
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Kỳ huyễn
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111 Chs

Chapter 27

"Ok, I'm just wondering why you two thought it would be a great idea to follow that idiot?" Pedro was sitting in front of the kids in their small compartment.

The carriages had already started to move and they just left the city.

"Sir Dan is not an idiot, he's a nice person, he bought us clothes and fed us and he als-" Adam spoke up but before he could finish Pedro let out a loud cackle.

"HAA! Nice? You think Dante is a nice guy? Adam, you have a great future ahead of you as a comedian. You tell good jokes, maybe you will be a jester in a kings court."

Adam lowered his head down and put his hands on his knees. His face was slightly red. "Whose Dante?" Charlie asked.

"That's Dan, Dante is his real name, Dan is just a short abbreviation of his name that everyone calls him by. But as I was saying, that guy is not kind, nice, merciful or just any good compliment that you can think of. He is everything but nice. You will truly regret being next to him."

"Do you hate him?" Charlie asked. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would it be?"

"I would say like a nine, but on a scale of 1 to 10 on how much I can tolerate him it would be a six so I guess I hate him more than I can tolerate him." Pedro said.

"Why do you hate him? You say he is not a nice person then what is he?"

Pedro scratched his balding head. He could feel his hair although it was bald since this form of his was merely an illusion.

"Why I hate him? I guess I hate him for the reason any person hates their elder siblings," Pedro looked out of the window. The carriage train was now going on this specific road that was made just for it. Normal carriages and horse weren't allowed because they could be crushed by the carriage train. (Basically a train track but it's a road.)

"But I don't think you would understand. He's annoying, overbearing and a pathological liar by nature. For some reason he is dumb but at the same time he has got the brain to manipulate anyone he wants."

Charlie wasn't really surprised at this. Earlier on when he spoke to Dan he couldn't tell whether he was lying or not. His heart beat was so steady that it felt like he was telling the truth.

He also didn't release the familiar chemical that he always smelt when people lied to him.. (I know it's called oxycontin, it just doesn't exist in this world.)

There was there even a single speck of sweat on his body and his brain activity also did not increase in any way.

'Did he really lie to him. What is he going to do to us? Will he sell us into slavery? No... that can't be. My lie detection ability has never failed me even once, so he must have been telling the truth.'

Pedro could see Charlie's face and could tell what he was thinking about.

"Probably," he said.


"He probably did lie to you, when I said he is a pathological liar I meant it. That man lie's so well that he can pass any lie detection test. Your lie detection ability won't be of any help."

Adam and Charlie looked at each other with shocked faces. Dan knew that he was a dragoneborne and now this balding guy in front of him knew about his ability.

"How... How did you know?" Charlie asked.

"Your not even denying it, if Dante was in your shoes he would have denied it until I was actually convinced that he didn't have an ability like that." Pedro said.

The carriage train had now aligned itself perfectly on the road and was gaining speed. Within a mere ten seconds it reached twice the speed of a race horse.

"This carriage is really fascinating, it can pull all this weight and reach such speed, not to mention that it's mechanical and not drawn by a horse. We used to have mechanical Carriages back home but not of this size." Pedro muttered.

"You didn't tell me how you found out about my ability," Charlie said.

"I just know stuff due to my magic. Speaking of magic, I guess it is time to teach you guys some."


"I don't think you told me your name," Dante said to the petite curvy woman sitting in front of him. Now that she had removed her book from her face Dan could see her cuteness. It was a mixture of beauty and cuteness at the same time. Her beauty match that of the moon and her cuteness that of a lion cub.

Her eyes were red like ruby's, her lips were as pink as a flamingos feathers and the way the sun shined on her made her look like a brilliant diamond. Dan's heart beat was increasing by the second. If he died from a heart attack right now at such a young age then he would not mind. His mind had never felt clearer. He only felt this type of peace when he was meditating.

"Don't you think, you should tell me your name first since you are asking for mine."

Dan felt his blood flow increase. He could feel the electricity in his brain zap around even faster and faster. Just now her voice... it sounded like a siren. It was euphonious and silky that it felt like it was coated in magical honey. Even if it was Dan would not mind. He would gladly listen to this for a long time before even thinking about getting tired it.

"My name is Prince Condoriano," he said.

"What is a prince doing, travelling like this?" She asked. She leaned forward, so that she could here his voice. She loved it. It was so deep and husky that she barely contain herself.

"I'm not prince, I was just joking but even if I was I would gladly give up my leisurely form of travel if it meant that I could spend time with you on this compartment." Dan also leaned forward.

His face was only 60 centimetres away from hers.

"You do have a way with words, don't you?"

"Just like you." Dan put out his hand for her and she placed hers on top of his. Her hand was smooth like marble and as warm as wool.

The moment her hands touched Dan's it felt like he was struck by lightning.

In his minds millions and millions and millions of explosions had been set of. He had felt the hands of hundreds of womans but the only ones that could come close to making him feel what he was feeling right now were the succubus in his villages brothel.

He held her hand close to his face and kissed it.

"My name is Dante, what about you?" he kissed her hand one more time.


'Your name doesn't fit you!" Dan remarked.

"Neither does yours, I thought your name would be something like Bob or Jerry or Muklip."

"I would say mine fits me perfectly." Dan said as he let go of her hand. He looked out of the window and the scenery was moving fast. The trees were but just a blur, the sky was barely moving but the ground was moving way too fast.

From his inventory Dan grabbed the rolling paper and the marijuana he had stored there.

"You want one?" Dan asked Maknan. She shook her head without hesitation.

"Are you sure? Because later on I'm not going to be sharing." Maknan once again shook her head. She struggled with opening the window but managed to get it open.

"Why do you use harmful substances like that?" She asked, "You are using such substances at such a young age and it may seem like it's cool, but it's going to come back to bite you in the back."

"Why ask a dumb question like that? Yes it is harmful to the body but it's not illegal just like alchol. I smoke this because I want to and I can." he replied. He licked the paper on the side and attached it to the other side after placing the marijuana and the tobacco from the cigar he had bought earlier on, on top of the rolling paper.

"So your one of those people, those people who say that they will do anything they want because they don't want to die with any regrets." She was carefully watching as Dan rolled another hit for himself. She was sure that she could repeat the steps if necessary.

"Those people are liars, there is no such thing as dying without any regrets, do you know why that is?" He asked as he stored the metal tin back into his inventory.

Maknan was watching Dan intently now. She was interested in how he was making things appear from thin air and disappear back into thin air. "Was that spatial magic that he just used now? No it couldn't have been, there hasn't been any person being able to use spatial magic within 20 years. He was probably just using summoning magic."

"I do not know." Maknan said truthfully.

Dan gave her a small smile that brightened her mood. "There is no such thing as a death with no regrets, no matter what a person says they will always have regret. If they move away hundreds of meters away from their village then their dying regret will be that they did not spend time with their loved ones or that they refused to make new friends. Do you understand what I am saying? No matter what path you take it will always have regrets."

"But I guess I hate the people who say they live their lifes to the fullest are liars and dumb. They are the dumbest I have ever seen. If you live your life to the fullest every day then within a year there is nothing for you to do. That is why you should just go out every once in a while and live without any rules occasionally not but not every day."

Maknan smiled at Dan. He seemed like a pretty smart person to her. He also had some good philosophical views on the world. At first to her, he seemed like a sexy muscle head but now she saw him as a smart, sexy muscle head.

"Are you sure you don't want to smoke with me?" Dan asked her. Maknan's train of thought was interrupted.

"No I do not smoke but I occasionally drink." She said.

"Your loss, this was grown in the elf kingdom of... uh I can't remember the name but anyways your loss." Dan used the lighter he had in his inventory to light it up. He took a quick puff before letting out a cough.

"This is really strong!"

He tugged at it one more time and this time he let out a really loud cough. The smoke did not reach Maknan as a gust of wind pushed it out of the window.

Dan took several more quick tugs before finally getting used to it. He took a long pull and the smoke quickly filled up the compartment but just like the other times a gust of wind blew it out of the window.

Dan stared at the hit in his hand, "Damn, this is really good, Once I create my country I got to to invade the elf Kingdom." he thought.

"How long is this journey going to take?" Dan asked Maknan.

"Anywhere from 32 to 40 days. At least that is what the woman at the office said." She replied.

Dan was surprised at this. A journey this long would only mean that the destination was far away, but Pedro had said they were not going to go far away.

"Where is this carriage headed to?"

"Did you just board this carriage without even knowing the destination? It's head towards, Atlantis, the summoned city of heroes!"