
The Pure Evil 666

just a deranged serial killer

ALPHA_GANG_Price · Hiện thực
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6 Chs

Chapter Two: Dance of Deception

In the dimly lit corridors of New Arkham's underbelly, Cain Hadeson moved with the grace of a predator on the hunt. His piercing gaze cut through the haze of cigarette smoke and cheap perfume, his senses keenly attuned to the rhythms of the night.

But beneath the facade of the charming stranger lurked a mind teeming with dark desires. Cain's thoughts churned with the thrill of the hunt, the anticipation of the kill. For him, each victim was but a pawn in his twisted game, a canvas upon which he painted his masterpiece of terror.

As he walked, whispers followed in his wake, rumors of a shadowy figure who walked among mortals, his hands stained with the blood of the innocent. Some spoke of him in hushed tones, invoking his name like a curse whispered in the dead of night. Others dismissed him as nothing more than a myth, a figment of fevered imaginations.

But to those who had felt the cold touch of Cain's blade, there was no denying the truth. He was real, all too real, a nightmare made flesh in a world gone mad.

And so, with each step, Cain reveled in the chaos he wrought, a symphony of screams echoing in his wake. For in the darkness of his soul, he found his true purpose: to sow the seeds of fear and watch them bloom into madness.

As the night wore on and the city slept, Cain disappeared into the shadows once more, his presence a specter haunting the dreams of the innocent. And with each passing moment, the darkness grew stronger, its tendrils reaching out to claim all who dared to cross its path.