

"How can you do that? Detaching yourself like that?"

"It came to me naturally after they left. Anyway, it's a matter of perspective, Kuro.

For example, your problem, Martin, has you backed into a corner.

But do you really have no choice? Or do you just not accept the alternative?"

"What other alternative do I have, Shiro? If nothing major happens, my only choice is to escape. 

Worst come to worst, I will take my own life rather than fall under his clutches."

Rafael's eyes glinted with coldness the moment he heard Suiyin's conviction. But it only lasted for a moment, "Did it really need to go that far, though? You know you can just kill him rather than let him kill you."

"And then what? Become a fugitive having a whole country hunt for me?"

"Isn't the worst result still the same? If you get caught, you are dead, but you will have more options at that time.