
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Kỳ huyễn
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63 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: The Heart Matters

As Ember stood alone, she found herself trying to understand the friendship she once knew, and the future that the dissent would lead. All she had wanted to do was to protect her friend and now, she was paying for it. Penny was always too emotional and it continued to get in the way and yet, Penny could make mistakes and that was something Ember also understood. " Noone is perfect" Ember thought to herself as she stared into the distance at nothingness.

" I know that you feel hurt, And then I have done something to cross you.. But i've only been trying to help" Ember sighed to herself as she tried to reason with a Penny that was no longer there. " I just wanted to make things better..and to keep you safe. And this person, who we don't even know..truly at least..has somehow come in and taken you from me " Ember was growing frustrated at the sheer thought of this other girl, as Ember clenched her fist together creating a cracking sound from the sheer vice- like grip she had.

" If you want to know who I am, then you could simply ask" Keera lept in front of Ember, she had been watching from afar and Ember was surprised but more than pleased by the confrontation.

" I know that you would not tell me the truth" Ember had her doubts, and she believed them to be well- founded considering that everyone in the Underworld could be an enemy.

" I am not who you think I am. I am not here to harm Penny in any shape or form. I do care for her..and by proxy, I care for you" Keera smiled inoccently, as though to convey a sense of deserved trust from Ember who would not invest in the ruse.

" I know that you are up to something. You are only getting close to her because you need something. And once I find out exactly what that is, I will most definitely ensure that you don't get it " Ember threatened though Keera seemed unbothered.

" The problem that you seem to have, Is that you assume to know everything. You assume that I mean to cause harm to Penny. And you assume that I mean to cause harm to you. But that is simply not true! I very much believe in Penny's cause, despite how quickly she can turn on someone" Keera smiled.

" In fact, She is already stated that she doesn't trust me and wants nothing to do with me outside of working together on certain things. In truth, I'm in the same boat as you. I've been pushed to the side, even her own father has been pushed back" Keera confessed.

Ember was surprised by this information and yet, kept her guard up. If Keera was sharing this information, there had to be a reason for it.

" In truth, I think Penny is making the right decision by pushing us all back" Keera admitted. " Most people can be completely untrustworthy here, And the only person she can truly rely on, is herself" Keera's words resonated with Ember.

" However, if she keeps pushing her allies away, then she will end up having the same issues that everyone seems to have when trying to change the world. But, I believe that if we remain supportive, and come to her when called for, she will eventually come around to the idea of letting us in" Keera was doing her best to calm Embers nerves but Ember seemed to refuse the aid. The words, almost seemed too perfect to Ember..as though Keera knew exactly what to say.

" Well, I want to know what you are getting out of this exactly? What is it that you get from helping? " Ember inquired to which, Keera had an answer and seemed dumbfounded that Ember could not piece it together.

" The fate of the world hangs in the balance. If she can get things set right, Then we all have a chance to exist together in harmony. That is what I want more than anything" Keera answered.

" I think you are up to something and I'm not sure what it is. But I will be keeping a very close eye on you and so I'd recommend for you to be on your best behavior. And if you lay a single finger on Penny.." Ember stopped herself before she could finish her threat..she needed to calm down. This was the exact reason Penny hated her right now.

" I will not lay a finger upon her unless I am asked to do so by her.." Keera chirped as she then turned and began walking away.

" Where are you going?" Ember shouted.

" I am going to get food, I'm starving. If you need me..well, you'll know where I'll be considering you are going to watch me " Keera mocked as she faded into the distance, again, leaving Ember all alone.