
The Purpose Of My Existence

> 2 Chapters in a day Temporary

Charlottes · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
100 Chs


(A/N : Okay first of all for those who had watched the Movie The Seven Deadly Sins : Prisoners of the sky, you would understand this a bit, btw Liya is the name of my Oc that looks like Elizabeth yet more sexy and has a bigger bust, and also won't add more harem candidates unless I had a certain interest, I'm gonna focus in the story for now. 😏😏)


( Liya PoV )

I am Liya, all my life lived in a small sky island, we are a descendants of the Goddess clan and we call our race Celestials, our duty is to protect our hometown.

In the Sky island there is a huge Egg on it and they said that, the egg was a seal to a creature called Indura, it was a strong beast that it said to be par with the Demon King.

Thought the seal is still stable and strong, some of the low level demon, who is sealed along the Indura can get out.

There would be at least 3-4 demon would escape from the seal every year, I am also a warrior thought I'm a girl you shouldn't underestimate me!

I am one of the best warrior in our clan, but I didn't want to became one, honestly it's because I want to escape from this fate getting of getting Married to someone I don't like.

Every generation, the chief son would inherit the Winged Sword, that was giving by the Great White, who is our saviour.

And as he inherit the Winged sword, he would choose marry the woman, who has the purest bloodline of his generation, you can say that it's Royalty, and coincidentally I am that woman.

Actually I have no problem marrying a decent man, but that man who is the inheritor of the Winged Sword is a lustful, greedy and has really bad attitude, he treats our people as a servant, he considers himself as superior.

And from that moment, I decided to train myself that I had almost died many times, I get exhausted too much, yet I still keep going, hopefully I can break the sacred law.

One day I announced to my people that, I don't want to marry the chief son, I was scolded by a lot my race of course, but then our current Great Elder is on my side, for she knows that the chief son has trash attitude.

So the great elder called all of the pure blooded ones, or you can call them officials or politicians in short.

The great elder told them, that she also supports me on not marrying that trash,

and of course many of them disagreed, the law isn't supposed to be broken, and after a few hours of words fighting.

They had finally decided something, I would duel the chief son, and if I win I wouldn't have to marry the Trash.

They did that because, the husband should be stronger than the wife, that's what they thought, but I am very happy at their decision.

I know that trash too well, he is lazy and weak, I'm confident that I would win, I couldn't wait to be free.

After a few days of waiting, it was finally time for the duel, all of the people who lives in the Sky Kingdom, is watching us.

( Normal Person Pov )

There is also some rules, in the arena there is a redline and if someone get passed to it loses, and also you could not kill each other, and if someone surrendered them he/she loses.

Unless on of them says " I give up. " then that's the signal of surrendering and that person loses immediately.

And the duel started the trash looked at me lustfully and said " Liya, oh Liya why don't you just surrender and become my meat toy! "

Liya shouted in disdain " Shut up! you disgusting freak! "

Trash was the first one to move, both of them had a long sword, Trash swings his sword vertically into Liya.

But Liya dodge it, and she slash back, Trash barely dodged it and he has an ugly face when, he dodged her attack.

Liya continued slashing, swinging and piercing her sword toward the trash, some of the people who are watching laughed at Trash pitifully display.

And the Chief who is naturally trash father got embarrassed he shouted angrily at Trash " You brat! don't you dare to lose to a girl! "

Trash shouted " F*ck sake old man! shut up I'm trying! "

As he said that, he didn't get to dodge Liya's kick and he got hit in the stomach, he cough his disgusting saliva out of his disgusting mouth.

Liya pointed her sword at Trash face and she said coldly " Give up! you can't beat me! "

Trash gritted his teeth and drops his sword, into the ground and rised his hands, Liya took her sword from the face of Trash.

She turned around thinking that " I won! I can finally escape from my fate from marrying that trash! "

However she had forgotten about a certain rule, the person have to say " I give up. " for her to win.

Without realizing it, Trash pushed her and she got passed at the redline and she said " Eh? "

Trashed laughed crazily " HAHAHAHA I WON!! B*TCH YOUR GOING TO BE MY MEAT TOY! "

The people got angry at Trash for his victory, but they knew it was in the rules they couldn't refute that fact.

Liya got dumbfounded and said " I-i won didn't I? why why are you celebrating! "

Trashed grinned " Oh Liya! your a f*cking idiot for assuming that you won! yes I did drop my sword and rised my hand but did I say I give up? " he grinned even more loudly.

Liya dropped her knees in the ground mumbling " No..it's can't be no... "


( Liya PoV )

After the match I cried at my room loudly, I blame myself for getting ahead like that, after that sleepless night.

I couldn't take it anymore, I want to be free, I want to escape, I have heard that there was an abandoned ruins that has a certain teleportation to the land, they say it was dangerous there because it was ruled by the demon.

But for me who has no choice, but to go there it's better to die free, than being a sextoy to that Trash!

I decided to move now, I prepared some stuff necessary for surviving.

After the preparation, I am ready to escape, there were few guards at my place, I skillfully hides in their views, and I ran after going in a safe place.

After a several minutes of running, I finally arrived at the ruin, honesty it's faster to fly but I didn't dare because, they would find me easily.

As I got into the ruin, I was running toward a straight direction, after a few minutes of running, I saw a dead end and said " No it can't be how can i- "

Then I suddenly remembered that I need to chant a certain words to open it so I said it " *""##*%*# "

And the wall opened and I see the pond which is the portal to go into the land, I didn't hesitate to jump at the pond and as I got it the water it shines and I got teleported.

( PoV End )

Liya swam above the water, she was catching her breath, she swam toward the land and she was breathing heavily.

She didn't realize that someone was looking at her, and after a moment she finally noticed, as she look at the person who was staring at her.

Liya went of daze, it's because the person who was gazing at her is extremely Handsome! he was the most handsome man she had seen!

And they Liya got panicked, she knew that the lands was dominated by the demons! she thought that this man in front of her is disguising, she shouted " Y-you vile creature! charming me with that handsome face! unforgivable! show me your true form! "

Naturally the man is Mark he said with a deadpan face " Huh? "