
Break Time

"Well, this school is to teach the elite. What do you think they want to teach you? It's not like this is a lie. 

Society is segregated by class even though we hide it with democracy and law. Saying everyone will be held to the same standard is just a complete scam."

"Seems you have your own experience," Rafael replied.

Suiyin's eyes turned sad for a moment, but it quickly disappeared. "Maybe I am just an old soul like you," she said with a smile.

"In the exclusive area, Jeff and his friend were seated together. His friend didn't dare to look up, but Jeff glared at Rafael.

Rafael just let out a chuckle while his eyes looked down at Jeff, provoking him to make a move.

But Aiyden moved forward, blocking their gaze and making Jeff flinch.

'It seems Jeff is somehow afraid of Aiyden. Wonder if something happened in the past,' Rafael thought.

The area was very luxurious, separated by glass, allowing them to look down and see the entirety of the food hall. 

To enter, students used their fingerprints. The area was covered with a luxurious gray carpet.

Crystal lights adorned the ceiling, which also had detailed beautiful paintings of angels.

Turning his focus to the meal, Rafael could feel his hunger growing. There was everything from luxurious meat to fresh seafood.

SuiYin had already picked an empty plate and then went toward the seafood aisle. As for Aiyden, he took a seat and started eating his lunch box.

It didn't take long for SuiYin and Rafael to come back with plates filled to the brim with food.

"You have a huge appetite," SuiYin said with a chuckle.

"Next time, I should bring some lunch boxes to take it home. My sister will love this."

"Can we do that?" SuiYin asked as she felt the same way.

Food like this was not something they could eat every day. Some dishes Rafael didn't even recognize.

"Why not? There is no rule saying we cannot. I doubt they could keep all the food anyway," Rafael replied.

As the break time between each year was different, there were only two groups now: Rafael's and Jeff's.

Normally, upon hearing their loud remarks, Jeff's group would give out sarcastic comments and then begin bullying them. But this time, they chose to keep silent.

Compared to Rafael's table, which was filled with laughter, Jeff's table was dead silent. The atmosphere changed the moment Rafael entered.

Jeff, feeling annoyed with the situation, quickly stood up and left without finishing his meal. He lost his appetite. This was the first time he ever lost control over a situation at school.

Seeing this, SuiYin chuckled, "Look, Rafael, you are a real bully."

"What bully? It's called a preemptive strike. If I don't do this, they will try to step all over my head now."

Aiyden tapped his finger on the table, pulling their attention. Turning their gaze, they saw a phone screen facing toward them.

"You still shouldn't rile him up like that."

Reading the text, Rafael sighed, "It's not like I want to, but I have no choice. It's better if he acts with emotion rather than a sound mind."

Aiyden pulled up his phone and then started typing again.

"Although an emotional enemy is more prone to making mistakes, they are often the most dangerous ones."

"Well, what's the worst he can do? Hire more thugs to beat me up?" Rafael asked with a smile.

"If that's what you think, then I suggest you be more careful, Rafael. Spoiled kids like him have done many immoral things more than you think," SuiYin added.

Aiyden nodded, his eyes reflecting his worry for Rafael.

"As long as he targets me head-on, I am not afraid. Don't worry; I am already prepared even if he pulls his parents into this."

"His parents??? What confidence," SuiYin said with disbelief.

"Rather than that, you talk like you have your own personal experience, SuiYin. If you have some problem, just tell me about it."

 Rafael then turned his gaze to Aiyden, "You too; if there is anything you need help with, just text me. I already think of both of you as my friends. 

We will need to spend three years here. It's better if we can help each other."

SuiYin looked at Rafael, studying his expression carefully. Her mind was ruminating on something.

After seeing Aiyden nod in response, Rafael turned back to SuiYin. They locked gazes for a moment. 

Rafael could see pain and loneliness deep in her eyes. It was something he recognized, a gaze of a person who felt she had no one in the world.

But it only lasted for a moment before her lips curled into a smile, and she asked, "Will you go through hell for me? And I really mean this. A literal hell."

Her lips may have curved into a smile, but Rafael could feel her melancholy. 

His eyes turned serious, "Could you elaborate? Just what problem are you facing now?"

Aiyden's ears also perked up, and he moved his upper body forward, interested in the topic.

SuiYin's eyes darted around for a moment. She then let out a chuckle. "I am just joking. Just what kind of life do you think I am living?"

But Rafael didn't buy it, "Let's all exchange phone numbers. If you need help, just call me. I don't know what you are facing, but I will not judge you and will try my best to help."

"Are you sure? You know it may implicate people you love. Just like Jeff, you never know if he really becomes desperate and does that," SuiYin said in a joking tone.

Rafael frowned, the what-if scenario flashing in his mind. His eyes glinted with coldness. 

"If that happens, well… some people don't deserve to live."

SuiYin could see the seriousness in his eyes, but she played it off as a joke and then changed the topic to the last test and the delicious dishes.