
The Queen of Havelon

The most powerful being in the universe is the dragon. People pray to it and consider it as a god. There have been countless wars fought between countries to keep the sacred being to themselves. But it was not the people for whom the dragon still roams the world. It was just one person whom he had been waiting for centuries, hiding his true form, wandering around the world, just in search of the one whom he promised to share everything with.

ElenaNaik · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

"I may be a servant but I duel like a gentleman," Melione drew her sword as they walked into the open courtyard. "I will go easy on you."

"What does a stable boy know of swords?" the page asked again.

"The same way a page would know," Melione retorted.

The page smiled. His smile was very handsome, straight white teeth, paired with amused eyes.

Melione wiped some dust on her hands and experimentally swung the sword around.

"What's your name, boy?" the man asked.

"Leo," Melione answered.

"Asher" the man called. Asher casually sliced the air with his sword a few times. He glanced up at Melione with a grin on his face.

Melione got into her ready stance and tightened her grip on her sword. There was a pause as Asher and Melione both studied each other. Melione made the first move and swung at her opponent. Asher swiftly blocked it and pushed her back.

"Not bad," she remarked.

Asher swung back at Melione and Melione easily knocked it to the side. The two circled each other, eyes locking, bracing to strike. Melione tried to read Asher's body movements. He was very fast on his feet and actually seemed experienced with a blade. He seemed to be enjoying the duel and Melione liked it. It had been ages since she had a good duel.

Their swords clanged together again, twice, and then three times. They resumed circling each other.

"Let's get some action!" Someone yelled. "Quit staring at each other."

Melione rolled her eyes. These people clearly didn't understand the art of swordplay. But just to please the crowd, Melione jabbed at Asher in a series of short blows. She managed to make him step back a few feet. The crowd cheered.

Asher didn't seem worried though. He had this glint in his eyes as if he had a funny secret.

"You're pretty good for a stable boy," he commented.

Melione smirked at him. "Then fight back!" she teased.

Her sword rained blows down on him but every one of them was expertly blocked. Asher kept playing on the defensive side, hardly even trying to advance.

Melione liked this tactic, to plan smartly rather than just keep on attacking and losing energy. She smiled and switched the sword over to her dominant hand. The crowd whooped and cheered. They were just looking for a show.

Asher laughed. "I am impressed!" he said. "...But are you good enough?" he asked, tossing his sword to his other hand also.

Melione silently laughed. She thought she had him with that one. Melione loosened up her shoulder muscles and resumed her ready stance. This time she charged at him. She swung over her head. Asher met her halfway. Melione pressed all her weight behind the sword but Asher's arm didn't even move an inch.

"Brace yourself," he said, nonchalantly.

He pushed Melione back and started fighting offensively. Melione easily blocked his blows. Within seconds, she was pushed back to the edge of their circle. She tried to return to attacking but Asher never gave her the opportunity. He left no openings. It was fine with Melione, she was not fighting seriously with him. She was just enjoying the duel.

Asher sure was talented with his sword. And Melione was clear about one thing by now, that Asher was not just a simple page. He too was hiding his identity.

Melione's shoulder muscles were burning and her arm flamed even when she lifted it to simply wipe her face. It was a good fight. She missed this feeling a lot. The adrenaline rush, the excitement of having a good and talented opponent.

"Give up?" Asher asked.

"Never!" Melione shouted.

The answer seemed to please him and he resumed the duel. Melione was getting more amused with him. It was evident that Melione only wanted to play. Every time Asher left an opening, she would attack it and hit him with the flat edge of her sword.

The crowd laughed and Melione smirked. Though it was hard to tell if Asher was blushing because his face had been so flushed already.

Melione let Asher play offensively for a while but then pushed him to defend himself. It was time for her to end this. Finally, she locked Asher's sword with her and flicked her wrist. Asher's sword went flying and dug itself into the dirt.

"It's been fun, Asher..." She nodded to him. "So now you take back everything you said about Queen Melione?" To which Asher nodded.

Even though Asher stood there with his mouth open she couldn't see any sign of sadness in his eyes. It was like he was expecting her to win. The crowd cheered for Melione and offered consoling pats on the back for Asher.

"You got what you wanted, didn't you?" one man said, slapping her on the shoulder. "Man...that was some duel though," he said laughing.

Melione politely answered him and with that, she turned on his heel and left.. She reached a local well and took a long drink from it. She quickly washed her face though simply moving her arms hurt. She happily stalked back to the borders of her home. Only being inside and doing paperwork took a toll on her stamina and now only a small duel tired her out.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed as she fell off the wall for the third time.

Her arms and shoulders were too sore to support her weight. Melione took a few deep breaths and threw her hat and jacket over the wall first. She leapt onto the wall and forced her arms and legs to climb. It was really fun and she had a grin on her face the whole way back.

"You can do this!" she muttered.

Her fingers slipped and she was sent sprawling back onto the grass.

Melione shook her head with amusement and attempted the climb again. She realized the more she thought about the duel, the faster she climbed.

"I need to start training again," she thought. She climbed up a little higher with more vigor.

Melione found herself on top of the wall. She leapt off and snuck back into the stables.

"I swear if we ever meet again..." Melione said, shaking her head. She needed to have a talk with her general the first thing in the morning. Her knights would be having a hard time keeping up with her now that she has decided to start her training again.