
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Kỳ huyễn
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63 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: The Unborn Child

Kara approached her home in the far reaches of the underworld. She had taken up residence here along with several other hideaways since she had started her new journey. The home was a small cottage, that dwelled deep within a cave that lead underground. This would keep prying eyes away from her and her mission and also provided an abundance of resources, as there was a fresh underground spring that was near the cottage.

Kara walked inside her home, and sat down in a large chair, that had been made from the hides of several animals in the surrounding area. This place was quiet, and she could have a brief moments or peace here when her head was not violating her with intrusive thoughts of guilt.

" I know, this is not what I had planned to happen. It's not even the way I wanted things to go to begin with..but this is where we are now..little one " Kara smiled down at her belly that was now full of renewed life.

" You have a great purpose here in this world. And though, you can choose your destiny..there are some things that will have to be done first. And you may have to do it on your own " Kara leaned her head back and stared at the wooden rafters of the home.

" I have to make a sacrifice..one far greater than my arm.." Kara confessed.

" I will have to give my life away to the chosen one. The one who is suppose to save this world. But I do this, only because it is what is required for the plan to work" Kara added.

Sacrifice with something that Kara was all too familiar with. She was never a fan of it but she knew that she would have to do this. Her purpose for remaining in existence was to bring her child into the world so that the next phase of the world could finally take place.

" It may be hard to believe, But I am foreign to this version of land. This world is not quite my own. Therefore I cannot exist her for forever. Whether I am to be wiped away to extinction or to be imprisoned..I cannot stay for too long" Kara smiled in the face of her fate however. She wanted death, she welcomed it in many ways. Only then could she be reunited with her beloved.

" By allowing yourself to die..you are going to give our child a reason to hate Penny..aren't you? " Garbriel questioned as he placed his hands on Kara's shoulders.

" That is not the only reason, but yes " Kara answered calmly as she closed her eyes and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

" But you cannot Guarentee that our child will even hate her to begin with.." Gabriel had made a valid point. Though the likelihood that there would be some need for vengeance by their child would be there..it did not guarantee anything.

" Don't worry about my plan..just worry about helping me come up with a name for her" Kara continued to smile.

" Its a girl? " Gabriel questioned.

" I do not know for certain, but I can feel it. I can feel it in bones that it will be a girl.." Kara answered softly.

" Violet " Gabriel answered.

" Violet is a good name. I like it" Kara smiled. " Our little Violet..bringing forth a new age..a.new world..and a new Empire