
The Queen's Rise

The princess had been missing for fifteen years. Yet every year, Queen Viola presents "the princess" to the noble court. Unfortunately, none of these girls have been the princess. None have even looked similar to the princess, though the court accepts them as such. Until this year. Things are different, and I decided to keep this journal as proof of the Queen's deceit. My name is Laura. This year? I was the girl chosen to play the missing princess.

Heather_Waage · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs


Well. That was nerve-wracking. We made it out of the castle with minimal issues. The ball was still going when I excused myself, but I needed the time to get changed. Those gowns are not easy to get into or out of, no matter how well fitting they are. Kat was waiting for me in the stables. He had already gotten the horses ready to depart. We waited until the courtyard was clear before mounting up and riding out of the castle gates. Given the ball was still going, we didn't encounter many people on the roads leading out of the surrounding city.

Andalusia is the capital city of the Brairuid Kingdom and was built around the castle. Over time the city has grown from a simple defensive fort to the sprawling city it is now. There were three sets of gates that we needed to pass through to reach the outskirts of the city, then we were (figuratively) home free. One was the castle gate, the second was the inner city gate, and the last was the outer gate. Outside the city, there are still homes and businesses, new growth from when the last gate was built. I suppose in a few more years another gate will be added, for safety's sake.

-Ahhh, the natural expansion of the human race at work. Why live miles from anyone when you can cram inside of a set of walls by a castle? Humans are social creatures at the core.-

We kept riding well into the night, we only stopped after the moon had passed its highest point. Kat had some sort of compass or map that he was guiding us by, so I let him take the lead. As we traveled, we passed by several smaller towns. The only indication that they were there was the glow of the torches illuminating the roads. After we stopped and made camp, we had a light meal, and settled to sleep. Kat kept the first watch, then woke me for my shift. Nothing much happened. There were the normal sounds of the forest, you know, owls hooting, grass shifting, tees creaking. Nothing special. I woke Kat at first light, then we got back on the road. Figuratively speaking - there wasn't a road to follow.

-I kinda figured that this is what you were scratching away at, but did you have to write while I was trying to sleep? Do you know how hard it is to sleep in nature when there is a clearly unnatural sound emanating three feet away from you?-

As promised, A play by play of the second night of the ball. I wore the same tiara as yesterday, but I decided to forgo the necklace and bracelet. I was wearing the pale blue dress, and boy did the room get quiet when I entered. As expected, I gave a short speech thanking the nobles and ambassadors for attending the ball and encouraging them to have a great time. After my speech, I started to mingle with the nobles that I had spoken to yesterday. Most of them remembered our conversation, but a few didn't. Most of the aforementioned nobles were supportive, and a few even pledged to take the matter to the Queen. I suggested they form a petition and pass it around all of their friends, and to their friend's friends. That having more signatures would hold more weight and be more likely to force a change. After that, I spoke with some of the merchants and traders, subtly mentioning the possible petition to drop the taxes on goods. I briefly met up with Kat, and some of the other ambassadors. By the time I was done mingling with the crowds, it was time for me to depart.

-I remember seeing you, I also remember a sheet of paper being passed around the guests. I presume that was the petition? I didn't hear if that succeeded in forcing a change, or if it just got people killed or imprisoned. I suppose it doesn't matter now, you'll change things while you're on the throne.-

Yes, I left some of the finer details out, but the important bits are there. You, my dear reader, already know far more about me, and the royal court than the average person. Of course, none of the information I've shared are state secrets, so theoretically, it could be looked up in the castle archives. If Viola hasn't decimated them, that is. Or restricted access. Honestly, I don't know what Viola has done to the archives, they are supposed to be open to the public, with a secondary archive that's restricted to the royals and nobility. In the entire time I was working in the castle, and being tutored, I haven't heard of civilians being allowed access to the main archives. Yet I know for a fact that they are supposed to be the public record. Its weird. Anyways, moving on.

-The public archive had been stripped of almost everything shortly after King Elijah died. There was something in the public record that Queen Viola was trying to suppress. And she has succeeded. Even now, we are still going through the mess she left behind.-

Traveling through the kingdom isn't as interesting as I'd assumed it would be. Don't get me wrong, the land changes with every day we travel, and some of the sites we've passed are amazing. My boredom stems from the fact that we can't take our time and explore these sites. We have to keep ahead of the guard contingent that I'm almost positive that Viola has sent after us. There is no way she hasn't noticed my disappearance. Kat and I must make it past the border before the guards catch us, or we, and this kingdom, are doomed. So yea, no exploring for me. Kat estimates another two days before we reach the border. Or, just over one day if we ride through the night. I think I like that option better. Better to be exhausted but safe, than well rested and captured.

-Best get moving then. The horses won't direct themselves. Also, might I recommend you take catnaps in the saddle? Though I know you won't.-

No matter what anyone says, staying functional after nearly thirty-six hours without rest is incredibly difficult. I did try to nap in the saddle, but every time I nodded off even a bit, something happened. Be it the reins jerking to the side, the horse turning, rocks, you name it. Anything that could jostle someone awake on horseback, it probably happened to me. There was one time that Kat spooked a snake, and I was nearly thrown from my horse. No clue what kind of snake, but it was enough for my horse to freak out. I should probably name the horse. Of course, it must already have a name, though I don't know it. Maybe Kat knows? I'll ask. A conversation might help me stay awake a bit longer.

-I had wondered why you had suddenly become chatty.-

We crossed the border a ways back, but to be safe, we're going to keep traveling for a few more hours. In my previous conversation with Kat, I learned that my horse is one of the three Kat arrived with. He left the third behind because of the urgency of our departure. Kat is riding Sweetlady, a dappled grey mare that he raised from a foal. I am apparently riding Thunder. Thunder is a predominantly black horse, with streaks of grey that look similar to lightning. Similar to Sweetlady, Kat raised Thunder from a foal too. Apparently, the two have the same Dam, mother, or whatever the horse that gave birth to them is called. Her name is SweetPie, I believe? I was kinda dozing at that point.

-You're right, I'm surprised you remember. I honestly thought that you had fallen asleep by that point. I had to grab your reins to stop Thunder from turning when you started to sway to the side.-

We made camp on a tiny island. I call it an island because its a small, dry strip of land in the middle of the convergence of three streams. Its lucky we stopped when we did, I was about to fall off of Thunder. We're about a day and a half's ride inside the borders of Kat's homeland, Trowepiste. Its lucky that I have Kat with me, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to cross the border. His family set wards to prevent unauthorized entry. I guess that's how they've managed to stay hidden. The people who enter, well, they don't want to leave. The presence of the wards waylay some of my concerns about pursers, so I'm glad that Kat trusted me enough to tell me. Hopefully, in the next week or so, We can make it to the capital. If we can make it there, I can beg an audience with Kat's parents. Yea. Kat is apparently a prince in his own right. I was shocked too.

-Did you honestly not realize? I thought I had mentioned it at least a few times. Especially after your princess bombshell. Given your surprise, I must have been too subtle.-