect that this antidote would work on you. Antidotes like this only work for other creatures, not for humans," grandma explained while holding a bottle of blue liquid, "as soon as your eye color changed earlier, we knew you are not human. What human changes eye color all of a sudden?"

I just looked at grandma, then at mom, then back at grandma.

"How do I explain this?" Grandma asked herself.

What are they talking about?

They asked me to sit down on the bed, and both of them held my hands.

"Malia, I want you to open your mind as we explain these things to you, okay?" Mom assured me and kissed my forehead.

"Okay," I simply said.

"Malia, in this universe that we live in, there are a lot of dimensions and realms. Actually, there are a lot more universes out there," grandma explained. I wasn't absorbing what she said because it was hard to comprehend.

"What I want to say is, there are more creatures than just humans and animals and plants. There are vampires, werewolves, dragons, and more."

I widened my gaze at grandma, "But, those are just in storybooks," I said.

"No, actually, what we thought are fiction do really exist in reality."

I took a deep breath and fixed my composure.

"And you, Malia, you are a lycan," grandma continued.

"What's a lycan?" I asked.

"Lycans are like werewolves, but they can shapeshift anytime they want, unlike werewolves who could only transform during a full moon."

I gasped in awe.

"I am an animal?" I pointed at myself.

"Well, a part of you is."

I don't know what to feel. I'm still shocked about my purple eyes and clear eyesight, and now, I'm a local?

"Malia, these things might be confusing for you, but once you enter that academy, you will learn more about this world. I don't know why your parents left you in the woods, but they must have a reason," grandma continued.

"So, what should we do, mama? Will we return her to where she belongs?" Mom asked grandma.

"We will find out once she turns seven."


Everything that day was a big revelation to me. I became aware of my true identity, of who I truly am.

I stopped entering school because my mom said that whatever humans were studying wouldn't help me. And it's perilous if I still enter school.

Two years have passed, and nothing has changed in me. I wondered what would happen if I turned seven, but now, I'm seven, and not a single thing changed.

Although, I learned that my eyes turn purple when something triggers my wolf being.

"Mom, what now? I'm seven, and nothing much has changed in me. Except for my height, though," I told mom.

"Actually, it's a great thing if nothing has changed in you. You can stay with us."

"Why? Will you return me if I change?"

Mom knelt down and held both of my shoulders.

"Malia, creatures of other dimensions shouldn't be meddling with humans. In this world, humans might be probably the strongest creature alive, but outside, there are lots of beings that can threaten the lives of humans," mom explained.

She's right. We wouldn't know if I would be harmful or not. I don't belong here.

"I hope you understand, Malia. I'm very glad that you are my daughter." Mom hugged me, and I hugged her back.

"I'm very grateful, mom."

The next day, I went outside to play with the butterflies and Ethan's rabbit in the garden. Ethan was attending school, so I couldn't play with him as much as I wanted to. I'm happy that he didn't hate me after knowing my true identity. In fact, he thought it was fantastic to have a wolf sibling.

Can I still play with him if ever I return to my world?

It just saddens me. Why can't I just be a human?

Tears rolled from my eyes as I sat down on the grassy field. Ethan's rabbit stared at me.

"You're so lucky you will live with Ethan and my family for the rest of your life." I brushed my fingers through the rabbit's fur, and I felt something weird.

I know my eyes were turning purple again, but I felt more powerful.

I saw this rabbit's fate. It will bring Ethan and my family joy but will end up dead in Ethan's arms two years later.

"What?" I asked myself.

Did I just see the rabbit's future? I breathed heavily and looked around. A butterfly landed on my forehead.

I saw the butterfly's future. It will live a happy life with other butterflies and their children. However, it will die a peaceful death on a rainy day.

"Is this what grandma is talking about?" I asked myself once again. I rushed inside the house.

"Mom! Mom!"

"Yes, Malia, what is it? Do you feel something?" Mom immediately approached me and intently looked at me.

"Mom... I-" I held on mom's arm and saw her future. I saw her crying while holding a picture of me. I also saw her dancing with dad and Ethan a few years later. And I saw her with a big white wolf, the wolf was trying to kill her.

I stopped holding her and gasped for air. I couldn't breathe properly.

"Malia, Malia, are you okay?"

"Don't... don't touch me, mom," I said and rushed to my room. I feel so terrified and shocked. What's happening to me?

I lay down on my bed and covered myself with my pink blanket.

I fell into a deep sleep.


I saw grandma, mom, dad, and Ethan inside my room as I woke up. They were all looking at me as if I was a very sick person.

"Y'all, I'm okay," I said with a hoarse voice.

"You need to return," grandma uttered.

As I heard what she said, I felt like my heart had stopped beating.

"No... no, mom! I don't want to!" I bawled and hugged mom tightly.

"Malia, we...we have no ch... choice," mom stammered. Tears were also falling from her eyes.

I looked at everyone, and they were also crying.

"Don't cry, everyone! I won't leave you! I won't leave this home!" I exclaimed.

"Please, mom, let me stay! I don't want to go away. I'm a human!"

Mom sniffed her nose and looked at me, "Malia, you do not belong here. It will just harm all of us if you remain in a world you don't belong," she cried.

It's over. I have no choice.

I'm going back to where I really belong.


As we were riding dad's rusty red car, I just looked outside the window, expressionless.

"Malia? May I ask what is your sixth sense?" Grandma asked.

"It is precognition, grandma. I can see the future of everything that comes to my touch," I replied nonchalantly.

"That sixth sense is a blessing, but it could also be a curse," she said.

She's right. Having this ability will enable me to see the fate of everything, but I'm not ready to see death.

I remembered what I saw when I held unto mom. She was being attacked by a wolf.

"Grandma, are the things I see accurate? Will they really happen?" I asked.

"Well, it's up to you. You can change the future if you want to. Even if there are things destined for us, we still choose our fate," she replied.

I looked outside the window again. How can I even protect my family if I live in another world?

"Mom, please take care of yourself. Also, you dad, and Ethan, and grandma, and grandpa," I told them.

They smiled at me, assuring me that everything was going to be okay.

"Malia? Since we haven't played for days, can you look at my future?" Ethan, sitting right beside me, uttered and handed me his hand. I looked at his hand and stared at him, "I can't. I mean, I don't want to," I said.

"Come on, please?" He begged.

I sighed heavily, "Okay," I said.

I held his hand and closed my eyes, but I couldn't see anything. I tried it again, but nothing appeared before my eyes.

"Uhm, I can't see anything. Sorry," I mumbled.

"Oh, that's fine." Ethan smiled at me and pulled his hand away.

What just happened?

"Grandma, why can't I see Ethan's future?" I asked in curiosity.

"I don't know about that. I have the slightest ideas about sixth sense because I've only read them in books. When you return to your world, you will learn much more about your sixth sense," grandma replied.

"By the way, grandma, how do you know so much about werewolves and vampires and everything?" Ethan asked.

"Well, my mom, your great grandmother, told me when I was younger that she fell in love with a dragon. I didn't believe her either, but I saw the dragon she talked about. It was massive and terrifying. After blowing fire, the dragon turned into a human. He was handsome. Now I know why my mom fell in love with it," grandma stopped for a while and smiled, "starting that time, I got immensely interested in those creatures. I studied the ancient books, researched, and even befriended the dragon. He taught me everything I needed to know, but a time came when that dragon was slain by its enemies."

Grandma looked at me and cupped my cheek, "Remember Malia, you will meet a lot more creatures once you get back to your world. Always use your sixth sense," grandma said.

"I'm starting to get jealous of Malia! How come she will see a dragon, and I won't?" Ethan complained and cutely pouted.

"Don't be. You have a future here in this world." I held his hand and smiled at him.

Then Ethan's future flashed before my eyes. He will be happy with mom and dad. He will grow up to be a really kind and handsome man, and -


He will be marrying a vampire?!