
The Quests of the Purple-Eyed Luna

Malia was considered the best lycan in Luna Academe because of her sixth sense. She can see the future. Luna Academe is a school that trains werewolves and lycans to be potential lunas. She may not be the strongest fighter, but she can discern fate. But there is one thing she cannot predetermine, her future. As her journey outside Luna Academe commenced, she became the luna of her pack. The pack was brave and mighty, full of the prowess of their acumen and sixth senses combined. So far, nobody has ever beaten them, but one day, Malia meets a dragon prince while she is searching for an Alpha mate. As soon as she touched the dragon, she saw his future-and she was included in it. She saw a world of love and destruction, and she, having more senses than what she possessed. Who will she end up with? An alpha? Or the dragon prince? What is her seventh sense? Will she be the world's salvation or destruction? Join Malia in her quests as she perceives and discovers more about the world around her.

October_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Future meets past

/Malia's Point of View/

He will be marrying a vampire?!

How is that even possible?

I removed my hands from him, and he looked at me with curiosity, "Did you see my future?" His eyes widened, and he smiled goofily at me.

"Yeah," I replied.

"What did you see?"

"Well, I'm not really sure, but you will be a doctor,"

"Really? I don't want to be a doctor," he said and looked down.

"The future can always change."

The moon was entirely at its peak, and we finally arrived at the place grandma told us to go.

The cold breeze touched my skin again. I felt the forest calling me again.

"Malia, my daughter." Dad hugged me tightly, and I hugged him back. Even if I wasn't their actual child, they treated me as a family.

"Mom, Dad, Ethan, thank you. I appreciate everything you've done for me." I smiled at them, and they bid me goodbye.

"Malia, take this," Ethan placed a bracelet on my wrist. It was red with a single white bead in it.

"Thanks," I replied.

"I hope we will meet again, sometime in the future." He smiled and hugged me.

"I love you," mom mumbled with tears still flowing from her eyes.

"I love you too, mom."

A flash of lightning suddenly struck a tree, and it instantaneously created a portal.

It's really goodbye. I waved my hand at my foster family, and they started crying again.

I'm grateful, but if being away from them will protect them, I will stay away from them.

I held onto my backpack and my penguin plushie as I marched towards the portal.

"I love you all! I will see you again!" I screamed at them and closed my eyes as I entered the portal.

I just stood still while crying. As soon as I heard the howls of wolves, I opened my eyes slowly and wiped my tears away.

I saw a different world from where I've been. This place is unreal! The sky is pink, and the trees are orange! There were wolves everywhere.

"I don't know where to go," I whispered to myself.

"Hey, who are you?" I heard a woman's voice from behind. I looked back and saw a tall, well-built woman. She was wearing black boots, jeans, and a leathered jacket. Her hair is long and brown, and her eyes are sparkling green.

"Oh, a purple-eyed pup," she continued.

"Uhm... I am..." I didn't finish what I was saying because she started sniffing me.

"Are you lost? Where are your parents? You're not safe here," she said and crossed her arms.

"Actually, I don't know who my parents are," I replied and looked away.

"What? Where did you come from? Wait, don't tell me you came from the human world?" She asked me again while examining me.

"Yes," I said.

She gasped in shock and lowered her face to mine, "You better find a place to stay because other wolves will torture you out here."

I just stared at her. Where will I even go?

"Can I just stay with you?" I asked her.

"WHAT? STAY WITH ME? That's ludicrous! I don't know how to pet a pup," she exclaimed.

"I'm not a puppy."

She glared at me and scoffed, "Since you left me with no choice, come with me." She pulled my hand, and I just followed her.

I went with her to her house. It was not too big, and it was A TOTAL MESS. I wondered why the walls were full of scratches, and some stuff was scattered on the floor.

"Sorry, this house is messed up," she said and chortled.

"Do you live here alone?" I asked, tightening my grip on my penguin plushie.

"Yeah, I do, sometimes," she replied.

"By the way, what's your sixth sense? Kids at your age start to discover their sixth sense at seven."

I looked at her and said, "I can see the future."

Her eyes grew bigger as her mouth parted. "Really?" She asked.

I nodded.

"No freaking way," she voiced and took a slow spin while both her hands were on her head, "is this a coincidence?"


She lowered her body and spoke to me, "I can see the past."

"Well, it doesn't matter. My sixth sense has no use anyway. Unlike you, you can see fate," she continued pointing at me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"All of a sudden? Well, I'm Una, and you are?"



Days have passed, and I can already feel the comfort this place gives me. Una and I have been on good terms. She gives me everything I need, but she's still rude as always.

"Malia, once you turn ten, you will experience a lot of changes in your body. You won't stay in my place for a long time. You need to go to Luna Academe," Una uttered while handing me a pack of strawberries.

"Will I already turn into a wolf?" I asked worriedly.

"No, not yet. Usually, lycans like us shapeshift during our sixteenth year, or probably earlier but not later," she replied.

"Oh." I wonder what will I look like if I turn into a wolf. That's scary.

"In that school, you will be trained to be a warrior, a luna. So, you must be brave starting today. You should not show your weaknesses or even cry because if you show vulnerability, predators will prey on you," she spoke and sat beside me on her rugged cream couch.

"I have a feeling you will be a luna. Can't you see your own future?"

I looked at my fidgeting fingers and tried to calm down to see what future awaited me, but I saw nothing.

"Uhm, I still don't know how to use my sixth sense effectively. There are days that I could see the fate of something, and there are days that I don't," I muttered.

"Okay, that's normal. Once you enter Luna Academe, they will help you improve your sixth sense."

"Did you study there too?" I asked.

She sighed heavily and said, "Yes, I was an alumnus, but I was pretty much disregarded in that school. What can my sixth sense do? Seeing the past won't change anything." She frowned. "during my stay in that academy, other lycans and werewolves

despised me because I was weak and fragile. They bullied me and even placed me in a vampire's den," she said in grief, "and now, I'm all alone without a mate. Just me and my company. So, if ever you end up being in a situation like me, always remember to stand up for yourself and don't let anyone treat you like a pushover."

I smiled at her. Having a sixth sense that won't contribute much to a pack is truly devastating, but what can we do? It's not like we can choose the sixth sense we like.

"Thanks, Una."


Years have passed, and I finally adjusted to this place. The werewolves and lycans around me were surprisingly kind. I also made new friends.

But I'm always thinking about my foster family back in the human world. Is mom doing alright? What about dad? Who is Ethan playing with?

Throughout the years, I also knew how to block my thoughts so I wouldn't instantly see the future of everything that comes to my skin. I also learned that I can't see my own destiny.

"Malia!" I heard someone calling me.

I looked at Kaizer, my best friend. He was walking towards me.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's go to the ocean," he suggested.

Kaizer and I met when I was eight, two years ago. He was crying in this ocean because his mom got mad at him for eating chocolates. I remember the day I ate grandpa's chocolates from Switzerland. It was the day I discovered that I was not a human.

"This place is so relaxing, isn't it?" He asked me while we both sat on the shore while facing the waters. The horizon is so immaculate.

"Yeah, I heard there were mermaids here," I spoke.

"Nobody saw a mermaid yet, but I do believe in mermaids. Maybe they're just hiding."

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked and looked at him. His eyes were blistering blue like the color of the ocean, and his hair was being swayed by the strong breeze of the west wind.

He stared back at me and said, "I will go to Alpa Academe tomorrow. It was sudden. I thought I would go there next year."

My mouth parted as if I would say something, but no word came out.

"Don't worry, ten years is just a blink of an eye, isn't it?" He asked.

Lycans and werewolves must study for ten years in those schools to create the best packs.

"Hmm, I'll also go to school soon once I feel the changes that will happen in my body," I replied.

"It's not like we're going to the same school anyway," he replied and pouted.

"Hmm, so we need to promise each other something," I said while thinking of a promise.

"In the future, the chances of us meeting again are low once we graduate from Alpha and Luna academe. But, we can meet if I will be an alpha and you will be a luna," he said in a calm voice.

"Then, let's meet again in this place. So promise me, Malia, be a luna." He held my hand, and we exchanged glances.

"I promise."