
The Queen Of Swords : Transmigration Of A Legend

A woman trapped in her mysterious dreams finds herself in people's past since her childhood. As the fragments of dreams show her bits of many people's pasts! When she trained herself to live with this mysterious ability, she found herself in her own past one day! And after visiting her past if she gets hurt in her dream, she bleeds in real too. In the past, it wasn't this fatal as those were others' past! But why do the people in her dreams show up in front of her now with the same names?! Why did her closed one's past get added as a bonus?! It's like she knows even some strangers well without even talking to them in person! And what's with her loose mouth uttering bull**** without realising?! It's like she has a whole different person and emotions in her! The memories of her past show up in unexpected situations catching her off guard and making her look like a crazy woman who is in dire need of admission to a mental asylum! --- Hey dears! Hope you like and support my story!

Hateera · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

What changed now?

Tamizh is searching for something in hurry and messing all things in her room once she painstakingly organized. She finally sits in distress and defeated as if she lost something precious.

Her eyes were almost moist with the mixed emotions of helplessness and an undescribed loss. She purses her lips and huffs before standing again in determination to find that anyhow. After messing the once best-organized room into the messiest room could be on the Earth, she gets disappointed as she couldn't find that thing.

Without knowing she started to cry and teardrops peep out of her eyes hurriedly and fall out to drench her cheeks.

"What the hell!?"

A voice startles Tamizh and made her cry even more seeing her younger sister Madhi standing at the door. Tamizh looks at her like a pet dog with her pitiful gaze and her eyes are already red and puffy.

Madhi's anger melted seeing her elder sister's tears and walks next to her.

She asks in disbelief "What happened, Malar?! Why did you...*looks at the mess her elder sister created and accuses* ou have always lectured me for not keeping my things organized! What now?"

Tamizh states gloomily "I don't like to be called that".

Madhi rolls her eyes and asks in disbelief while tossing the blanket off of the coffee table "Really, Malar? Your full name is Tamizh Malar and you don't want me to call you by your name? I like to keep it simple. Malar means flower..and Tamizh is quite difficult for me to pronunce each time-"

Tamizh huffs "You can't fold your tongue well in the first place to pronunce the alphabet so stop your dumb reasoning".

Madhi raises her eyebrows and stops lifting the books scattered on the floor. She twitches her lips and asks crossing her hands "Then why don't you tell me the cleverest reason for this mess?"

Tamizh just simply looks at her and starts crying "I lost it!".

Madhi is puzzled by that statement with no details and asks "You lost what?".

Tamizh pouts gloomily and says "My Artbook..".

And that's when Madhi gets shocked and asks in disbelief "What?? How..and where? You literally sleep hugging it every day!".

Tamizh states defeated "Yesterday I came back from work ...My new art workbook...I kept it here! In my room..see..on this table!! But its not here now!! Even that stupid ledger is here but not the book of my dreams' details!"

Madhi too gets serious as she knows how much the Artbooks are important to her elder sister. Since her childhood, Tamizh has been keeping tracks of the various dreams. At first, it was weird and even looked silly. But after years of the dreams, she has got, Tamizh can even open a mini library with those Art books.

So, she knows the seriousness of this situation. If she couldn't find the book, Tamizh might get a depression which is in control for this few months.

Madhi lances the ledger on the sofa and suddenly remembers something.

She gasps in horror "Oh My God!!"

She notices Tamizh too looking at her startled by her sudden cry and asks with hopeful eyes "The book .. which was in that blue cover!!??"

But she was begging in her mind 'Please it shouldn't be that! I sent them to shred just this morning!! Please-'

Tamizh jumps in happiness and hugs Madhi saying "Thank Goodness, Madhi! You kept it safe...I thought I lost it! You deserve a kiss-".

Madhi ".." Shit!

Madhi releases herself from the hug slowly and says in alert "Actually...".

'God! She will kill me if she gets to know what I did! I should escape soon!'

She couldn't say the truth so she takes a few steps back carefully not hinting Tamizh her panic.

But Tamizh frowns dumbly "You are scaring me..by acting weird.. wait.."

Madhi runs out without a word as she knows this day could become an apocalypse if she even delayed a minute!

Tamizh blinks blankly "She... ran?! She did that again! Madhi! You are dead today! I will break you into pieces if something happens to my book!"

She too goes following her but Madhi was way ahead of her when it comes to running as an athlete in school.

Madhi grabs the keys absentmindedly and mutters worried "God!! What have I done?! How could I be so irresponsible!! I should have checked the contents of the cover!"

She notices the key she grabbed and purses her lips as it wasn't her car key but the key of Tamizh's scooter. She shrugs as it would be even convenient to go fast in traffic".

By the time Tamizh reached out of the house, Madhi has already vanished without any trace and her scooter too?!

She holds her hands overhead shouting "My scooter!! Why would you take that?? You have your car, girl!! I am gonna kill her...How will I follow her now to find what she had done this time?! I can't even drive a car!"

She sits at the doorstep with no choice and caresses the injury n her upper hand. It's now treated and bandaged.

"Why is this happening suddenly? I have been dreaming weird things but nothing hurt me physically... Apart from depression..there has been nothing...What changed now?"

She starts thinking of this morning dream and watches a tree straight to her house's gate but never visited there. She stands and walks towards the tree slowly. She peers around the tree but something feels creepy suddenly.

'Why am I here? I should be waiting for Madhi..."

As soon as she took a step back, she feels something strange. She looks back at the tree and slowly forwards her hand to touch it. It felt like being tempted to touch it but her mind warns her to not do it.

When her hand is just an inch above the tree trunk she takes her hand back suddenly as she felt like hearing Madhi's voice behind.


She steps back to moves away from the tree but her shawl gets stuck on the tree instead. Soon the wind blows harshly around her and the dry leaves start flying around her. She tries to remove her shawl but she leaves it as she heard Madhi's voice calling her in panic.


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