
Chapter 8

"Hey Liam, seriously, enough with the sulking," Summer said playfully as she followed him with Warrin tagging along. It's as if they were inseparable, but Liam, in his mood, wasn't having any of it.

For the past 10 days, he had been throwing playful jabs and taunts their way just because they had a sleepover without inviting him.

Despite the teasing, Liam stuck around like glue. It was like he couldn't stand being apart from Summer and Warrin, who were practically joined at his hip due to their close friendship.

So, there they were, a trio caught in a cycle of banter and silent protests, with Liam leading in the silent treatment.

"Come on, it's been a solid 10 days," Warrin grumbled, trailing behind the tall guy.

"12," Summer corrected quietly.

It's not like Liam was completely ignoring them. He still showed up to go to college with them and took his usual spot during lunch hours.

However, his behavior had been rude, and Summer and Warrin had reached their limit.

As they settled into their usual seats in the canteen, Liam finally broke his silence. "You guys didn't even want me there," he said, prompting a dramatic gasp from Summer and Warrin.

"That's so not true… even Jake asked about you," Summer tried to clarify.

"See… only Jake likes me," Liam responded, casually munching on his bread.

Summer immediately regretted her words, receiving a disapproving look from Warrin. The tension hung in the air as they navigated through the lunchtime drama.

"Oh my gosh, you won't believe what I just overheard!" said a girl, probably from the English department, to her friend.

Summer couldn't help but eavesdrop as the girls walked past, shooting a puzzled look at her friends. What could possibly make Professor Mars the talk of the town?

"Yeah, and I swear Professor Mars has never looked that scary," the girl continued, raising an eyebrow from Summer's group. They were all ears now. "He said something like 'harbinger of grey clouds.' No doubt he's a literature teacher. How poetic is that?" The other girl nodded in agreement, snickering at the intriguing revelation.

Summer and her friends were left bewildered. Ever since Mars set foot on campus, he had become the center of attention.

It wasn't just his ethereal beauty that had everyone talking; his undeniable talent in literature had also made waves.

Professor Mars fascinated both students and teachers alike, sparking endless discussions.

Liam, however, remained unfazed by all the gossip. He stayed focused on his own business, ignoring the buzz around him. Just as someone was about to interrupt him, a girl called out to Summer.

"Hey, Summer," she said. Summer turned and greeted her with a subtle smile. But then came the inevitable question, "Who was that guy with you that day?" She was referring to Jake, who had picked Summer up from college.

Summer, not recognizing the girl, took a moment to respond. Almost everyone knew Summer and her friends, so this girl was probably new.

Just as Summer opened her mouth to explain, Warrin stepped in.

"Sorry, it's personal," Warrin said, waving his hand dismissively, almost like a stereotypical girl.

Summer shot him a sharp, disapproving look, while Liam couldn't help but chuckle at the whole exchange.

It seems like Liam's got his priorities straight, focusing on his "bread and butter" while the world around him buzzes with unnecessary drama.

"I'm done," Liam announced, pushing his chair back and grabbing his plate. He headed towards the wash basin, signaling he was ready to call it a day.

Summer and Warrin, clearly not thrilled with the recent turn of events, exchanged grumbles as they got up and followed him.

"Liam, we get it, you're mad and all, but seriously, for Jake's sake, just hear us out," Summer pleaded. "Jake's leaving for the north in a day or two—for four whole years."

That news hit Liam hard, and he paused. "Only for Jake," Summer emphasized. "Let's throw him an awesome party before he heads off into the wilderness."

Liam thought about it for a moment and then finally gave in. "All right, fine. Just for Jake." He clapped his hands, his earlier frustration replaced by a sudden burst of enthusiasm.

Wrapping his arms around Summer and Warrin's shoulders, he playfully dragged them along.

But Warrin had a practical concern. "Hey, wait! We haven't eaten yet!"

Liam rolled his eyes but grinned. "Come on, do I ever let you guys starve?" With a flourish, he pulled out two sandwiches from his bag.

Warrin and Summer eagerly grabbed theirs, and as they bit into the sandwiches, the trio started planning a memorable farewell for Jake.

Jake had everything packed neatly in his bags, all set for his journey up north. The excitement bubbling within him was palpable – he was about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, heading to his dream college.

Summer and their mutual friends, who were as close to Jake as they were to her, decided to make the send-off special.

They volunteered to be his travel buddies, ensuring he got settled into both the college and the hostel smoothly.

Adding to the warmth of the occasion, Summer's parents had swooped in a couple of days earlier to shower Jake with congratulations.

After their brief visit, they bid farewell, leaving Summer and Jake once again as the dynamic duo. Even though Summer's parents were often in and out, the house never felt empty.

Summer always said it best – it was a space filled with warmth and memories, even when they were physically alone.

"Are you guys serious?" Jake asked, his face full of doubt as he looked at the three people in front of him. In unison, Summer, Liam, and Warrin nodded. They were all packed and ready to head north with Jake.

Before he could say anything else, the doorbell rang, making Summer jump a little.

"I think it's him!" she exclaimed, rushing to the door. Jake furrowed his brows, wondering who she was talking about.

Warrin mouthed the word "Caleb," and Jake nodded, understanding.

Summer had easily convinced Warrin and Liam to let Caleb join them—it didn't take much persuasion. She saw it as a great chance to get to know Caleb better, who was also her neighbor.

Summer already liked him, and he felt the same way about her; she was ready to see where things could go.

Caleb was a genuinely nice guy, liked by everyone, including Summer's brother, for his sweet gestures and polite demeanor.

Summer felt she needed a break from college and the constant nightmares that haunted her.

She figured a week away wouldn't be too bad, especially since she, Liam, and Warrin had already taken leave from college.

"Hey," greeted Caleb as he walked in, carrying his own bag.

"Caleb, this is Jake, my little brother. Jake, meet Caleb," Summer said excitedly.

"I know him," Jake replied casually, earning a surprised look from Summer as she glanced between Jake and Caleb. "Yeah, he lives nearby. We've crossed paths a few times." Jake offered his hand for a handshake. "Nice to officially meet you, Caleb."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too."

Summer tried to do a little mental math. "How have I never run into you before?"

"If you took those earplugs out and focused on the road, you might notice," Jake teased, pulling the headphones from around Summer's neck. "I can't believe she convinced you all to come on this little trip," Jake said, shaking his head.

Summer playfully smacked him in response. Despite being younger, Jake often acted mature around Summer, almost like an older brother—always protective and teasing.

Summer, on the other hand, showed a goofy side when she was with Jake and her friends, despite being generally serious in college, especially when it came to Mars.

"Oh, come on, don't pretend you're annoyed. I know you want this as much as we do," Summer retorted to Jake's remark. "Anyway, we're leaving tomorrow morning, and we can have another sleepover." Summer clung to Liam's arm.

He looked disappointed, still upset that they had a sleepover without telling him.

Everything was going smoothly. It was Jake's last day in the west, and Summer had sworn to make it perfect.

They kicked things off by playing video games, and Jake won a streak, showing off his new pro player skills.

Warrin complained about losing, blaming it on being unfamiliar with the controller.

Liam had loosened up by now and forgiven his friends for the impromptu sleepover he missed because he wasn't invited.

Caleb had already warmed up to the group, having spent a lot of time with Warrin and Liam. He'd even had a few small talks with Jake since they were neighbors.

Summer was finally feeling relaxed. In those ten days, she hadn't had any nightmares, and she credited Caleb, saying he was like a lucky charm in her dreams.

At this moment, all five of them were in their pajamas, casually chatting about random things and reminiscing about their childhood memories.

"I'm starving; I'm going to grab some snacks," Summer announced as she stood up from the comfy bean bag she'd been lounging on.

Jake and Warrin quickly mentioned their snack preferences, worried she might not bring enough for everyone.

Seeing this, Caleb offered to help her out.

"Can you grab those for me?" Summer asked Caleb, pointing to the upper cabinet where some snacks were stored.

At the same time, she pulled out the Coke cans; they always enjoyed cold Coke, even in chilly weather. "I hope we don't get sick," she murmured to herself.

"How's your thesis going?" Caleb asked. "I remember you complaining a lot about your thesis supervisor," he chuckled as he placed the snacks on the kitchen counter.

"It's actually going well; he's not that bad," Summer replied softly. "We're working on North Castle and the surrounding areas, so I think this little trip will be a good opportunity for me." She sounded excited, and indeed she was.

She had always wanted to visit the north, but every time the chance came up, plans fell through because of heavy snow or other commitments that kept her parents too busy to take her there.

There was a time when Warrin was supposed to go north with his parents, but Summer fell sick and couldn't join.

Warrin ended up canceling his plans because he didn't want to go without her. So, Summer, and Warrin have never been to the north.

This upcoming trip would be their first, and Summer was determined not to miss it.

"That's great! What was his name again?" Caleb asked.


"Mars, huh? That's a pretty weird name."

"Yeah, it is. But all the girls and even the professors are always talking about him," Summer said.

"I wonder what he looks like," Caleb asked with a chuckle.

"Attractive, very, very attractive," Summer replied instantly. "He doesn't have that old professor vibe at all." She laughed as she said that.

"And what about me?" Caleb asked, catching Summer completely off guard.

Startled, she almost dropped the cans she was holding. As Caleb turned to look at her, his arms flexed, a testament to his intense workouts.

Summer couldn't deny she had stolen a few glances at him in the gym.

"Do I look attractive?" Caleb asked, stepping closer to Summer, who stood frozen. Her eyes widened as they locked with Caleb's gaze. "I've noticed you staring at my dimples a lot."

He took another step, closing the distance between them, prompting Summer to retreat until her back hit the counter. She had nowhere to escape as Caleb continued his approach.

"Someone could come," Summer whispered, her voice barely audible, not daring to break the intense eye contact.

"Let them," Caleb whispered back, stopping just inches away. He gently tucked a strand of Summer's hair behind her ear, creating a moment thick with anticipation.

"Are you guys bringing the snacks or not?" Jake shouted from the living room, breaking the spell between them. Caleb quickly stepped back, looking nervous.

"Don't be a baby; we have two hands. Come and help," Summer shouted back, stifling a chuckle. She tried to fan herself as heat crept up her cheeks.

She was shocked, but even more surprising was the sudden change in Caleb's expression. Summer thought he must have gathered all his confidence for that bold move.

Now, it was Caleb who avoided her gaze, clumsily grabbing the snacks and leaving the kitchen.

A moment later, Jake walked into the kitchen with a surprised look and asked, "Why was he all red?" His question was answered when he saw Summer's flushed face.

"What did you guys do?" Jake nearly yelled.

"Shut up, nothing happened," Summer said, smacking his arm. She handed him some cans and grabbed the rest herself. As she led Jake out of the kitchen, she muttered, "All thanks to you, idiot."

The air was warm, and casual conversations picked up again as all five of them lounged in the living room.

Caleb and Summer exchanged shy glances, quickly looking away whenever someone noticed or made a comment. Warrin especially enjoyed teasing them, much to their embarrassment.

Jake, playing the role of the protective brother, jokingly warned Caleb that any funny business would have consequences, making Caleb raise his hands in mock surrender.

As the evening rolled on with a few drinks and snacks, everyone eventually found spots to crash for the night, setting an alarm for 6 a.m.

Summer, half-asleep, stretched out on the couch, while Jake claimed the floor space between the coffee table and the couch.

Warrin and Liam made themselves comfortable in front of the TV, and Caleb decided the recliner was his best bet.

"Hey, Summer," Jake mumbled sleepily. Summer, barely awake, opened her eyes and looked toward Jake, who hadn't lifted his head.

"Thanks," he murmured again, his eyes still closed.

"Silly, we need to wake up early tomorrow," Summer chuckled, tucking herself into her blanket and giving her brother's head a few pats.

The night was peaceful, and all five of them fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day for everyone.

Jake was heading north for a new job opportunity, and Summer and Warrin were excited about their first trip up north.

Liam was thrilled to be done with college and his thesis, and Caleb was happy to have new friends—and maybe even a new adventure. It seemed he might have a crush on Summer, and the feeling appeared mutual.

The red alarm clock sat on the coffee table, ticking away. It was twelve o'clock—six more hours until it would blare loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood.

When it finally went off, the noise jolted everyone awake. Summer, balancing on the edge of the couch, fell onto her brother, waking him up with a deep groan.

Liam and Warrin were startled awake, shouting as if their lives depended on it. Meanwhile, Caleb, looking disheveled and slightly dazed, stood at attention.

"Turn it off!" Summer yelled.

"And get off me, you're heavy!" Jake retorted, pushing her off. Summer landed on the floor with a whine. Jake maneuvered over the coffee table and pressed the button, silencing the alarm.

There was a brief moment of peace, but then their eyes widened, and they screamed in unison.

"It's the big day, hooray!"