
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Kỳ huyễn
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111 Chs

Getting cleaned up!

"So let me get this straight..." Veronica said as she removed the tobacco pipe from her mouth. "You found a man floating in the ocean, saved him, then performed a slave contract on him while he was unconscious, then drugged him and then raped him."

Victoria smiled as she dug into the food and drank water. "He was moving his hips willing so technically it was consensual sex."

If the nun removed her veil then they would see her face which was filled with horror. "I blame you two," she said. "Did you think that she would not copy you two after seeing you bring countless men home?"

Victoria's mother waved her hand as if saying to not bother her. "So, six hours, I find that hard to believe. It was your first time having sex so it is impossible to have sex for that long."

"Believe it or not mother I do not care, it was rough and violent. I felt emotions I never felt. I done things that I did not know my body could do. I discovered that I'm a masochist." Victoria hugged her body as she shook herself as drool came down her mouth.

"I cannot listen to this anymore, I shall go and pray for your forgiveness and that you become better people." the nun stood up and walked away but not before Veronica got the final word.

"Isn't that what you've been saying for the last 10 years?"

The nun resisted the urge to reply and walked away.

Veronica looked over at Sally, that was the name of Victoria's mother. She had a reddish look on her face as drool dripped from her mouth. Veronica noticed the laboured breathing but she could not blame her as she was curious too. Both Sally and Veronica were single woman so it was only natural of them to be intrigued. Veronica also felt the same way. Could he satisfy her lust? or was Victoria just bluffing?

Veronica and Sally made eye contact and came to an understanding.

Sally fanned herself with her hand and said to Victoria. "Your not planning on going again tonight are you?"

"Of course I am, I want to feel it again."

"Don't do that dear, you need to rest. Go to the massage parlour and get acupuncture or something, if you continue like that you will only destroy your body."

"Don't worry about me mother, I have never felt better."

"Victoria, you will either rest and recuperate or that man loses his life. Besides do you honestly think he can continue after all that sex? Don't break your new toy now, you know we only got on this yacht through a raffle,"

"But mother-"

"No butts, you know we can't afford to buy slaves but since you caught this one for yourself I'll let you keep him as long as you do not break yourself or him."

Victoria frowned and mumbled under her breath. "But I sent the medic crew to clean him up and feed him."

"Then let him rest, you can continue the day after tommorow."


"Who are you?" Dan whispered.

"Sadly I am the one who has to take care of you." the woman said. The woman left and returned with a briefcase.

She opened it up to reveal a large amount of needles and syringes filled with liquid.

"What is that?"


"What does it do?"

"It heals you."


The woman sighed and reached for a needle. With swiftness she plunged the needle into his throat. "You speak way to much so I had to puncture your voice box, don't worry, the needle was coated with medicine to help you regenerate so it will heal and your voice will return."

The woman dragged Dan and put him inside the basin which magically increased in size. She cleaned Dan's body thoroughly. She washed his hair thoroughly and everything was going well until she pulled out a razor. Dan tried moving away but the aches in his body stopped him.

She mowed down the forest that surrounded Dan Jr and did not even leave a nick on Dan's skin.

She then cut his hair. She oiled it and combed it. Dan watched as she mixed medicine into a bottle. She then held up Dan Jr who was in tatters. She placed the bottle on top of him submerging little Dan in the medicine.

Dan let out a tear as he could not withstand the pain. It stung so much that Dan thought that she had squeezed lemon juice on his dick.

After a while she removed it and washed his genitals. It was the most painful thing Dan had experienced. After a man gets circumcised then he does not let water come any where near his genitals but since Dan had a forced circumcision he was not ready for it.

The ladies fingers massaged Dan Jr. It was painful as she thoroughly moved her hand about making sure that the medicine got in deep.

She then placed Dan on the bed and placed needles in his body. The needles were placed on on his head, chest, legs, genitals, throat among other places.

Some time passed before she removed them. She applied lotion on his body, clothed him and then sprayed some perfume on him.

She fed Dan who had regained somewhat a small portion of his motor functions. Dan felt sleepy so he decided to go to sleep and used the ladies thighs as a pillow.



Power stones?