
The Puppet MC: Adriel’s Life is Controlled by Everyone Around Him

Adriel's Life is Being Controlled by Everyone Around Him - Even His Own Adopted Sister! After years of fruitlessly striving for popularity, Adriel has given up and decided to lead a simple, normal life. Little does he know, every aspect of his existence is being meticulously orchestrated by his friends, teacher, and even his own sister. Have you ever pondered why manga protagonists are universally beloved and yet remain blissfully unaware of their immense popularity? Adriel is about to discover the answer! This is the reboot of Yandere Secret Society.

Carrara · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Chap 5 - The pact is broken: the dangerous game of love and secrets

Adriel watched as Emma danced, feeling uneasy. He wondered why she had joined the party, especially since he knew she didn't usually like to go out.

Suddenly, Emma stopped dancing and made her way over to the twins. Adriel saw Albert's eyes widen as he watched her approach.

"Don't worry, Adriel," Nuile said with a smile as she entered the hall. "I've been looking forward to this all week."

Adriel shot Nuile a questioning glance, unsure of what was going on.

"You look so cute together," Nuile continued.

Adriel didn't understand why the sisters were smiling at each other like that. He turned to Nuile to ask her what was going on, but Emily interrupted.

"We have something to discuss privately," she said to Nuile. "Will you excuse us?"

"Certainly," Nuile replied, giving Adriel a friendly smile before she followed her sister away.

Adriel always dreamed of being popular, and to stop him from achieving his goal, the girls made a pact not to flirt with him. They knew that showing that he was already popular could attract more competitors. However, when Adriel began to lose faith in his dream, the pact began to unravel. Now their only hope was to cooperate and help each other fend off any potential rivals.

"We need to deal with Emma," Emily declared.

"But Emma isn't going to back down easily," Nuile added.

"That doesn't mean we can let her win," Emily retorted.

"Agreed, we just need to distract her while we prepare," Nuile suggested.

"What do you mean by 'prepare'?" Emily asked.

"We're mere seconds away from victory," Emily replied cryptically.

Nuile nodded, and the twins continued to whisper amongst themselves.

"Emma is just a child," one of them remarked.

"True, but she could be dangerous," the other replied.

"We have her secret in hand, though. If she tries anything, we can always reveal that she was adopted," Emily said, revealing herself as the mastermind behind the girls' strategy.

As the strategist, Emily had the secrets of all the girls around Adriel, including her own sister. This was what the twins were referring to when they talked about having Emma in hand.

"But we don't know how far she'll go to stop us from getting to Adriel," one twin said worriedly.

"Emma is fearless, even though she's not much older than us," the other twin added.

"And we have to be prepared for the worst. She might even attack us," Emily said.

"Or worse, she might kill," Nuile added gravely.

"But we can't let her succeed," Emily declared firmly.

"It won't be easy, but it's possible," one of the twins said.

The girls exchanged looks before one of them spoke up. "Enough talk. Let's prepare."

With that, the twins left the room, leaving Adriel behind. Nuile was tasked with distracting Emma, while Emily tried to move forward with her plan to get closer to Adriel. However, their plan was dependent on Nuile's ability to use magic without Adriel noticing. If she failed, the girls would have to come up with a new plan quickly without alerting Elizabeth, who was the most loyal to Adriel.


The party was in full swing, but for Emily and Nuile, it was just another opportunity to carry out their plan. As soon as Adriel greeted them, Emily and Nuile sprang into action. Emily invited Adriel to sit with her while Nuile asked Emma to dance.

At first, the dance seemed normal, but then Emma realized that Nuile was using magic to make her stronger. She knew that she needed to get away from Nuile quickly, or the twins would ruin everything. Emma tried to push Nuile away, but she could feel her arm getting numb.

"That wasn't the deal, Nuile, we were going to move forward together," said Emma, struggling to break free.

"You think we don't know about the park visit?" Nuile replied with a wicked grin.

Emma cursed herself for being too careless. She had let her guard down, and now Nuile had the upper hand. She had to act fast before Nuile succeeded in her plan.

"You won't get off that easy, Emma," Nuile said, tightening her grip.

Emma knew she had to act fast, or the twins would succeed. With all the magic knowledge she possessed, she broke free from Nuile's hold and quickly ran towards Adriel.

But Nuile wasn't ready to give up that easily. She whispered in Emma's ear, "He's ours now. He'll forget all about you once he has us."

Emma felt a chill run down her spine. She realized that the twins' plan was much more sinister than she had initially thought. But she couldn't give up. She had to stop the twins before it was too late.

Emma quickly ended the dance and went straight to Adriel. "We need to end the party now," she said urgently.

Adriel looked at her with surprise, "What? Why?"

"Just trust me, Adriel. It's not safe here," Emma replied, looking at him with determination.

You can access advanced chapters on Zetrotranslation.

I will live a simple life and forget about my childish dream. - Zetro Translation

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