
The Purpose of Us

When Ahliyah's mother gets sick, she's forced to move back to Florida to make something of her self. Moving back causes more problems for her then she would like, bringing back memories she would like to forget. Carter wants to be able to feel at home. Even though he has an apartment and a friend who would do anything for him. He shuts himself out from the world because of his PTSD, fearing someone is going to treat him like his step mother did. When Ahliyah and Carter cross paths, they both learn the understanding of true friendship and love, while moving through their trauma together.

Naashia_Bailey · Thanh xuân
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47 Chs

Chapter 45: Ahliyah

" Have you called Lorenzo to see if he was coming?" I asked.

Carter bit his lip shaking his head. We were throwing a bonfire to celebrate our new beginning, but trying to get in contact with some of our friends was harder then we thought.

" He's not picking up his phone and I left ten messages already. " Carter shook his head in disappointment. He was looking forward to starting over with Lorenzo and building new bridges. It seemed like Lorenzo burned that bridge when he decided he needed to do what was best for him.

" Mercedes is coming. She said she would help decorate if we needed her to." He said.

If Mercedes came then Elias would have to come to. While Carter finished planning everything for tomorrow I left the room to call Elias. I dialed his number and when the call went through I didn't hesitate to ask if he was coming or not.

" Ahliyah? Is that you? It's been so long since I've heard your voice." He said happily.

" It's been awhile, Carter and I are throwing a bonfire to celebrate and I wanted to know if you were coming."

" Yes,"He said quickly, I was about to hang up but he told me to wait. " How are things going for you?"

" Things are good, I don't have time to catch up with you right now. I really have to go we'll talk this weekend." I said hanging up the phone.

I went back downstairs and wrote Elias's name on the paper for the people who was coming. As we talked about what we would be doing and how we were going to end the night, Carter slumped his shoulders and looked down at the carpet.

" Why would he do that? Not answer my calls or at least give me an answer about if he was coming. We've been friends for a long time and he's just going to move on to another state somewhere and forget about me." He got up pacing the carpet and as he paced he ranted about his friendship with Lorenzo.

He was hurt because this moment meant a lot to him and to have Lorenzo there would meant a lot to him. But, Lorenzo was struggling like we were and he had to take time to figure out his self.

I placed my hand on his shoulders and held his face. " It's okay if he doesn't come. He been sober for awhile now and that an accomplishment worth celebrating on his behalf." I told him.

Carter nodded and walked upstairs to our room. I sighed trying to call Lorenzo myself because Carter needed his friend and wanted him there. His phone rang many times and when it finally stopped ringing, I was upset.

" Why are you being a jackass? Why can't you been there for Carter? He wants you there to celebrate us. Yes, I said us because whether you like it or not we are your family. Come down for your friend because he was there for you when you needed him." I closed my eyes waiting for sigh or a response from him saying he was coming.

" Are you done? Thank for the amazing complement, by the way. I'm already in Texas and I'll be there but I won't be staying long." He said.

He hung up and I squealed in happiness. Someone had to talk some sense into him even though he was already here. I couldn't contain my excitement for Lorenzo and Carter to reunite once again.


Through everything we've been through we were family. We might not have been friends for long but we've seen enough of each other to know what makes the other person mad and angry. We had a lot to celebrate and look forward too.

It's been a month since Carter and I moved to Texas for ourselves.

It's been a months since we sat on the bench getting to know each other and talking about what bothered us.

Carter was moving on and he had scars to remind him of where he's been and I did too. Throwing this bonfire for ourselves was our way of celebrating everything, even the small things we thought weren't important to talk about.

I walked upstairs and Carter was sound asleep in bed. I sat on the couch downstairs nodding my head and smiling. "We did it, mom. Thank you, for everything." I whispered.

We did it.

I jumped for joy as I looked around where we were and all the pictures that were hanging on the wall. Months ago, I was working in a shop wondering where life was going to take me. Wondering if I was ever going to make it out of the dark hole I put myself into.

Carter was running to find someone to talk to about his emotional pain. Someone he could trust and love because he wasn't loved inside of his own home. We were strangers who sat on the bench hoping the other would understand what we'd been through, what we suffered.

It felt good to to breathe and fell everything. We needed hope and we finally go that and more.

Carter stumbled down the stairs tiredly smiling. " Are we really doing this?" He asked.

I turned around and chuckled, " Yes, we are doing this,We aren't doing this just for us. We are doing this for our friends and us."

It was the truth, we all had gone through something that shook us to our core. Something that bothered us so deeply that we had to stay awake at night trying to figure out how to solve or fix it. We all had deep scars that deserved to be celebrated.

" Okay, As long as this is something you want." He said.

I sat down and finished planning everything. I wanted this to be special for all of us. I wanted us to be able to laugh and talk about things freely without worry and stress because we did it.

We did it.