
The Prodigy and the Band Girls (BanG Dream x Touhou OC)

Nagae Riku, heir apparent to the prestigious Nagae Family and a young prodigy in the world of classical and modern music. What people don't know, he is one of the greatest professional musicians to ever live. Alongside with his brothers that took him in, they've won the greatest tournaments in competitive music and created a dynasty. For 3 years they have dominated the competitive music scene. And one day, they have decided to retire. Leaving the world of music in shock. Riku retired in search of something. He had the money, the fame and made his name in history as a true prodigy, but deep inside him, something is missing in his life. 3 months after his retirement, he got a call from his grandfather and says: How about trying to go back to school? You might find something that you've been lacking. And who knows, you might find the one you've been looking for. By accepting his grandfathers offer, Riku did not expect that his life will take a 180 turn..........only one way to find out. A/N: Ight, I may be a bit trash with descriptions but this is the best that I can do, so bear with me. And I may upload a long, long, long while cause sometimes I get mindblocked and again bear with me cause this is my first time doing this. Now with that out of the way.......IWAE!!!!! Credits to VALVE, the DPC(DOTA Pro Circuit)and DOTA 2 for the details in the DOTA 2 Major and The International and also credits to the owner. And credits to ZUN for the Touhou characters, all of those belong to him. And another note.........This series is originated from the one that I have in wattpad, and at the back of my mind, why not put it here as well? So here you go. Hopefully you like what you read.................and I suggest you guys read this in your PC or laptop because some of the words are in Bold, Italic or Underlined and reading it on your phone won't show it.

IWAEHypeMan · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

VII - Truth and Agreement

Live House CiRCLE - Riku's Office

3rd POV

The entire room was silent after Riku re-introduced himself. The girls had mixed reactions, filled with shock, awe and fear. Shocked is because they found out that Riku was a professional musician at a young age. Awe, is due to how much he had achieved in such short time. And fear, is because they now know what Riku is capable of and he is still 19 and he is still far away from his prime.

Chisato breaks the silence as she asks her childhood friend on how and when he began his career.

Chisato: Riku.....since when did you began performing as a pro?

When Chisato asked that, Riku only let out a sigh and grabbed a remote from his table and said.....

Riku: I think it's better for you all to watch this instead of me telling you.

Sayo: What do you mean?

Riku: Well the thing is...2 years ago, the media made separate videos about me and the boys journey to become what we are today...although the video that I'm about to show you is in English language but don't worry, I've got someone to make the subtitles for it. And just to remind you. This was made back at the end of 2019, so our 3rd TI run wasn't counted here.....but anyway....find yourselves a spot so we can watch it.

After the girls find their spot, Riku turned on the TV and played the video....

(A/N: Since the video will be English audio.....just imagine that the video has subtitles and those that has [ ] on it is from the video that they're watching..)

Daniel: [Sometimes, a pro musician's greatest opponent isn't another musician. It isn't criticism.]

???: [You gotta go to the pro band threads and they be like "Wow OG is so good! But I still don't think that Iku is a very good musician".]

Saaya: What did he mean by you weren't a good musician Riku-kun?

Riku: Well, believe it or not, my first year as a pro wasn't a very pleasant one.

Everyone was surprised, especially Riku's childhood friends that Riku, of all people had a hard time in something that he's been doing in all his life. Riku just shrugged his shoulders as he resumed the video.

Daniel: [It isn't some decade old curse. Or an army of incredible bands.]

???: [Um...I think it's safe to say, or fair to say that EG are the favorites going into this. They look super good on the group stage, they look convincing on their first upper bracket match.]

Misaki: Who is this "EG" Riku-san? It's like they're saying that they can win this easily.

Riku: EG, also known as Evil Geniuses. They were our opponents for that match...and it was the semi-finals on the upper bracket.

Everyone remembered back in the hallway that Evil Geniuses won TI and they were worried that Riku was facing a champion caliber band.

Daniel: [Sometimes, a musician's greatest opponents, is themselves.]

Riku: [When I first started, it was really hard, I think it was the experience like...even in life....I didn't know myself.]

Daniel: [For a long time, people thought that Riku "Iku" Nagae, was one of the most overrated musicians in the professional music scene. A self-conscious 15 year old who didn't have the mental fortitude to cut it in the big leagues. Even though he played for one of the biggest bands in the world. Those people were wrong. Now he's a 2 time Future World Fes winner, one of the only musicians to ever win TI 2 times in a row and as far as the community is concerned, the undisputable GOD of music. But he didn't just have to beat the best bands in the world to make history. He had to beat himself.]

Kasumi: What does he mean that you have to beat yourself Riku-senpai?

Riku answers her question.

Riku: Think about it. How will you improve not just a musician, but also as a person?

The girls were thinking for an answer and Arisa was the first to answer.

Arisa: So you mean to say that if we want to improve ourselves, we have to beat ourselves?

Riku: Exactly. As you can see, music is always changing by the day, that's why we improve ourselves by beating our current selves. To become better at our craft. To create a new path in music.

Arisa: Then this video we're watching is?

Riku: Yes, this video shows how I redeemed myself from my failure on my first year as a pro. And I know some of you girls are trying to go pro. So take note of this, to make sure you won't end up like this.

Daniel: [So, how did Iku go from a villanized prodigy to basically the most successful musician to ever touch an instrument? Well, it all started in 2016. Iku was a self-reserved Japanese who was well a known figure in classical music and transitioned to modern music and made a name for himself by competing to some of the high profile music tournaments as a solo guitarist. But the thing that stood out about him from the get-go was his style. Unlike SumaiL and Miracle-, he wasn't loud, confident and flashy. On the contrary, he was silent, cerebral and unpredictable.]

Rinko: I want to ask this yesterday Riku. What made you decide on playing guitar?

Riku: About that. Well, it started when I turned 14 and my parents said that I can do anything I want. And I said that I want to pursue a career in modern music. They were against it at first because I already made a name for myself in classical music and I might waste my years in playing modern music, but with my grandfather's persuasion, they finally agreed. And as to why I want to change from classical to modern....it's just that I feel like that I'm only playing piano because I'm a "Nagae", it's like that I won those tournaments because of it. That's why I changed to modern music, to let them know that I can do this on my own. To show them that I am more than a name. And as for why I'm playing guitar, I think you already know why Rinko.

Ako: What did Riku-nii mean by that Rin-Rin?

Rinko: Well, Riku has a habit of trying new instruments that gets his interest, he'll get the basics of said instrument in just a few days. Like one time that he was interested in violin and 4 days after trying, he already mastered it.

Everyone was shocked to what Rinko said and Riku can see their reactions, one in particular was Sayo. She was just looking away when Rinko said that. Riku was thinking that Sayo had an inferiority complex and it looks like his theory was on point.

Ran: How long did you master the guitar nii-san?

Riku: Took me 3 months to get the basics down and took me at least 2 and a half years master it. But anyway, let's continue.

Yuyuko: [Usually, Riku-kun keeps most things to himself and doesn't talk too much unless needed, but that makes Riku-kun have a slight advantage over his competition. He always has something hidden under his sleeves and the next thing you know it, you're already under the palm of his hand.]


Everyone flinched when Rinko shouted; they never thought that a shy girl like Rinko can shout that loud.

Riku: Guess the cat's out of the bag.....sorry about that.

Rinko just pouted and Riku resumed the video as he was giving her a head pat.

Daniel: [Still, he caught the attention of Invictus, who asked him in March to be a substitute for their legendary Lead Guitar "Ferrari_430".]

Lisa: Isn't Invictus a Chinese band?

Riku: Yup. But for me, and being a Nagae to boot, I have to learn Chinese, German, Italian, Korean, French, English, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese and several other languages and since I'm gonna be the next head, I have to learn those.

Everyone just nodded as Riku resumed the video.

Riku: [Invictus messaged me one day and say "Hey, do you want to give it a shot with us? You know, it's any boy's dream", so when the opportunity came in for me and....you know I can't say no.]

Daniel: [Iku won his first live competition just a few months later in July. His entrance into the pro scene had been kind of low-key, but he caught the attention of the international community and everyone was wondering the same thing..."Who the hell was this guy?"]

Yuyuko: [When I first saw the comment speaking about Riku-kun, I saw "Iku" and I thought it was a girl, everyone in the comments thought that Riku-kun was a girl, and it's quite amusing that they thought that he was a girl because of his name, but I commented that he was a guy, he's my nephew.]

Aya: I want to ask but....why is your stage name "Iku"? It sounded like a girl's name.

Riku: Yeah about that..."Iku" was like the first thing that popped off in my head and I've been using it ever since.

They just sweatdropped at Riku as they continue to watch the video.

Daniel: [But one team was particularly interested in Iku. OG.]

Riku: [After TI, OG wanted me in the team. OG was like...one of the best in the world. I thought that it would be too much for me just as I was beginning my career for a few months now, but I think that I'll be able to learn more if I joined so...I took it.]

Daniel: [The pick-up was a bit of a surprise. OG had won 2 Future Word Fes during their 2016 season, and bombing out of TI, they lost their star guitarist Miracle-. So picking up a guitarist as unknown as Iku seemed risky.]

N0tail: [It was kind of a risk...in a way, but from my perspective, first conversation with Iku he said "Future World Fes? Sure, let's win some". And he said "some" so...one was not enough. There is that insane confidence in him.]

Sayo: Risky?

Riku: Well, OG is considered a top tier band at the time, and picking up a guitarist with just a few months of handling a guitar like me is considered a risky move.

Yukina: And to think that you said that one Future World Fes is not enough.

Riku: What can you say? I mean it motivated the band and we manage to win two.

Daniel: [That said OG had developed a reputation of winning Future World Fes and let's just say that signing Iku didn't exactly buck that trend.]

???: [And that is all ladies and gentlemen! You're champions in Boston are OG! They have won 3 Future World Fes! It's an incredible feat for N0tail and the boys and giving us one incredible of a finals right here!]


Daniel: [The problem was Iku was a bit inconsistent. Often times it didn't feel like OG winning because of him, but in spite of him.]

Chisato: In spite of you?

Riku: Just watch.

Daniel: [See, Iku was the kind of person who could barely keep up at most times....more likely that he's not yet adapted to the band due to him performing solo most of his life.]

Daniel: [But sometimes, he single-handedly carried OG to victory.]

N0tail: [Future World Fes Kiev.....for Iku...showed what he really is as a musician. He doesn't really think of the things that can go bad. He thinks of things about what he can do and then he goes for it no hesitation.]

Riku: [I think I can do this.....we're performing second right? Give me a few minutes and I'll get this one in no time and I'm just gonna run it.]

N0tail: [That is the best way to describe him, and Iku has that inside in him.]

Saaya: When was this Riku-kun?

Riku: The 5th set during the Future World Fes Finals in Kiev. I was trying to familiarize some chords on the song as we were going second to perform. Good thing I manage to do it before our turn started. And thanks to it, we manage to win the entire thing.

Daniel: [Other times, he spelled disaster for the team. And then at TI7...it all came crashing down. After an insane season, OG placed 7th and 8th in a tournament that most people expected them to win. And Iku announced that he was taking a break from the professional scene.]

N0tail: [After TI7, there was a bit of fatigue....especially Iku.]

Ceb: [People can get really really harsh even towards a 15 year old boy that is literally thousands of miles away from home. It happens very often here and that's what it was with Iku, I mean he was getting a lot of flak.....a lot of people break down because of it.]

Riku: I wanted to tell you this but, criticism in TI can be literally soul breaking. One mistake either intentional or not, it could break you and end your music career or rise to the occasion and become better.

The girls took a mental note on what Riku said.....especially Roselia.

N0tail: [Me and the team had a talk with Iku and asked him what does he do on his free time and he said playing guitar, piano and basically any instrument he sees. When we heard that, I and Tal told him to take a break from music, loosen up, and try something new for once. I mean he's been playing music since he was 5 so he gotta loosen up at some point.]

Sayo: Wait a minute! If what he said was true...then.....you.....

Riku: I know what you're thinking Sayo-san. Yes, most of my life, I've done nothing but music, cause it's the only thing I know.

Arisa: Then what about school!?

Riku: I was homeschooled up until now. That's the very reason why I'm at Hanasakigawa. So I can experience being a student for once. Rinko, Sayo-san, Chisato and Kanon-san already knew about this cause they're my classmates.

Everyone pitied Riku a bit, a boy that has been doing nothing but music since his childhood. Riku just sighed as they continue to watch.

Daniel: [And then, Iku just kind of...disappeared. Occasionally he's performing at local live houses or clubs and the majority of the community was convinced that he retired. And they said that the stakes were too high and he was too fragile.]

Riku: [I guess I learned the hard way.....it's just one tournament but...you screw it up once and....you're done. It was a lot of pressure but...I'm not saying that I didn't really enjoy that pressure...more like it caught me off guard.]

Daniel: [And on May 2018, Fly and s4 ditched the declining OG for Evil Geniuses. After acquiring Topson, OG had just one month to find a new guitarist, the issue was that all the top-tier choices are already on top-tier bands...well all except for one.]

Ran: Why did those two left nii-san?

Riku: I was not there when it happened. I talked to Ceb on what happened, and from what he told me was the band was literally underperforming. Losing tournaments that most people expect them to win. And suddenly announcing that both of them leaving, I felt sorry for Johan when I heard that. He and Tal were childhood friends.

Everyone was shocked especially Afterglow. To see childhood friends that been through thick and thin separate was one thing that they cannot take.

JerAx: [The next logical choice for us was...Iku.]

N0tail: [Iku hadn't played for a long time, but we know how powerful Iku is as a musician.]

???: [Iku coming back? I mean people at that point were like probably the last person available...sure, why not?]

Rinko: Everybody is doubting you Riku.

Riku: Well that's expected to happen when you underperform on the biggest stage of them all and you were the favorites to win only to lose? It's only natural to doubt.

Chisato: Then why did you come back? Even though they don't believe in you anymore.

Riku: Reason for me returning to OG is....I want to repay the team for giving me another chance and the second reason is.....to prove everyone that I am not a fluke.

Daniel: [With Iku back on the team, OG cinderella'd their way through TI8 and it quickly became clear that something within him had changed. Make no mistake, Iku was still the same guy he'd always been but this time, it wasn't affecting his performance.]

The girls are watching Riku plays the guitar smiling and calm, as if the pressure isn't getting into him.

???: [At the previous year at TI7, it seemed like Iku was the one that's playing inconsistently, not doing well. And now all of a sudden, people started looking back and being like "maybe Iku was the magic to their band".]

Riku: [After TI7, Johan and Tal told me that I should lay off on music for a while, try to get a few hobbies.....I tried that and surprisingly it kinda worked, it's like a huge weight off of my shoulders. I'm only playing music from time to time and had help from my mentors. And I feel like.....I'm improving everyday without noticing.]

Daniel: [In the current trend that drummers are the go-to right now. Iku didn't just excel. He played out of his fucking mind.]

Tomoe: What does he mean that the drummers are the go-to Riku?

Riku: Well, back in TI8, drummers are more in the spotlight and kinda overshadowing the others asides from the vocals.

Ran: Then what did you do to prove them wrong?

Riku gave a chuckle and said.

Riku: Just like he said, I played out of my fucking mind. But in truth, I just trusted my gut and played the guitar my way.

Daniel: [Two months after re-joining OG, Iku became a part of the craziest TI win that the world had ever seen.]

???: [Congratulations to OG. They deserved it. They played out of their entire minds in this whole tournament, they didn't follow anyone's strategy, and maybe that was the key. They just played their own way and it's miraculous.]

Ako: Riku-nii, how did it feel to win TI for the first time?

Everyone looked at Riku as they were thinking the same question.

Riku: I couldn't believe it at first. My expectations at first were at least making it top 3, but when he moment that we won…..it felt like I've won something with my own efforts and not relying on my family name. It gained me the confidence to continue this path but...…..

Tomoe: But what though?

Riku: Just watch.....

Daniel: [But for Iku, everything turned for the better....and for the worst.]

Reporter: [We are live at Tokyo, Japan where a bombing incident took place and took at least 170 lives. Two of them are Richard Nagae and his wife Miku Nagae who is the next in line of the Nagae Family.]

Everyone in the room remembered what happened on that day. What they did not expect was Riku's parents were involved in the incident. They want to say something but didn't continue as the saw Riku looking at the TV with a sad face.

Daniel: [By the time that Iku heard the news of his parent's death, he left OG almost immediately and went straight to Japan and ever since that day, we haven't heard from him since. Of course it was understandable form his situation and so the community gave their condolences to him and they just said that he retired completely. And after Iku's sudden departure, over the next few months, OG tried mostly everything, trying guitarist after guitarist just to get back on track, but none of them stick. In the end, they went back to being the same uninspired roster before their fated win at TI. And then in March, Iku announced his return to OG and the community went ape shit on his return. And upon his return, the community has started meming that with Iku coming back in the band, the stars have finally aligned for OG to be the first ever back to back TI champions.]

Riku: [After my parent's death...I planned on retiring from music completely, but I had a talk with my aunt that I should continue my career not just for me, but for my parents as well. It took a long while to think about it and.....yeah...I'm doing this for them, to show them that I am here. And I want to show them that.....I have no regrets on doing this.]

Daniel: [But even with the return of Iku, OG still seems pretty medium. They finished 10th in the Pro Band Circuit, which meant that they had enough points to qualify for TI9 but, nobody expected much of them once the group stage rolled around. What happened next though, shocked the entire music world to its core.]

Kasumi: What does he mean by that senpai?

Riku: You're about to find out.

Riku just said that with a smirk on his face as they continue to watch.

???: [Whoa! What the? What the hell? Iku on Drums, Ceb on Bass, N0tail on Vocals, Topson on Keyboard and JerAx on Guitar!?]

???: [The hell is this?]

???: [What the hell is happening!?]

Arisa: What the hell are you and your band doing Riku-san!?

Riku: Our plan for TI9.

Everyone: Your plan?

Riku: Yup. When I returned to OG. Me, Johan and Ceb were thinking of ways on how we can win TI especially the competition got even tougher than the last. So I said that "how about we switch instruments for this TI?". At first they were not sure if what I just said to them will work or not, but I told them that I will teach them the ropes and it's up to them on what style they'll be playing those instruments. And at the cost of losing to some matches, we put my plan in motion.

Yukina: Did it work?

Riku: Then you gotta watch and find out.

Daniel: [On the back of Iku's crazy instrument role swap strategy, OG finished 15-1 in groups, then they steamrolled their way to the TI Grand Finals for the second year in a row. The difference is that this year, they didn't seem to take any part of it very seriously.]

The girls were watching Riku play the guitar with his eyes closed the entire time against Newbee and it's not just Riku who was closing his eyes, Topson and Ceb were also closing their eyes while playing. Everyone looked at Riku demanding for an answer.

Riku: Now. Before you say anything, that's what the media sees. But the truth is, it's just us having fun.

Sayo: How can you have fun in a tournament where one misstep and you're gone?

Riku: We just trusted each other and our music Sayo-san. We are simply enjoying every moment.

Daniel: [And somehow, Iku seems completely unaffected by the pressure....sometimes a little too unaffected.]

Riku: [When I returned to OG, most of the community were saying that my win at TI was a fluke, I won by luck and well...two can play it that game. I know that they were just doing it for shits and giggles but...I took that one personally.]

Daniel: [At TI8, Iku proved that he had what it took to be a champion. Come TI9 though, he just lost all reservations about playing that well.]

At this part, the girls saw Riku and his band simply dismantling the opposing band without a care. They saw the extent of Riku's talent when they see his band beating PSG.LGD, China's strongest band with no effort. And they were more shocked when they saw OG beating Team Liquid like they were just playing in a normal Live House.



???: [I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!! I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I'M SEEING IN THIS SET 4!! OG!! You thought you saw it all in set 2, you thought you saw it all in set 3 AND THE GG IS CALLED!!! OG!! ARE YOUR TWO TIME TI CHAMPIONS!! THEY'VE DONE IT FOGGED!!!]

Daniel: [Despite the fact that OG not giving a single shit to anyone, Iku emerged from TI9 as arguably the greatest musician ever.]

Daniel: [Despite the fact that Iku has been a professional musician for just over 3 years. He's only actually played, for a year and a half. In that time he won 2 Future World Fes, 2 TI's and earned just over 6 million dollars in prize winnings. He is in no uncertain terms, one of the most successful competitors in professional music history.]

Tsugumi: Riku-san.....how much money you've earned as a pro right now?

Riku: Well....3 million dollars from my 4 Future World Fes wins, 9 million for my 3 TI's, 2 million for my contract with the team.....and several hundred thousand dollars for brand deals and sponsors.....my estimate would be at least 16 million dollars in earnings before I returned here.

Some of the girls had their heads steaming due to Riku revealing how much he have earned in prize winnings.

Daniel: [The Chinese community have literally dubbed him the GOD of music. Not the I-GOD, not the Iku GOD, they placed him above every other pro.]

Riku: Sometimes, the community gives you a nickname or a title depending on how you perform. I found out my title just a month after we won TI. So I won't be surprised if they gave you nicknames or titles if you perform there (which I'm planning for ya'll). And up until now, I'm not used to being called GOD.

Daniel: [Even when he decided that he will stay with the team, he will go down as a legend in the pro music scene, who conquered the greatest obstacle of all, himself to become the best.]


Riku POV

After the video ended, I turned off the TV and faced the girls.....

Riku: Now. I know some of you had other questions besides from my career, which one of you girls has something to say?

As I said that I saw Kokoro's hand raised up high.

Riku: Anything to say Kokoro?

Kokoro: Hai! Your performance at GALAXY yesterday! How did you do that!?

When Kokoro said that, all the girls share the same thought. "How did Riku do that just by playing?"

Riku: Hmmmmmm.....how about I just show you.

Riku picked up his guitar as he starts playing. The girls carefully observe Riku's every move, and when Riku reached the chorus, Rinko suddenly noticed something.

Rinko: Riku! Your eyes!!!

Lisa: What about his eyes Rinko?

Rinko: I saw something in his eyes...it's like a 6 pointed star was shining in both of his eyes…..

Everyone wasn't buying it, but Riku stopped playing as he explains on what Rinko meant.

Riku: So you've noticed as well. What Rinko said just now is true. And that was the reason why you saw what happened in GALAXY. It's a condition that some people have, mostly those who have a career in the entertainment business.

Misaki: How did you get those eyes in the first place?

Riku: Honestly, I have no clue...but...It might have to do on how much you love music. That's what I believe. I mean you girls might get it too, but be careful though.

Chisato: Why do we need to be careful?

Riku: First time I performed with these eyes active, it took out a lot of my energy in just one song. But with the given time and practice, I'm able to play with it with no problems. Now then…..anymore questions?

I saw several hands raised, and I pointed at Arisa-san and she gave me her question.

Arisa: You said earlier on that you were a "former" pro. Does that mean that you-

Riku: Retired? Yes.

Yukina: Why would you retire this early? You aren't yet at your peak. Why retire early?

Riku: Well, me and the boys have already agreed that TI10 will be our last TI. Johan damaged his voice box that year decided to retire to let it recover, making me the vocalist for the band. For Ceb and Jesse it was them losing their motivation and both of them are near their 30's. For Topias, it was that he wants to spend more time on his family as he had his first child. And for me....it was my role to be the next head of the Nagae Family. Normally it would be my mother will be the next head but...you know what happened. And another reason is...I'll tell you when the time comes. Now.....anymore questions?

I saw Maya-san's hand raised up.

Riku: Yes, Maya-san?

Maya: C-Can I take a look at the Aegis behind you?

I raised my eyebrow when Maya-san said that. I just smiled at her and answered her as I take the aegis that I won from TI10 off the wall.

Riku: Sure, why not....here you go. Don't worry about breaking it, that's only a replica but it's 75% close to the real deal.

Maya-san took the aegis from my hand and I can see her eyes sparkling. She flipped the aegis and she saw the names of the bands and its members who won TI.

The other girls were interested at the aegis so I said....

Riku: You can take turns on looking at it, just be careful okay?

The girls take turns at the aegis....well more likely each band gets a turn at looking at the names behind it and they saw the band with my name written on it.

2018, 2019, 2020


Johan "N0tail" Sundstein

Sebastien "Ceb" Debs

Jesse "JerAx" Vainikka

Topias "Topson" Taavitsainen

Riku "Iku" Nagae

What the girls also noticed that the aegis only has 2 spot remaining and Hina-san asked me about it.

Hina: Ne Riku-kun. If there are only 2 slots left, does that mean that there will be no more TI if there are no more spaces?

Riku: Interesting question there Hina-san, I think they'll either make a new aegis, or make more room behind it.....let's just see if there will be a TI13 in the future.

As they returned the aegis to me, I put it back on the wall. After returning it I asked the girls if they have any other questions, after a short while no hands were shown it means they have no more questions.

Riku: Since you girls have no more questions, how about you girls try the studios. You can practice there if you want.

Kasumi: Really!? Can we!?

Kasumi-san said that to me with her face very close to me.

Riku: Y-Yes.....and.....aren't you a bit too close?

Arisa-san just grabbed her by the collar and apologized which I don't mind, just be mindful next time.

Riku: Marina. Can you bring the girls and show them the studios? Okay? Thanks.

Ran: Was that?

Riku: I think that you've met Marina. She'll guide you girls to the studios so you can try it out.

As I said that Marina showed up and I said....

Riku: Okay, you girls follow Marina, but as for the girls of Roselia. Stay here, I want to discuss something to the five of you. Don't worry; they'll follow after once we're done.

As I said that, Marina took the girls and made their way to the studios and leaving me and Roselia behind.

Riku: Now then.....let's begin....

Sayo: Riku-san. Can you explain why we have to stay behind?

Riku: I let you girls stay behind is for three reasons.

Sayo: Three?

Riku: Yes. The first one is regarding to your self-sponsored live next month.

Yukina: What about our self-sponsored live?

Riku: You girls are looking for a Live House where you can hold your live right? I like to welcome you and the girls of Roselia to have your first Live here.

Yukina: I refuse.

Yukina-san rejected my offer quite fast.

Riku: May I ask why?

Yukina: Roselia only performs at Live Houses that we can consider worthy of our skill. Judging from the look of this Live House, it only just opened recently. How can a Live House who just opened can get to our level?

As Yukina-san said that, my eyes went narrow and I started to let out a menacing aura directed to her and said to her in a dark tone.

Riku: Aren't you a little bit too arrogant? Minato Yukina.

The girls were scared when I talked to Yukina-san like that, and out of nowhere Rinko grabbed Yukina-san's head from behind and pushed her down as if she was bowing and Rinko was bowing alongside her in a 90 degree form.

Sayo: Shirokane-san!? What are you doing!?

Lisa: Rinko!?

Ako: Rin-rin! Why did you do that to Yukina-san!?

Yukina: R-Rinko! W-what are you doing!?


Sayo: Why does Minato-san need to apologize!?

Rinko answered Sayo-san's question in a tone that she's like begging for her life.

Rinko: You don't understand. If there is one thing that you don't want to happen, and that is making Riku angry. And Riku saying your full name is one of the signs of him getting angry.

Lisa: What makes you say that Rinko? Was he that scary when angry?

Rinko answers Lisa-san in a scared tone letting go of Yukina-san in the process.

Rinko: Well.....it all happened after a year that Riku and I first met. Riku was invited to join a piano competition and he invited me to accompany him. When Riku was busy finalizing what he needs for the contest, there were some kids who were bullying and harassing me because I wasn't good enough in piano and I shouldn't be on Riku's side. Riku saw me crying as those boys did that to me, and when I looked at him, it was the first time I've seen him angry. And after we found out that the boys who picked on me were invited to compete along with Riku as well. He made an example out of them.

Everyone in Roselia was shocked that Rinko was getting bullied, but they were more worried on what I did to them.

Sayo: He made an example how exactly?

Rinko: Well the rules for the contest was they can play any piano piece of their choice. And Riku chose...

Lisa: He chose what Rinko?

Rinko: Hungarian Rhapsody...#2....

Sayo: Isn't that one of the most difficult piano pieces to perform!? And to do it as a 9 year old....is absurd...

Rinko: As much as I don't want to believe it Hikawa-san....but he did. By the time he performed that, everyone in the venue was in disbelief even me included, to see Riku play that piece at the age of 9 with perfect precision. He literally overshadowed everyone performed before him and gave everyone after him a huge amount of pressure losing their focus as a result. After the contest where it's already obvious that Riku won. He called out the boys who picked on me and said...

Riku: "That was just a warning. Do something to her like that again; I won't hesitate to end your career right now."

Everyone turned their attention to me, Yukina-san included. I let out a huge sigh as I continue.

Riku: When I said that to them, I really meant it. If you're thinking that I'm planning to end their careers physically, you're wrong. I intend to enter competitions where they are registered and beat them at their own game. I plan to end them mentally.

The girls shuddered to what I said. In their heads right now they're thinking that if Yukina-san made me really angry, I could end Roselia's career before it even began.

Riku: Don't worry; I won't do that to you girls. Especially you're Rinko's friends so rest easy.

Roselia had a sigh of relief that I didn't take Yukina-san's insult to heart. But I continued to speak as I gave them a reminder.

Riku: But let me tell you this Yukina-san. It's okay to be arrogant. You can be arrogant if your skills can back it up. Too much arrogance will screw you over much more than what happened to me on my 1st year at OG.

The girls remembered what happened on the video they watched recently, Yukina-san apologized to me which I accepted and I saw Rinko breathed heavily because she had the guts to do that on their leader. I approached her and pat her head for fixing the situation. after that I went back to my chair and continued our talk.

Riku: Now then....with that out of the way, just when you refused my offer, I was about to say the second reason why I let you girls stay here.

Rinko: And that is?

Riku: I'm gonna keep it short and simple, I need your help.

Everyone raised a brow to what I said.

Yukina: Our help?

Rinko: It's very rare that you need help Riku. Why do you need our help?

When Rinko told me that, I looked at Yukina-san with a serious face.

Riku: Yukina-san. From what Rinko told me that you and your band are planning to compete in Future World Fes am I right?

Yukina: That's right. That is my- no, this is Roselia's goal. To make it to Future World Fes and win. But to get there.....it will be a challenge.

Riku: Then you don't have to worry about that challenge that you say.

Yukina: What do you mean?

Riku: Well, a few days ago, an old friend of mine called me that the PBC wants to begin their expansion here in Japan.

Ako: What is the PBC Riku-nii?

Riku: The PBC or known as the Professional Band Circuit. It is a tournament that is held throughout the year where bands across the world compete for points that are officially sponsored by Valve.

(A/N: I'm making Valve related to music instead of gaming so.....yeah)

Lisa: Why do those bands need to compete for points?

Riku: The points are needed if you want to compete to The International, but if you make it at least top 2 in the tournament, you will get a direct invitation to Future World Fes.

Roselia: !?

Sayo: Is that true Riku-san?

I nodded at her question as I continue to explain the details on the PBC.

Riku: The PBC is split into 3 tours, that being Winter, Spring and Summer. After each tour, the Future World Fes will be held at selected cities around the world, where 18 of the best bands across 6 regions compete. Currently, the cities that were chosen to hold the Future World Fes are at Amsterdam, Stockholm and Arlington.

Lisa: Wait, 6 regions?

Riku: The PBC is currently divided in 6 regions. Western and Eastern Europe, North and South America, China and Southeast Asia. Those 6 regions form the PBC.

Rinko: And why do they want to expand here in Japan?

Riku: Mainly because of me.

Roselia: Of you?

Riku: 2 reasons. 1st is me being the only Japanese to play at TI and winning it 3 times and 4 Future World Fes is already too much of an achievement for someone who is not from a powerhouse region like Europe or China.

Sayo: And the 2nd is?

Riku: The music that Japan can offer. You see, during the 2020 season, Johan gave me the reins on being the vocalist of the team that year. And we went all Japanese songs throughout the year, which made most of the teams very interested in Japanese Music. After TI10 and Valve getting requests that they should include Japan in many occasions from the community. They decided to expand here in Japan. And it will begin after TI11 this year.

Yukina: Before I reconsider, how many slots will be given to Japan for Future World Fes?

Riku: 2. You need to make it in to the top 2 if you want your chance at Future World Fes. With the addition of 2 slots in Japan, it will be 20 bands competing from the usual 18.

Yukina-san starts to take this more seriously as I finished explaining to her some of the details of the PBC.

Riku: Now let's continue. My old friend said that they need a sample on what Japan has to offer on the world stage. I've been looking for bands that can do it but no dice. Then I manage to find you girls by luck. I was going to offer this to Kasumi-san and Poppin'Party, but when you said that you girls are having your first live here, this might be the chance that I'm looking for. So I want to say this again. Roselia. Me and Live House CiRCLE would like to host your first live next month.

After I said that, the girls were giving it some thought. Yukina-san came close to the desk and showed her hand in a form of a handshake and said.

Yukina: Then we'll be looking forward working with you, Nagae-san.

When Yukina-san said that, I stood up from my table and shook her hand in agreement.

Riku: Perfect. We can begin the planning next week. If there are times when I'm not here, just look for Marina, she'll be able to help you in any way she can. And Yukina-san, you can call me Riku. Calling me by my family name is a little bit awkward for me.

Yukina: Very well then...Riku-san. And again, I'm sorry from what I said to you earlier.

Lisa: Now that both of you made up. What was the 3rd reason why we had to stay Riku?

Riku: Oh yeah, that. For the 3rd reason is.....to return a favor.

Rinko: A favor? To whom?

I just kept quiet and pointed at Yukina-san. Seeing me doing that Yukina-san pointed at herself.

Yukina: Me?

Riku: Yes. You. Remember in the video that I said that I had a mentor, right? Take a wild guess who my mentor was.

After I said that, Yukina-san tried to think who my mentor was. Took her a while as she try to piece it together and I see she had her eyes wide open for a moment then she looked at me with a smile.

Yukina: So that's how it is....your mentor...it's my father right?

Riku: That's right. Your father was my mentor in both music and vocals.

Yukina: How did you two meet in the first place?

Riku: After our loss in TI7 and I announced that I'll take a time-off. I tried to follow what Johan and Tal said to me, try new things. I always wanted to try singing so Yuyuko-san recommended your father to be my vocal coach since both of them are close friends at some point.

Sayo: Then what's this got to do with Minato-san?

Riku: Well after I got a call from Johan to return to OG for TI8. Atsushi-san told me that if there is a chance that his daughter plans to go pro in the future, I would offer them my help to make sure she doesn't have a hard time, and I promised him to do it if the time comes. I held to that promise to this day, now is the time to fulfill it. And make no mistake. I'm not doing this because of my promise, it's because I wanted to do it.

I looked at my watch and I see that we've been talking for quite a while now.

Riku: I'm sure the other girls are waiting for you for a long while now, you girls go ahead, I'll follow after.

When I said that, Yukina-san and the rest of Roselia left my office and went to the studios, which leaves me and Fuyu left in the office. Once the door closed, I pulled out my phone and called a certain contact.


Riku: Atsushi-san. It's me.

Atsushi: Riku-kun? Very rare for you to call me, unless it has something to do with music.

Riku: Well, I called you it's because.....I met your daughter.

Atsushi:...so you've met Yukina....I presume that you saw her perform with her band...what's your say on them.

Riku: I'll be straight to you sir. They show potential but as the way they are now....they won't last Future World Fes, let alone make it through the group stage.

Atsushi: ...I see. So Yukina has a long way to go then.

Riku: Don't worry, I'll help them like I promised.

Atsushi: Then I have nothing to worry about. I leave Yukina to you Riku-kun. My daughter is in good hands if it's you.

Riku: Leave it to me. Well, I gotta go. Nice talking to you Atsushi-san.

Atsushi: Very well then, good bye.


Riku: What does he meant by Yukina-san is in good hands if it's me? I'll just leave it at that.

After my call with Atsushi-san, I left the office to check out with the girls to see how they're faring. And just as I was about to stand up.....

*Ring* *Ring*

My phone rang. I took my phone out and I saw the one calling me.


Riku: Johan? Why would he call me all of a sudden? Might as well answer.

I sat back and answered the call.

Riku: What up Johan?

Johan: Riku. Good thing you picked up.

Riku: What's wrong? Judging from your voice, there seems to be a problem there.

Johan: Well....long story short. We need you here again.

Riku: Eh?

A/N: We're halfway through the chapters that I currently have in wattpad. And my upload shed is once a month so bear with it. So once chapter 14 comes up, you'll have to wait once a month.