
Chapter 4

''I think it's unfair, that's why I'm going to…''

Before Ryan could finish his phrase, he winked at the bodyguard and he immediately understood the assignment, he quickly covered the boy's mouth and took him inside the van.

The little boy was trying to run away while kicking the bodyguard with his tiny feet, but he wasn't that strong so he couldn't do anything.

He didn't even cry or care any less because he knew that Ryan was acting weirdly from the beginning to the end, and he knew that he was planning to kidnap him.

Why didn't he run away then?

The boy was willing to find someone who could take him somewhere even if he would get harassed or beaten up at least he will leave the dirty street that he hates the most.

When the bodyguard putted him inside the van, he handcuffed his hands and the boy was already sleeping because when he was trying to kick the big man with all his force, he was out of breath so he fainted.

Ryan was glancing at him every single second to make sure he's okay, but he didn't care about him.

He was just checking up on his toy that will change his life.

After 1h they arrived at their place.

The bodyguard carried the boy in bridal style while waiting for Ryan to tell him what to do next.

The maids were disgustingly looking at the boy while saying shitty things about him.

''Did Ryan lost his mind or what, there are millions of cute children out there and he brought that homeless child'' said one of the maids.

''I think he has his reasons, and I find the boy cute I don't know what are you talking about'' said a maid called Maria.

The other maids looked at Maria with a [wtf] face, they were trying to say something but Ryan interrupted them and said ꓽ ''Look this is my adopted son, take good care of him and if I find some of you making fun of him or teasing him, you will be dead in no time''

They all looked at him with a shocked face not expecting that boy to be his adopted son.

''What in the world is going on, didn't Ryan hates children and now he's adopting one, and he is fucking homeless, I'm so confused'' said one of the maids.

''I think he's adopting him for his own sake maybe he's planning to do something with him, you will never know Ryan's plans'' said Maria.

They all looked at each other and then they nodded to Maria.

Ryan yelled from the basement ꓽ

''Maria come here''

Maria then went quickly to him, while the other maids were looking at her with a jealous look.

͂Flashback ͂

Maria has been working in Ryan's house for a very long time, and she is the only one that he trusts the most because she's loyal, doesn't know how to lie, and she does her work properly.

While the others just chat with each other most of the time and make assumptions and stereotypes saying that Maria may be Ryan's wife and he just doesn't want to tell anybody.

But actually, she is not his wife nor his friend, she is just a simple maid.

Since Ryan is handsome, all of the other maids were simping over him so they hate it when Maria gets close to him.

͂End of flashback ͂

Maria looked at Ryan with a confusing face while he was trying to put the boy on the bed.

He looked at her and told her to wait for him in front of the door. She obeyed and went outside waiting for him. The little boy caught her attention, she glanced at him every second, and she kind of felt a connection between him and her.

''Why does he look like familiar'' she thought.

She was looking at him without blinking and she started seeing the resemblance between her lost brother and him.

''Hello, Maria are you there?'' said Ryan.

He didn't get any response.

''Hello, hello Maria''

Still didn't get any response, he then realized that she was looking at the boy.

''Did she know him or what?'' thought Ryan.

''WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MARIA'' Ryan yelled and finally Maria looked at him.

''Sorry I wasn't on my mind'' said Maria.

''Do you know him?'' said Ryan while pointing to the boy.

''Emm no I-I d-don't k-know h-him'' said Maria stuttering.

''Are you sure you don't'' said Ryan while smirking at her.

''No, I don't know him he just reminds me of someone''

Ryan stepped closer and said ꓽ ''Do you mind telling me who he reminds you of?''

Maria blushed at Ryan's smooth move.

''N-no o-one special, j-just a m-member of the f-family''

Ryan saw Maria's face turning red like a tomato and he thought she was cute that he didn't hear what she was saying.

''oh ok never mind, well I have to tell you something'' said Ryan.

''Is it about the boy?'' said Maria.

''well I guess it is'' he stepped closer and whispered in her ears ꓽ ''you know that you are the only one that I trust the most''

her cheeks turned pink due to shyness and her heart started pounding crazy hearing these words coming out from her crush's mouth.

Right Ryan is her crush, she fell in love with him the moment he saved her from getting sexually harassed and assaulted by an old man on the street.

͂ Flashback ͂

Ryan's POV ;

i was walking down the street after finishing some work, i decided to visit my parents since it's been more than 5 months since i saw them. I was tired due to so much work and so stress but i was relieved cuz I was going to meet my family.

I was getting closer to their house but suddenly i heard a scream. It was like someone asking for help.

You know even I am from the mafia, i can't deal with hearing screams especially from women. So i followed where the voice was coming from and i was shocked.

It was an old man trying to take off this cute pretty girl's clothes with his dirty ass hands. I couldn't stay still I rushed up to him and punched him with all my force, i don't know what happened to me at that moment but I took all of my anger and stress on him.

The girl went behind me and she held my waist with her cold shaky hands, i didn't care at first but suddenly i felt her smooth cold skin on my hands trying to stop me from hitting the man but he was already unconscious due to all the beating and bleeding he got from my punches.

I turned to see her face, she was so beautiful like an angel. Her hair was silky, her tiny waist and curves, her thighs were just perfect.

''Are you okay, did he hurt you''

Damn her voice was so angelic and confronting. Even though she was literally getting sexually harassed and almost got raped by that crazy ass man but she still was worried about me!!

God what did i do to get such an angel standing in front of me.

''emm hello, are you okay'' she said again but no answer.


i finally spoked after trying to understand what's going onꓽ

'' yeah, yeah I'm okay, are you.''

''Don't worry about me, it's not like i didn't get treated like that before'' she said while looking down.

Damn hearing those words disgusted me, how can someone treat this girl like shit, are they blind.

''Don't worry love, I'll never let anyone touch you just trust me and come with me''


''I would love to, but I'm scared'' she said with a shaky voice

i stepped closer to her and said ꓽ

'' You know this old ass man, you can kill him with your own pretty hands if you want, but if you don't want to, i will, because i don't want to see no fucking person in my life hurting you.''

''Just trust me and take my hands''

I offered her my hands and she accepted my offer with tears on her eyes.

'' Thank you so much for saving me i will never let you down'' she said while i was wiping her tears from her beautiful face.

''by the way beautiful, what's your name.'' i said and she got shy again. Damn how much i like her red cheeks

''I'm Maria'' she said while looking down, i guess because she got shy hearing that she is beautiful. I mean i didn't lie though, she is truly gorgeous.

i grabbed her chin up and she looked at me with her pink tinted cheeks and i said ꓽ

''Such a pretty name, like you''

her face was literally boiling at this point lol. But she still managed to ask me about my name.

''I'm Ryan'' i said and then we left to my parents house.

[If you want a book only about Maria and Ryan's relationship. Tell me ꓽp]

͂ End of flashback ͂

He then stepped back and continued ꓽ ''This boy will change our life''

Maria looked at him confusedly ꓽ ''What do you mean by [our]?''

''well i-I was t-thinking o-of p-proposing t-to y-you'' said Ryan while shaking so hard.

Maria then hold his hand tightly and said ꓽ

''don't be nervous I'm nobody, and an amazing person like you deserves a better wife and a beautiful woman, not me''

Maria said while her eyes got watery, she wanted to cry at that moment but she stopped herself and held it tightly.

Ryan then hugged her and patted her back trying to calm her, then her tears started dropping on his chest.

He felt his wet shirt but he didn't care at all about it, he was just focusing on Maria.

''Don't say that about yourself, you are more than enough for me, I don't think I would find someone who will love me and take care of me the way you do, you are the only woman that I feel comfortable with, not like those fucking assholes that just like me for my money and my reputation'' said Ryan with a calming lovely voice.

Maria felt shy, her cheeks were so pink.

Ryan put his hands on her cheeks to calm her down.

''You look so pretty when you're shy'' said Ryan with a smirk on his face.

Dug dug dug dug dug dug dug dug dug dug*

Her heart started beating so fast when Ryan touched her cheeks, she got more heated and her cheeks were burning out of shyness.