
The psychopath necromancer

Aiden Parker is just a normal boy… but he’s a psychopath. he lives in a world where systems are the only thing that matters and Aiden has a rather strong one. He is a necromancer. ... This is a story about Aidens life with a lot of action. __________________________________________ Cover is not mine if creater wants me to take it down me twitter is MangaManga00618370

P3pp3rB0y · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

In a small room, a boy who looked no older than 14 sat looking at something.

What he was looking at was a body. It was a man with black hair and white skin. "why are you so quiet I want to talk I'm so lonely" the boy said with an sadistic tone. " why don't you want to talk to me I'm going to have to put you back in the closet".

The room Went silent for a couple of seconds and then the boy spoke "well it's your choice I'll leave now". After he said that he picked up the body Like it weighed nothing and put it in the closet. After he did that he went down stairs to eat breakfast and get readty for the day.

The boy's name was Adien Parker and he is a psychopath.
