
The Princess Is A Witch

Ellanious De Olger Usoro wakes up one day in a lavish room, surrounded by strangers who claim to be her family. She soon realizes that she is no longer herself, but the princess and the saintess of the Akkadian Empire, engaged to the cruel crown prince. She hears a mysterious voice in her head, telling her about her past life and her true identity. She discovers that the Archmage of the Empire, a mysterious and powerful man, seems to know more about her than she does, and he has his own secrets and motives. As Ellanious tries to adjust to her new life and find a way back home, she faces many challenges and dangers. She is hated by the people for her witch bloodline, betrayed by the crown prince and his lover, a baron lady who has a hidden agenda, and targeted by enemies who want to use her for their own purposes. Will Ellanious be able to unravel the mystery of her transmigration and find true love in this strange world? Or will she fall victim to the schemes and plots of those who want to harm her? Read this novel to find out!

Agnst_Ella · Kỳ huyễn
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62 Chs

Mysterious Voices

As I lay on the bed, trapped in a strange state, a series of voices called out to me, repeating my name. "Ella." "Can you hear me?" "Ella, it is me. Who are you trying to find so hard?" These voices were filled with pain and desperation.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, but I couldn't move, as if I were encased in ice. It was as though some mystical force held me in its grip, simultaneously making me weightless and causing excruciating pain.



The pain in my heart mirrored what I had felt when I witnessed that haunting scene on the road. Whose voice was this, tearing at my soul? Why did it resonate with such agony within me? Who were you? Why do you evoke such anguish in me, as if my heart were breaking?

Slowly, I managed to open my eyes, but there was no one in the room with me. It was empty, but my tears continued to fall.

"Who was it?"

"Who was calling my name?"

I rose from the bed and moved toward the wide window. The white curtains brushed against my face, providing a comforting touch. The moon outside exuded an aura of serenity, although it was a moon I had likely seen countless times before, it felt different, as if the world had shifted.

"Who are you?" I uttered aloud.

"Why did you come to me when I couldn't see you?"

"Why did you approach me when you knew I couldn't see or touch you?"


I questioned, gazing out into the open night. The room was shrouded in silence, and I awaited a response that never came. Yet, I could sense a presence, an unseen observer fixated on me. It was an unfamiliar sensation, a tingling that enveloped me, leaving me perplexed.

Returning to my bed, a silver butterfly alighted on my cheek, its radiance akin to a star, and its delicate touch felt like a kiss, causing a blush to rise in my cheeks.

A strange feeling welled up within me. It was as if I had experienced this moment before, though nothing in my memories supported that notion. Could this be a part of Ellanious as well?

How much more about you, Ellanious de Olger Usoro, remains a mystery?

Why did you meet this end?

Why did you bring me to this world, knowing there was someone who had come to you in the dead of night, calling your name through their tears?

"Why did you save me?" I heard a gentle voice.

"Who is it?" I turned to search for the source but found no one.

"Search for the answer," the voice continued, a soothing, feminine tone.

"Where?" I inquired.

"Inside yourself," she replied.

"Discover the truth within you."

"Ellanious, you're clever. You can do it. Find the answers you seek before history repeats itself," she encouraged.

History repeats itself? I couldn't fathom her words. How could I find the answers? I wasn't the Ellanious she spoke of. Ellanious was gone. I was someone different, a reluctant visitor in this world.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"Who am I?"

"Are you playing games with me?" I questioned.

"I don't comprehend your words."

"If you're closer to Ellanious, reveal yourself! I must see you before I consider any request. I can't trust someone who hides their identity," I declared.

"As I mentioned, you're astute, Ellanious."

"It was my wisest decision to send you there."

"This is the best choice I've ever made, and I won't regret it."

Her words were filled with enigma and left me feeling utterly perplexed. Everything in this world seemed like a riddle, and everyone hid their secrets. Even the Usoro family, who I had been placed within, was a source of doubt. Something or someone was pulling me into this puzzle while simultaneously pushing me away, like opposing magnetic forces.

"Find the clue!"

"Soon, you'll have all the answers."

With those final words, the voice faded away, leaving me bewildered and somewhat breathless.

I slumped to the floor.

My sleep had escaped me once again, leaving me with a restless night. Yet, I felt no disappointment. I was determined to uncover the truth and find a way to escape this perplexing world as soon as possible.

"Misa," I called, and she responded promptly, entering the room with a mixture of surprise and concern in her eyes.

"Prepare a carriage for me," I declared, grabbing my cloak as I spoke.

Her response was immediate: "A carriage? Are you going somewhere?"

I could sense her apprehension, her voice trembling with fear. I had to make her understand the urgency of the situation.

"Yes," I affirmed, my determination clear. "I'm going to meet the fortune teller you told me about."

Misa was torn between my command and the potential consequences of our actions. Her hesitation persisted, and she stammered, "Y-yes, Princess."

I held her gaze firmly, pressing the question to reaffirm her loyalty. "Who do you serve your loyalty for? Is it for the duke and duchess or the princess?" I questioned, my tone unwavering.

Misa's body trembled, caught between conflicting loyalties, but I couldn't afford to be lenient. My life hung in the balance, and so did hers.

Her voice wavered as she finally admitted, "I-it is y-you, Princess."

"Good," I affirmed, satisfied with her response. "Then go prepare a carriage secretly before I grow impatient and take matters into my own hands. Do you understand?" I spoke in a low, commanding voice, leaning close to her ear.

With newfound urgency, Misa hurriedly arranged for a discreet carriage, suitable for a covert night outing.

"Remain in the room in case someone enters; manage everything," I instructed her.

"As you wish, Princess," she replied with a bow before retreating into the house.

My heart raced with anticipation, faster than when I first found myself in this unfamiliar body.

I hoped that this visit to the fortune teller would yield answers and perhaps even good news.