
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Kỳ huyễn
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63 Chs

Chapter Two: The Dark Wolf's Disease

Lysette had spent the better part of the week, checking on Ally to ensure her saftey. To make sure that she would be safe and healthy enough for training. Ally's cough had gotten a bit worse in that time, and it only pushed Lysette to look even harder for an answer.

Lysette was worried for Ally, who had seemed to be growing more and more exhausted as the days drudged on. So much so, that she had for the most part, stayed in bed and rested. Lysette finally, turned her attention away from finding the cause and attempting to find the cure. Most medicines within the Lycan Kingdom came from herbs gathered in the surrounding area. Some of the Elders, the healers knew of the right herbs for any ailment but after speaking with all of the elders, she concluded that whatever was going on with Ally, was something that herbs could not aid. And so, her only other solution would be to use magic.

Is however this presented several other challenges. Lysette herself was not skilled in healing magic. Most of the magic that she had used had been for combat purposes though she did know a few witches who may be able to aid her. However, Lysette would need to take Ally with her to meet them as they rarely traveled anywhere outside of their homes. These witches also did not live within their own Kingdom, they were loners of sorts, the type of life that Lysette had wanted to live, and so they related on that fact.

She would also need to get Allys parents to agree to her being taken to the healer. And once she had met with them, she realized how difficult that would be.

" Are you saying our daughter is sick? " The King questioned, shocked and dissapointed that Lysette had mentioned nothing beforehand.

" Yes, She has been coughing extensively and can barely get out of bed. I've already consulted what the elders and there is not much they can do. Though I do have friends outside of the Kingdom that might be able to help. But I would have to take Ally with me to meet them" Lysette answered.

" How long has she been sick? " The Queen questioned.

" I would assume since before she arrived here. She told me that she had been dealing with the coughing fits for a while. Which is why it is urgent that I get her to some healers who can help her" Lysette pleaded.

" If it were to get out that the Princess was sick, it could bad for all of us. Everything would fall right back onto Gabriel and we would be right back in the mess we were in before.." The King sighed.

" I thought the Choosing ceremony had been sorted out? " Lysette questioned, knowing the Witch Kingdom had agreed to not marry off Gabriel and Kara.

" Yes..but..-" just then, the doors busted open behind them. And there, walking towards the throne was the mother of the child who had been promised to Gabriel. She seemed shrewd, angered, and directing all of her hatred to the King and Queen.

" My daughter was promised to the prince. And that means she was promised to the throne" the woman screamed at the King who sighed and touched his hand to his forehead.

" I have already told you..She will still be part of the Royal family but Gabriel does not have a claim to the throne since Ally is older" the King explained.

" I don't care. My daughter will be Queen one day.." The mother barked as Lysette finally stepped in.

" We dont care what your daughter was promised. Things are how they are. Ally is the rightful heir, you are lucky they are even letting your daughter marry Gabriel to begin with. So I would suggest that you back off " Lysette growled which made the mother back down.

" If you don't do the right thing, There will be consequences. Those consequences will not be carried out by me but they're definitely will be hell to pay for it" and with that, the Mother turned and walked away.

" See..this is what I'm talking about" The King sighed.

" I promised to have her back as soon as possible. She will take the throne and she will be an amazing leader. Her training has gone well so far and I promise you, she is going to do amazing things in the world and for the Kingdom but right now, her health is the main priority" Lysette pleaded again.

" You may take her, but ensure that no harm comes to her. We can't afford to lose her" The King demmanded.

Lysette found this ironic considering he had no issues with throwing her away previously but she thought it best to simply smile and nod and take her leave without providing any further commentary.

This would be a moderate long journey but it would be far worse on Ally, so Lysette would have to travel as gently as possible so that she did not make the childs condition worse. Lysette estimated they would arrive at their destination in a few days or so but should be back within the week.

Lysette approached Allys room to tell her of the news and found that Ally was awake and laying in her bed, and smiled widely at the sight of her guardian.

" I know you probably don't wanna leave. But I have to take you to a couple of friends of mine so that they can heal you" Lysette explains.

" The journey's gonna be a few days long but we're gonna. Make sure to take it easy so that you're able to relax. These people can help you though, I promise you" Lysette assures.

" I am fine though" Ally smiles before releasing a few hard coughs.

" Well even still, I want to be cautious and that means you need to go see my friends" Lysette kept her friendly tone in hopes that she could talk Ally into agreeing who finally nodded and climbed onto Lysettes back.

" I hope they become new friends" Ally smiled as she slowly drifted off back into sleep.

" I'm sure they will sweetie..I'm sure they will" and with that, Lysette transformed into her Lycan form and made her way out of the castle, past the wall, and towards their destination. She knew she would have to travel slower than normal but time could very well be of the essence. Noone had seen her leave with Ally thankfully, and even if they had, seeing her return strong and proud would be good for the morale of the Kingdom.