
The Purple Flash of Kumo

After the destruction caused by Kyuubi, A and his group find a dying Kushina with a crying Naruto in her arms; feeling that he was not safe with the Masked Man around, she gives Naruto to him for safety. Naruto becomes a beloved son and little brother. Rated M for Sexual Content and Gore.

Drinnor · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

A Genin of Kumo

Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and read the chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'


The Following 10 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 16 (A Date), Chapter 17 (A Night to Remember), Chapter 18 (Morning After), Chapter 19 (Shinobi From Konoha), Chapter 20 (Enemies from Konoha), Chapter 21 (No Other Choice), Chapter 22 (Team Kumo Vs Team Konoha), Chapter 23 (Live or Die), Chapter 24 (Leaving The Land of Tea), and Chapter 25 (A Night of Pleasure) are already available for Patrons.

Following their Jonin. Team 10 soon found themselves on top of the roof. Darui was sitting in a chair, and across him was a bench where Naruto, Omoi, and Yugito sat down.

"Well, before we start, my name is Darui, and my specialty is Black Lightning. I like to work for my village. I'm an S-Rank Shinobi, and my job is quite dull. Now your turn." Darui said, pointing at Omoi.

The three new genins weren't sure what to think of him. He sounded quite...dull. But Omoi figured he might as well tell him everything.

"My name is Omoi, my specialty is Kenjutsu, and Lazing around with no purpose in life. I like to help my friends, and I dislike assholes. My favorite food is ice cream. My best friends are Naruto and Yugito. I hope one day to become a worthy man to make my father proud." Omoi explained, with a grim look, sucking on his lollipop.

Darui figured the son of Daishin would become a Kenjutsu warrior. Good Shinobi, terrible father, Darui thought. His eyes slowly turned to Yugito.

"Your turn, blonde."

"Me?" Both Naruto and Yugito said.

"The girl one," Darui added.

"My name is Yugito Nii. My favorite food is Sushi. I dislike bad people, but most people who can't tell the difference between water and the glass holding the water. My dearest friends are Naruto, Samui, and Omoi. My dream is one day to become the Best Kunichi in the World." Yugito said, punching the air in the end.

Not bad for a girl of her age; becoming the best Kunoichi requires a lot of effort, though. I hope she has the Will, Darui thought before pointing his index finger at Naruto.

"Since these two have mentioned your name in their intros, I assume...you're Naruto," Darui said as he pointed to his blonde male student.

"That's right. I'm Naruto Yotsuki. I like training, Ramen, and hanging out with my friends. I dislike those who judge a book by its cover and those who hurt people that are precious to me. My hobbies are training as well, most of the time with Ay Sensei, my father, and Bee, and also learning new Jutsus. My dream is to become the greatest Kage. So I can achieve my true goal, which is to bring true peace to the Shinobi world." Naruto said with his bright smile.

'This kid sure aims high. Even I can tell that his true goal is near impossible. But if Raikage believes in him, I guess I should just make sure that he's on the right path. But that doesn't mean I don't need some convincing myself.' Darui thought.

"Alright, guys, now that everyone has already introduced themselves, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're not technically Genin yet," Darui informed them.

"What do you mean, Darui Sensei? We pass the exams and everything. How are we not Genin yet?" Yugito asked.

"Well, for starters, the 'Academy Exams' are just a way to test if you can perform the basics and fundamentals and weed out those who cannot. If you can't, then you don't deserve to wear these headbands. The 'Real Exam' is with me. And if you should fail, this team will be disbanded, and you will be sent back to the academy." Darui said with a cold tone.

"WHAAAT?! THAT'S INSANE, SENSEI!" Yugito yelled out.

"No...it's not. You're going to become a NINJA, and as a ninja, you will represent the strength of our village. Many of your senior Shinobi, including myself, had to work very hard to establish our reputation of being the strongest of the five Great Hidden Villages. We can't just make any of you kids Genin if you can't perform the simplest things in order to survive in the Shinobi world. People get killed easily when they are unprepared, and I'll be damned if I let you guys get killed under my watch. So that is why we will have our test tomorrow." Darui said with a serious tone.

"He's right, Yugito-chan. If we are not ready, it will be irresponsible for Sensei to let us become Shinobi." Naruto informed his girlfriend with a gentle tone.

"N-Naruto-kun?" Yugito asked in disbelief at what he had just said.

"Well...I'm glad at least one of you is the responsible one." Darui said with a smirk.

"Oh, don't underestimate me, Sensei. We WILL pass that test. We worked very hard, too, just to get to where we are now, and it will be a damn waste to be stopped by you when we are so close. We have our own goals, and it all starts here. We will show you that we do have what it takes to be a Shinobi of Kumo." Naruto said with a burning determination in his eyes.

'The kid's eyes just scream determination. I guess Raikage wasn't kidding about the whole 'Born Special' thing.' Darui thought with a smile for his blonde charge.

'Naruto-kun, ' Yugito thought with a blush, as she was once again inspired by his words.

'Hmph, Typical Naruto,' Omoi thought with a smirk. Naruto always knew what to say when it came to motivating him.

"Well...I'm looking forward to it already." Darui said.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow at 9:00 am sharp. Oh, and....make sure you bring your A-Game because I won't be going easy on you guys. I want you all to be the best, so let's see if you can handle against the best." Darui said.

When Darui left, Omoi went straight home to train on his kenjutsu after saying his goodbyes to the blonde pair while Naruto decided to walk Yugito home, but she suggested they stop by at his home first to have a little talk.

As they continued to walk to his apartment, Naruto remembered what he had said about his 'dream' to his team earlier, and several things popped into his head.

Naruto didn't mention about his other important goals.


It was now 8:30 am, and Naruto was the first to arrive at the training ground. Eventually, he was joined by the ever-so-eager Yugito and the drowsy yet slightly motivated Omoi.

Darui had finally arrived at 9.00 am sharp, just like he said he would.

"Well, I'm glad you guys are punctual. I'm even more impressed that Omoi is still awake." Darui said.

"Blame these two. They keep yapping in my ear that I have to 'focus now and sleep later.'" Omoi said with a lazy tone.

"Hey, it worked, didn't it?" Naruto said.

"Yeah, stop complaining, Omoi. When we pass, you can sleep for as long as you want." Yugito added confidently.

"Quite confident, aren't you? And we haven't even started yet." Darui said with a smirk.

"Well, you need to have the right attitude. Otherwise, what's the point." Naruto said with his own smirk.

"Hah, can't disagree, kiddo. Now...I hope you guys are ready. This will be a Survival Test." Darui said with a serious tone.

"S-Survival Test? Y-You're not going to kill us, are you, Sensei?" Yugito asks fearfully.

"No, no....well...I might maim or badly injure you....but no, I won't kill you." Darui said with a not-so-convincing tone.

"Any rules of engagement?" Naruto asked with a serious tone.

"You three are to take me down within one hour," Darui said as he placed a large clock on a wooden pillar.

"If the clock rings at 10, and I'm still standing, you fail. Give up. You fail. I defeat all three of you. You fail." Darui informed them with a cold tone that sent shivers down the 3 Genin's spines.

'Yikes, and here I thought Naruto-kun was a hard-ass teacher.' Yugito thought with a slight fear.

"I advise you to come at me with the intention to kill. It's the only way if you are ever going to land a scratch on me." Darui said.

"But Sensei, what if we hurt you?" Yugito asked.

"Hahaha, kid, I'm an S-Rank Shinobi. And I have been one for years. I fought many tough sons-of-bitches when I was already your age. Now I won't say that you guys definitely won't stand a chance against me, but if it makes you feel any better, rest assured that I can take anything you throw at me." Darui said with a smirk.

The three then nodded in agreement.

"Now.....Begin!" Darui announced as he set the alarm on the clock.

Yugito wasted no time and started her attack first.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

She then blew out multiple blue fireballs toward the Elite Jonin.

The fire attack looked like it him dead-on, and the ground exploded on impact. Yugito had a satisfied smirk on her face, but it soon faded when she saw her target was nothing but a burned log.

Darui then suddenly appeared behind the Genin Trio.

"Not bad. The fire could use a little bit more power, but like I said, not bad. Let's see if you can handle mine." Darui said as he formed several hand seals.

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb!"

Darui blew out a powerful stream of fire toward the Genin Trio.

Naruto then performed several hand seals and placed both his hands in front of him.

"Water Style: Water Wall!"

A large wall of water suddenly exploded and appeared out of thin air, surrounding Naruto and his team, which caused the Elite Jonin to raise an eyebrow in surprise due to the fact that the nearest water source was on the opposite side of the Training Ground.

The exploding fire collided with the powerful water wall, which caused a large amount of steam to be released.

'What the hell was that? I didn't see him spew out any water from his mouth. The Water Wall just came out of thin air. But that's impossible, right? Who is this kid?' Darui thought with wonder.

Darui's thoughts were broken when he saw Naruto perform a set of new hand seals that he was very familiar with.

Darui then made the exact same hand seals as Naruto, and they both took a deep breath.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Darui and the Yotsuki blew out an equally powerful amount of wind toward each other, canceling each Jutsus out. The wind instantly blew all the steam away that was covering the area.

'Water and Wind affinity, huh? That's a pretty rare combination in Kumo, let alone the Land of Lightning. And those Jutsus he used were quite powerful. No doubt that this kid has already taken chakra control training.' Darui thought with a proud smirk.

"Not bad, Naruto. I can see Raikage's training has really paid off." Darui said.

Darui then noticed a Wind Blade was suddenly approaching him. Out of instinct and years of experience, he was able to jump out of the way before being hit by Omoi.

"I see. That's quite an impressive strategy, you guys. You use the steam as cover, so Omoi can sneak behind me to catch me with his Wind Blade. And the fact I didn't see nor hear any of you verbally communicate, I assume you're using sign language." Darui said with a confident smirk.

'Damn it! He caught us!' All three Genins thought.

"While I admit you guys are pretty good, but I'm just getting started. So now let's test out your 'Tracking Skills,' shall we." Darui said before performing several hand seals.

"Wind Style: Dust Storm Jutsu!"

Darui blows out a stream of a high-velocity wind containing dust particles to the ground below him, using it as a smokescreen to disappear into the woods.

"Disastrous, we almost had him. Now he's gone." Omoi thought.

"Don't worry about that, Omoi. That was a good plan, but what did we expect from a Jonin." Naruto said.

"I guess. This test was already disastrous from the start. He could be anywhere right now." Omoi said

"Don't worry about it, Omoi. Whiskers got it covered." Yugito said with a smile.

"Please stop calling me that, Yugito-chan," Naruto said with a tired sigh.

"Oh, don't pout. It's cute, and that name suits you." Yugito said with a giggle.

"Guys, as much as I like to hear you two squabble like an old married couple, I rather not hear it right now," Omoi said with a deadpan look.

"Sorry, Omoi," both Naruto and Yugito said in unison.

Naruto then knelt down and placed his index finger on the floor, and closed his eyes to concentrate on locating their Jonin Sensei.

Darui, who was seeing this from not too far away from the Genin Trio, raised his eyebrow once more in surprise when he saw Naruto perform his Sensing Jutsu.

Naruto snapped his eyes open and snapped his head towards Darui's direction, which caused the Elite Jonin's eyes to widen by surprise as the Blonde Yotsuki had actually found him.

"Multi Lightning Clone Jutsu!"

Naruto created around 30 clones and had them form into a straight line, facing Darui's direction. They then formed several identical hand seals and took a deep breath.

"This doesn't look good," Darui said, with a little sweat-drop on his head.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets Barrage!"

All the clones yell out in unison.

The clones then fired multiple bullets of high-velocity sharp wind towards the treeline Darui was located. Many of the trees were being torn to shreds.

When the dust settled, all is left was a trail of complete destruction. The clones were then dispelled once the attack was over.

'Damn Naruto-kun, what did the trees ever do to you.' Yugito said with a little bit of awe in her voice.

'It's much better than you shooting your fireballs at a wooden area. We'll have a forest fire in our hands before you know it,' Naruto said with a smirk, but the smirk immediately disappeared when they felt a chakra signature beneath them.

"Earth Style: Head hunter Jutsu!"

Suddenly a hand snapped out from the ground, and grabbed Yugito by her ankle, and dragged her underneath, leaving only her head visible.

"What the...what the fuck! Get me out of here!" Yugito yelled out.

Darui then appeared out of the ground and gave the Nii a smirk for being caught off guard so easily.

"Multiple Wind Blades!"

Omoi sent out multiple Wind Blades, trying to hurt Darui once more, but the Elite Jonin was too fast and managed to jump out of the way.

Darui then threw a kunai at Omoi, who dodged the incoming projectile.

Darui then suddenly appeared behind Omoi and chopped the back of his neck, knocking him out unconscious.

The Elite Jonin then turns to look at his last-standing student.

"It's just you and me now, Naruto. And you know the rule. If you're out, everyone is out," Darui said with a cold tone.

Darui then charged at Naruto with great speed, and the two were engaged in an intense Taijutsu fight.

Naruto's 'Wing Fist' was formidable against Darui's Dark Panther Stance. The blonde Genin was proven much faster than the Elite Jonin and was able to land a couple of hard jabs on him. But Darui still had size and strength on his side.

Naruto realized that fighting against Darui in Taijutsu would waste a lot of time and energy, so he decided to create as much distance as possible.

He kicked away from Darui and made several Hand-Seals.

"Water Style: Liquid Bullet!"

Naruto spat out an enormous and powerful orb of water toward the Elite Jonin, which he narrowly avoided. The water orb completely obliterated the tree behind Darui.

'That Liquid Bullet could break every bone in my body if I didn't dodge it. How strong is this kid's Water affinity?' Darui wonders.

Naruto then took out a single Kunai and channeled Lightning Chakra into it, and threw it toward Darui.

'Huh, he can channel Lightning Chakra into his weapons too. It's like this kid is tailor-made to be my stu...' Darui didn't get to finish his thought as he saw Naruto make several hand-seals, and Darui's eyes widened as he knew that Jutsu very well.

"Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

The Lightning-enhanced Kunai suddenly multiplied into hundreds which caused the Jonin to sweat a bit.

'Damn it, Raikage! Why did you teach him that jutsu? This kid is smart. I'll give him that. He's targeting all my blind spots! Dodging is impossible, and taking cover is out of the question. One thing left to do then.' Darui thought as he made several hand seals.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Darui blew out a powerful gust of wind and blew all the lightning-enhanced kunais away before any could hit him.

Darui was taking a deep breath to regain some of the lost air he had just released, but when he turned around, Naruto was gone, along with Yugito and Omoi.

"Hahaha, that kid is something else," Darui said, impressed by Naruto's abilities.


The Genin trio were sitting by a large branch and were panting heavily as they were able to get as much distance from Darui.

"T-Thanks, Naruto, you really saved us back there," Omoi said.

"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry I was caught off guard. It won't happen again." Yugito said, looking down in shame.

"It's fine, guys. Don't worry about it. But we need to come up with another plan soon. We have 15 minutes left, and any plan we make will be our last shot. Fighting Darui Sensei in a Taijutsu match is a lost cause, and he can counter most of my Ninjutsus. Not to mention, he's fully aware of your Wind Blade techniques and knows how to defend himself against them." Naruto informed his team.

"So what do we do, Naruto-kun?" Yugito asked.

"If we are going beat him, we have to do it together. As for HOW I was hoping you could figure it out." Naruto turns to Omoi.

"Huh, Disastrous....give me two minutes," Omoi said with a confident smirk.


Darui is now standing in a large clearing. The Hour is almost up, so he might as well make it a little easier for the Genin Trio to find him.

"Hmm, It seems my little Genins are still nowhere to be found. And here I was hoping they might..." Darui didn't get to finish his sentence as he heard Yugito's voice come out from one of the branches.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

Yugito blew out multiple fireballs toward Darui.

"This again? Nice try, but..." Darui then saw Naruto perform several hand seals next to Yugito.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Naruto blew out a large gust of air toward the fireballs, increasing their size, speed, and firepower.

"Collaboration Jutsu?! Shit!" Darui said.

Darui used his Head, Hunter Jutsu, to escape the powerful Inferno.

Naruto then jumped into the dark and still scorching clearing and placed his index finger on the hot ground to locate his Sensei.

His eyes snapped open when he felt Darui was below him. He quickly jumps up high in the air to avoid the ground ascending Darui from catching him.

As Naruto was still in the air, he made several hand seals.

"Water Style: Raging Waves!"

Naruto shot out an enormous torrent of water from his mouth toward Darui, which he narrowly avoided. However, the water stream was still chasing after him on the scorched ground, causing a large amount of steam to emerge.

Darui was so distracted by the violent water stream that he didn't even realize that a shinobi was slowly approaching him.

Naruto's jutsu eventually ended, and Darui stopped his running and was about to charge at Naruto in the now steamy environment.

But suddenly, his body went in full alarm when Omoi used his most powerful Sword Attack.

Mirror Blade

Darui jumped upwards, expecting a slash attack, when a rough gust of wind slammed against him from every direction. His eyes widened when he felt blood on his shoulder.

To think that kid can use an A-Rank Jutsu, Darui thought, surprised.

"Water Style: Liquid Bullet!"

Naruto spat out a large orb of water toward Darui at a fast speed.

Darui narrowly jumps out of the way of the powerful water orb.

When the missed water orb collided and destroyed the tree behind Darui, the Alarm had finally run off.

Shocking the trio, they realized that they had run out of time.

It was a moment of silence for the Genin Trio as they looked down in disappointment. They had failed to defeat Darui within one hour.

Naruto, Yugito, and Omoi are now standing before Darui with very disappointed looks on their faces.

"That was a very clever plan, you guys. You two intentionally scorched the earth beneath me to darken the ground surface with your collaboration Jutsu. Then Naruto draws me out and uses his water style to cause as much steam as possible to perfectly hide Omoi's sword technique. Allowing Naruto to go in with the finishing blow." Darui summarizes their original plan.

"It was all Omoi's idea. We just did our part." Naruto said with a little dejected tone.

"Don't sell yourself short, kiddo. You three worked very well together." Darui said with a proud smile.

"Well.....I guess we'll try to be better next year." Omoi said with his dejected tone.

"Why next year? You guys aren't thinking of slacking out on me for the whole year, are you?" Darui asked with a smirk.

"W-What?" Yugito asked, slightly confused.

"Ohh, I'm sorry, guess I wasn't clear...you all pass," Darui said with a proud smirk.

"WHAAAAT? I mean...WHAAAT?" Yugito yelled out in disbelief.

"Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I thought we failed?" Naruto asked.

"Hahaha, what was the test called again?" Darui asked the Genin Trio.

"Ummm, Survival Test?" Yugito answered.

"Exactly. This test was for me to determine if you are ready to be a Shinobi. I needed to see your level of skills, intelligence, and most importantly, teamwork." Darui explained.

"But you said we needed to take you down within one hour." Naruto reminded.

"Yes, I did. But I didn't say you needed to take me down within one hour, to pass, did I?" Darui said with a smirk.

'Cheeky Sensei, ' the Genin trio thought with a deadpan look at Darui.

"Hahaha, look, overall, You three performed excellently today. BUT it wasn't perfect. You obviously need more training, which is good, because that is what I am here for. Omoi, your intelligence is, without a doubt, impressive. But your Taijutsu skills are almost non-existent, and we really need to work on your Chakra-Reserves if you are going to last long in a fight." Darui said to Omoi.

"More Training? Disastrous." Omoi said with a tired sigh.

"Yugito, you still need to work on your Chakra Control. The Phoenix Flower you used is strong, but it is still not living up to its fullest potential. If we can improve your control, your Fire Jutsus will be effortless and less chakra-draining. Plus, my fourth affinity is Fire, so I can teach you some new Jutsus once you master your control. Plus, it is best if we also train your sensory abilities. You can't always rely on your boyfriend, right?" Darui asked with a smirk, which caused Yugito to blush in embarrassment.

"And now, Naruto. I have to admit. The Raikage really wasn't kidding about you. You impressed me the most, kiddo. Your Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Chakra Control, and even your unique Sensory ability are above Chunin level already. And thanks to your large chakra reserves, you are practicing this team's powerhouse. But let's use this time to improve your strategy and tactical skills. While you are proven intelligent and know how to think on your feet, having a strategic mindset would prove very beneficial for someone like you in the future." Darui said.

"Well, if I want to become Raikage, I guess I need to be more like Omoi. I just hope I don't catch his laziness," Naruto said with a smirk at his friend.

"Disastrous blonde," Omoi said with a smile.

"I take offense to that, by the way," Yugito said with a deadpan look.

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