
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
111 Chs

Final floor (2)

Dan and Charlie stood in the middle of the floor and stared at the giant hole in the abyss that led outside.

The sun shone brightly.

"Do you feel it?" Dan asked Charlie.

"Yeah, everything feels lighter!" he replied.

Dan placed his hand on,Charlie's shoulders. "Feels good doesn't it? The result of your hard work?"

"Yes it does, but why did I not feel this on the other floors? why is everything so light? I feel like I could run across several countries and still not get tired."

"It's the gravity, it's back to normal. This is the gravity of the outside world." Dan said as he moved his hand clockwise.

"But why is that though?" Charlie asked. "Why is the gravity on this floor more different than the others?"

Dan scratched his terriblely kept beard. "It kinda makes sense you see if one of these idiots fell in the abyss then they would not have to face it's extreme gravity and just be able to get out quicker." Dan explained.

"I... I don't think that is a legitimate answer because what your trying to tell me is that the elfs dug this abyss, placed monsters on each floor and increased the gravity on every floor except for this one."

"Shut up, I'm not going to bother trying to explain to you what a theory is. Wait... hold up... where do you think your going?"

Dan grabbed Charlie by the leg who had grown a pair of scaly wings on his back and tried to fly away.

"I'm leaving."

"No, not right now, if those elfs see you then who knows what kind of problems you will create for yourself, if you want you can leave now but I recommend waiting until sunset before leaving." Dan let go of Charlie's leg who hovered in the air for a few seconds before turning and flying of. It seemed like he did not care.

Dan sighed and activated his invisibility skill and used the wind to guide him up. As he looked around his surroundings Dan felt it looked similar to several floor but for some reason it felt different. Charlie had flown really high up above the clouds so that no one would notice him.

Dan smiled as he noticed some gaurds. The gaurds were stationed 100 metres away from the abyss and 100 metres away from each other. There was a total of 6 gaurds each wearing light armour with a quiver filled with arrows on their back with their backs to the abyss.

He could use their souls to create his weapons. Dan cast a slight breeze that the gaurds enjoyed. The breeze became more and more violent until finally the wind was pulling them towards Dan. Dan quickly knocked them out and dragged their bodies inside a portal. The portal led to the second floor. Dan would open a portal at every floor and close the portal he opened on the other floors unless they were important.

Dan circled the bodies wondering what to do. "So what exactly do I need to do to use their souls as part of the weapon." Dan asked the system.

➡️ Use your necromancy ability to extract the souls. Then place them in one of the 3 slots. You can use as many souls as you want to make a weapon, the recommended amount is 10 souls anything beyond that would lead to problems.

Dan frowned at this, he didn't know what he was expecting. Of course he was going to be using necromancy to extract the souls. But the problem was Dan wasn't that good at necromancy. If their was one ability he was not good at using it was necromancy.

"Well I just might as well use them as practice." Dan said to himself.

He stretched his limbs and got ready to use his necromancy. He then placed his hand on one of the gaurds chest. He clenched his fist and pulled as hard as he could. In his hand was a slightly green gooey substance. The gaurds eye were wide open as the soul in Dan's hands screamed violently and tried to go back in the gaurds body. Dan pulled and pulled until finally it detached itself from the gaurds chest. It wriggled and writhed in Dan's hands like a snake in a hawks talons.

Dan placed it in one of the three slots of the crafting table. He then tried removing the souls from the other gaurds but he failed miserably several times.

➡️ Advice: Instead of forcefully pulling the souls out, trying coaxing it out.

Dan was honestly surprised at the system. For the first time it was giving him advice. "Well it did say it would give me what I need not what I want."

Dan tried the advice from the system. After several times of slowly pulling out the gaurds soul it finally was let out. Unlike the other soul that was screaming and writhing this one was calm like a child that was asleep.

➡️ Magic knowledge: (B) ➡️ (B+)

"Hmm, that's good," Dan said as he removed the notification from his sight. He was practically used to it by now. In fact Dan did not even usually look at his stats or the system in general. If he had he would have saw the skill tree screen.

Dan squeezed at the soul waking it up and it wriggled and writhed in pain. He then placed it in the crafting table stacking it onto the other souls.

➡️ Caution: The more souls you add to your weapon the heavier it will be.

"I don't mind that." Dan said. His strength was now at class 70. Whatever that meant. He didn't need to understand what that meant but he knew he was really strong. If he could make such heavy equipment then he could use it to train and get stronger.

"Well first, let me experiment with these two."

Dan reached into his inventory and pulled out a dragon tooth. It was from the dragon they had killed. He placed it on one of the slots and a sword in the other. Had he looked properly he would have seen the weapon attributes slot.

He pressed the craft and waited for 30 seconds when he heard a small notification sound.


➡️Crafting complete