
The Quests of the Purple-Eyed Luna

Malia was considered the best lycan in Luna Academe because of her sixth sense. She can see the future. Luna Academe is a school that trains werewolves and lycans to be potential lunas. She may not be the strongest fighter, but she can discern fate. But there is one thing she cannot predetermine, her future. As her journey outside Luna Academe commenced, she became the luna of her pack. The pack was brave and mighty, full of the prowess of their acumen and sixth senses combined. So far, nobody has ever beaten them, but one day, Malia meets a dragon prince while she is searching for an Alpha mate. As soon as she touched the dragon, she saw his future-and she was included in it. She saw a world of love and destruction, and she, having more senses than what she possessed. Who will she end up with? An alpha? Or the dragon prince? What is her seventh sense? Will she be the world's salvation or destruction? Join Malia in her quests as she perceives and discovers more about the world around her.

October_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


/Malia's Point of View/

The next day, Kaizer was picked up by a pack of werewolves.

"Goodbye, Malia." I heard him in my mind.

Kaizer's sixth sense is telepathy. He can read minds and transmit his thoughts to others.

Isn't that amazing?

"Goodbye," I replied in my mind.


I went back home and sulked all day. What if I won't be a luna? Then I won't see Kaizer again?

"Ouch," I mumbled as I felt my back suddenly in pain.

"Ah...OUCH!" I fell on my knees while wincing in pain. What's happening?

"Hey, Lia? You okay?" Una went inside my room and asked.


"Oh, you are in your puberty," she said.

"Puberty? Is puberty supposed to be this painful? And I'm just ten! Ouch!"

"Didn't you forget that you're not a human? Lycans like you are in their puberty stage. Their bodies evolve once they reach age ten."

She gave me something to drink, and I rested for hours. My whole body hurts like hell.

I sighed as I realized my future because I was not prepared to live my life as a wolf. After having dozens of thoughts, I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up having a cumbersome body. I touched my back and felt muscles. Then when I sat down and looked at my arms, they were buff!


I rushed to the mirror and saw my reflection. "HOW DID I CHANGE LIKE THIS SO FAST?!" I screamed.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's happeni-. Oh, la la, you look great, Lia," Una uttered.

"What sorcery is this?" I asked her and frowned.

"You just grew up! I'm so proud of you!" Una hugged me tightly.

She stopped hugging me and felt awkward after realizing what she had just done.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"What now? Oh, now, you should enter Luna Academe!"

"What if I don't belong there, Una?" I lay down on my bed again and sighed stiffly.

"What do you mean you don't belong there?" She sat beside me and held my hand, "You are not like me, Lia. You are brave. Leaving your family behind was a courageous thing to do. I'm sure you will survive that academy. Well, there will always be someone better than you, but you should focus on your own progress."

I smiled at Una and hugged her, "If I graduate from Luna Academe, will you still remember me?" I asked.

She hugged me back and responded, "Of course. The memory of you is already conserved in my mind."

"Una, thank you for letting me stay with you. You were like a big sister to me."

I fixed my stuff and luggage to prepare for the trip. Once again, I felt the pain of needing to leave.

It's awful.

"Lia, take this with you." Una handed me a box of cards with different illustrations. I grabbed it from her and stared at it confusedly.

"What's this for?"

"Those are blades. You might need them when you enter a battlefield."


*Knock. Knock. Knock

We both looked at each other and rushed to fix my things. I hurriedly went downstairs and opened the door while breathing fastly.

"Is this Malia Ashraff's home?" A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes sternly asked as soon as I opened the door. She was with three other white wolves.

"Yes, that's me," I replied.

"Great. Are you prepared?" She asked with her eyes so languid.


I turned to Una and hugged her for the last time. "See you again, big sister Una," I mumbled and smiled at her. She smiled back at me and let me go.

"Goodbye, Lia," she whispered.

I waved goodbye at her for the last time and rode on one of the white wolves. It was scary. They were running so freaking fast! It's already dark, so my eyes turned purple to see the road. If it weren't for my eyes, I wouldn't see anything in this speed and darkness.

"So, Malia Ashraff, what is your sixth sense?" I heard the voice of the blonde lady a while back. She's now transformed into a white wolf too.

Why is everyone concerned about sixth senses anyway? I don't think of it as a standard to determine whether a wolf is better than the other.

I mean, every wolf is unique on its own. The same goes for humans, dragons, vampires, and others.

"Uhm, my sixth sense is -"


I was startled because a big branch from a tree fell right before us.

"Goodness, we need to take another route!" Said the wolf I'm riding on.

We moved took a different route, but someone suddenly popped on our way. His skin was too pale, and his eyes were frightening red.

"Look what we've got here," he said in a scary but subtle tone. He looked at me with dagger stares.

"They're here, madame Claudia. What will we do?"

"Continue running with the child! I'll get rid of this."

After that, I felt really terrified and tightened my grip on the wolf

"What's happening?" I asked.

"We need to hurry. Vampires are after us," the wolf replied.

"But, why?"

"They've been killing young werewolves and lycans because they had been finding the child from the prophecy. Now, they reached this town, and it's a good thing that you are now with us."

"Prophecy? Wait... what... what are you talking abou-"

We halted again as another vampire appeared in front of us. Now, it's a lady vampire with very red lips and long dark nails. They're much more terrifying than wolves!

"DO YOU GUYS THINK WE WILL LET THAT KID SURVIVE? Tell me, kid, what is your sixth sense?"

The vampire disappeared and suddenly appeared beside me. She held my chin and revealed her fangs to scare me.

The wolf howled, and we ran unto another direction. The vampire tried to catch us.

"Hold on tight!" The wolf commanded me, so I held unto her fur and closed my eyes as we approached a dark road full of big trees.

Is this the right direction?

After that, a flash of lightning struck the tree, and I felt a sudden change in the environment. As the wolf stopped running, I opened my eyes and saw a different place.

"Wow," I mumbled. I saw a big academy with different wolf kids like me. It was full of lights and surrounded by big orange trees.

This is Luna Academe? I thought it would be just like any ordinary school!

Well, I remembered I am not ordinary.

We marched inside the campus, and some kids looked at me. It's already night, but they are still studying attentively.

The wolf shapeshifted herself back into a human body, and I looked away because she was naked.

"Don't look away. This is natural," she spoke, so I looked back at her while she was wrapping herself with a long white blanket.

"Uhm, what will I do now?" I asked her and looked around this massive place. The walls, the floor, everything is gold and clean. It doesn't look like a school at all.

"Be prepared for tomorrow. You will be asked a lot of questions," she said sternly and left me alone.

Wait, what about the prophecy?