

In the middle of the city is a doorway, much like in many other cities around the world. On the other side of these doorways is The Pub, a millenniums old neutral-ground watering hole frequented by the famous and infamous alike.

A place where angels and demons, Gods, sworn enemies and politicians can share a drink, a meal and conversation. A place for enemies, foes and friends to shed the pressures of the daily grind. Even Jesus of Nazareth has turned water into wine on occasion. The Pub was founded by Yi-Di, a Chinese god of wine and alcohol. It was a place where Thor could blow the froth off a few with Vishnu and Lucifer, whom are still patrons to this day.

As Gods do, Yi-Di lost interest in The Pub and ownership passed to Radegast, the Slavic god of hospitality. The Pub's ownership has changed hands, and sides, over the years, but has always been a place on non-violence and neutrality. Time passed and more doorways were added throughout time and the various other dimensions.

It's known colloquially by many different names, but most call it just 'The Pub'. Anyone, anywhere, from any time or place that knows how to get to The Pub, can stop by for a cold one and maybe a good meal. One never knows if it will the last they get this time around.