
The Queen and Her Human

This story is about a human falling for the Queen on monsters. Though the rulers of the world don't want this to last. The Queen and her Human are stronger together.

JacobMWierzba · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter Four

The meeting started after we got to the castle, Bradley and I stood don't the back wall not getting in the way. We didn't want to cause a scene for Zahara, but the more we stayed out of the way the more a couple of the rulers in the meet kept starring at us. This caught Zahara's attention and I smiled a bit. My smile caught Vlad's eye and he saw the other staring at us, so he said something about it.

"For those of you that can already smell it, we have human men here acting as Queen Zahara's Guards.

The oldest one is a great fighter and from what I hear from him his younger brother there is the same. I wanted them to be here to understand the rulers of this world. The real rulers do when times are tough. Jacob here sees you watching him, and he smiles, he does that because he's not afraid of you. I don't expect him to be afraid since he lives in the same city as Zahara. " Vlad said as a woman stood up, then pointed at me and Bradley.

"Are you influenced by that demon boy?" She said in a harsh tone that made me angry. Then Vlad spoke up over the woman. "Mind your tongue, he's not affected by any magic or spells or even curses. He's the ultimate human weapon that chooses to be our young missing Personal Guard. I sense he has more to show us, would you like to see. " He said, scaring Brad and Zahara of what it might be. I on the other hand wanted to know what it was.

Then he had me brought into an arena with weapons of all kinds. I was fighting a werewolf with any means necessary. Zahara tried to stop this challenge, but I wanted to do it. I wanted for some reason to show the Rulers of the Monster I was nothing to mess with. I chose only a knife and silver gauntlets to fight, everyone smirked when I picked them up. Bradley smiled, but for a different reason. I looked to see who my opponent was, and it was Litta, she was asked to fight me because she was the best fighter the monsters had.

I didn't want to fight her at all because I came to respect her as a friend. I looked up at Zahara who was in the stands watching. She had a blank face and Bradley was worried about if I was going to fight. Then Litta said to me to get me to fight. "Don't puss out because we are friends Jacob, fight me all out as you do at home." This helped me and the fire of my heart started to grow out of control. Then a bell rang, and She charged at me with speed. I waited for her to get close, then I caught her with the hardest punch I could muster. I knocked her back and sent her flying in the fall. She smiled and spat blood on the ground, "Good one Jacob, that really hurt, I'm going to have to..." She was saying as I ran right to her and swung my leg hard kicking her into the wall. Zahara and Bradley cringed when she hit the wall again. Then, as I continued fighting Bradley spoke about everyone in the stands. Which they were all the Rulers and a couple of the servants of Vlad's.

"Jacob, my brother is the ultimate fighter of humankind. He will not give his opponent the chance to recover. Yeah, sometimes he'll play with his target for a moment, but if they are dangerous, he'll do that. " Pointing at me, as I was not missing an attack on Litta who could somewhat block my attacks. I was trying to knock her out fast, but her monster-like body wasn't going down. Then she smiled and I backed off a second. "The only way I'm going to be able to stop her is to submit her to stop." So, I waited till she stood up and waited for her to move. Bradley saw this and he knew what I was going to try. Then he said to Zahara, "He's going to dislocate her arms if he does this next move." Right as he said that Litta ran at me, she came in with a punch. I caught it and then grabbed her other arm. I spun her around then I pulled her arms back popping her arms out dislocating them. Then I kicked her knee dislocating them too, she fell to the ground, then let out a small scream.

Vlad came down and stopped the match, "Jacob you won the match, congratulation human you proved how strong you are." He said as I got down to Litta, "I'm sorry Litta but I can fix it for you if you want?" I asked her when she begged me to help. "Alright bites this knife, you'll feel a slight pinch in everything." Then in one move, I popped both arms and her knee in place. Litta almost passed out from the pain, then she stood up.

The Woman who was yelling at me during the meeting came down with Zahara. She apologized to me and Zahara then she apologized to Vlad for her not trusting his judgment. I sat back on the bench near the wall of the Arena when all the rulers came down. They were about one hundred rulers, but to my current knowledge, there are more Monster Kings and Queen aka the Rulers out there. I just was in the presents of the few who were aligned with Vlad and Zahara.

Everyone came over to me as I took off the gauntlets. Vlad looked over at me seeing that I was getting a little annoyed by the questions they had for me. They asked the same thing which I didn't know the answer to. "Where did you get the strength to fight monsters, why aren't you afraid of any of us." These questions I didn't know the answers to. All I kept saying was, "I don't know, I've been always strong ever since I was born." I would say every time, till Zahara walks over to me.

Everyone stopped asking me about my life, then Vlad spoke to me and everyone that could hear him. "This man, Jacob Cold, and his Younger Brother Bradley are now part of Zahara's guard. He's well enough to be even more, but for now, he will not be bothered by anyone. Do you all understand this? Because I will make it an order. " I looked around at everyone shaking their heads in understanding. Bradley looked at me and saw I was smiling with Vlad standing next to me.

I stood up, then placed my hand on Vlad's shoulder. Everyone gasped in protest to me touching him at all. "I respect you and everyone here, but I'm no one dog. So, don't expect me to jump at your word." Vlad looked over at me, he looked young, but you knew how old he was just by the smell. Then he smiled at me and said, "Jacob I know you won't jump at our word, that much I expect from you, my friend."

After that little part of my day, it was noticeably quiet the rest of the day. Nothing really happened, I went with Zahara on a couple of errands while Bradley returned to the Plane. She took me to a weapons store in the town near the castle. I looked around the shop at all the weapons they had. They even had a couple of blades-proof gloves with brass knuckles on them. They looked really cool to me and I wanted to buy them. I couldn't buy anything because I didn't have any money for this country. Then I looked around and saw a sword that had a dark red steel blade. Zahara saw me looking at those items, then she asked me. "Jacob, you don't have cash, do you?" I shook my head no and then said, "I forgot to change out my Japanese cash out for these countries." Zahara sighed, then she grabbed the weapons from my hands. "I'll buy this sword and do you have gloves like this in different colors?" She asked the clerk, then Zahara bought me about ten pairs of gloves and the sword. Then we headed back to the Plane with the weapons she bought Bradley and me. I gave Bradley the sword and Zahara was confused by me giving him the sword.

"Zahara, tell me if I'm wrong, but a lot of the Rulers don't like humans being around like us?" I asked her, knowing her answer, "Yeah, but that's a little drastic isn't it Jacob?" She said when I then said to both her and Bradley. "They might send a monster to either kill us or scare us away. I want to be able to protect myself and Brad here. " I said, pointing to Bradley, who was sitting in his chair. Zahara finally saw that I may be right and she let Bradley keep the sword. Then the plane took off and we headed for home.

Now I fast-forward to six months later, I was on my normal daily shift guarding Miss Zahara. I had my gloves on all the time and I waited for a fight every day. I started to get paranoid with every sound scaring me till Litta said something. "Why don't you just trust Vlad's word, it's been six months, and no one is stupid enough to come after you." She made a couple of good points; Vlad's word was law to most of the Monsters. No one indeed has not tried anything yet, but I still couldn't relax with my brother being watched too.

I took a deep breath and agreed to chill out a bit. Then right as I turned the corner to use the bathroom. One of Bradley's school friends came up to me. Then Zahara ran to me with fear in her eyes. I looked at the friend who was a Female wolf girl. "Where is Bradley right now?" I asked her as she said at the school and I ran after him.

The wolf girl stopped Zahara then said, "It was a demon elder, he told me to get Jacob over to him or he'll ki…." She started to cry before Zahara pushed her aside and ran after me.

I ran all the way to the school and when I saw what had my brother my mind snapped. The Demon man had my brother on the ground, standing on his chest. The man looked right at me and saw the rage in my eyes. Zahara, after she left the office spread her wings and flew to school. She called her fellow Succubae and had them catch up to her. Before I knew it, she was by my side and had over forty of her ladies surrounding the area. Instead of them glaring at me they barred fangs and claws at the Demon.

Zahara stepped in front of me then pointed at the guy as she yelled. "You get your foot off of my Servant Lucifer and leave my city!" She Yelled a Demonic voice that scared me and made the other Girls jump a bit. Litta came up from behind me and tried to get me to pull back. I looked at her and she saw I was beyond talking with the fire in my eyes. The Demon during this time laughed before saying. "All I want is your hand and for these... Humans to leave this city. " When he said that I started to get really jittery and I didn't know why. Then from the blink of an eye, he lifted his leg then crushed Brad's chest.

Zahara saw nothing but a flash of anger passed her and rushed at the Demon. I had charged right at Lucifer with everything I had. The six months of living in the city only made me get stronger and faster. Lucifer caught a glimpse of me right before I kicked him off Bradley. I picked him up and then rushed him to Litta, she began to Heal him right away. I grabbed Bradley's Sword then looked at Zahara. "I'm going to kill this man right here," I said right, Lucifer was standing up from my attack.

He started to laugh at me then he took a close look at my face. "You're That kid champion from the U.S, aren't you?" I froze for a second then I lost control of my temper. I charged him again and he caught my kick this time, but didn't see the sword. I stabbed him right through the leg, almost cutting it right off. He threw me at the Zahara, I landed right next to Bradley, who was fully healed and awake.

I stood up and then Bradley stood up as well. "Can you fight brother?" Bradley dusted himself off and then grabbed the sword from me. "Yes, now that my friend isn't here I can fight back. What I didn't know Bradley wouldn't fight back because it would have endangered his friends' life. We trained together with Litta and the guy at the Arena, so it confused me for a moment.

Zahara felt my mood change, then she watched Litta start to smile. Then we both, Bradley and I Rushed Lucifer. We hit him from all sides and kicked him on the other sides. Then he pushed us off throwing us into the school building, we crashed through a window. We got up and saw it was a lab with blood in vials. We shrugged it off and jumped to the ground and rushed Lucifer again and again. We didn't stop attacking him till he got really weak from losing a lot of blood. Then in a desperate attack, he used his magic to throw us back into the lab. As I hit the table full of tubes and blood, I passed out to Bradley landing next to me. Zahara and the girls flew to help us, but the lab blew up. Litta rushed in to heal us and she found me covering Bradley with my body. She started to heal us then Zahara took us to the hospital. There I laid there for three weeks while my energy recovered

Protecting what you love is not an easy thing, It's the hardest battle people can fight for.

JacobMWierzbacreators' thoughts