
Chapter 2

Prince Conrad's POV

"You should be at the castle right now, Alpha." Odin, my Beta, reminded me. We just got back from running.

"I know, Odin." I answered him as I jog going to the kitchen of our packhouse to get cold water. "Though I don't feel like going."

"It's already been settled, you can't back down." Odin said, I sighed in frustration. I never thought that my wedding would be like this. My bride should be from my kind.

"What's with the straight face, Alpha? Today's your wedding day, you should be happy!" Leo, my Gamma, teased.

I growl at him. "Fuck off! She's not my mate. Why would I be happy?" I opposed this marriage countless times, and I tried to explain to my parents that our kingdom can stand high without their help. Although I know too well that their power and influence will give us more benefit. "Besides, she's human, and this arrangement is nothing but a marriage of convenience."

"Human girls are most beautiful. I wonder what your bride looks like." Leo blurted while smiling naughtily.

"Don't let my fist touches your face, Leo. I'm warning you." I said in a serious tone.

"Being possessive husband, are we?" He joked. I punch him in his chest that made him winced.

"Is Thalia alright with your marriage?" Odin asked. I emptied my glass of water and went upstairs to grab my things. When I got back downstairs, they are still waiting for my answer.

"Even she's not alright with it, she cannot do anything about it." I answered. Thalia is one of our gorgeous and hot she-wolves, she proclaimed that she's my mate, I am attracted to her but my wolf inside me said otherwise. "Let's get this done and over with." We transformed into wolf form and run at full speed going to the castle.

I also wonder what the Princess looks like. What will she thinks if she found out that our whole kingdom including her husband are werewolves? There is no turning back Princess, you don't know what you put yourself into.

Princess Liviana's POV

King Thomas and Queen Caroline - my foster parents and I arrived at the castle of my future in-laws one hour before the wedding ceremony. As expected, my brother, Prince Elias hasn't arrived yet from patrolling. He has no idea that his one and only sister is getting married today.

The castle is enormous, surrounded by trees and a beautiful garden. It has five towers and rock walls. During our travel, I figured out that their kingdom has a vast forest land than the residential area.

"Don't you dare do something reckless." The Queen blurted out while walking in the long hallway of the castle. "Don't make us more ashamed that we adopted you." She added. I did not dare to speak, I bowed my head instead.

"Sooner or later, you'll realize that this must be the best for you, Princess." The King said. "Numerous kingdoms are asking for your hands, I just pick the best one for you."

Should I be happy with that? How can he say he's the best? Can't I stay in the kingdom for ten more years? I feel like I will be living in prison for marrying him.

"It's our pleasure to welcome you here, Thomas." A man wearing a crown hugged my father. He must be King George.

"It's good to see you again, George." My father greeted him with a smile.

"It's been a while, Caroline." She must be Queen Thyra. She embraced Queen Caroline with a genuine smile. She's dazzling. "Is she Princess Liviana?" She immediately hugged me. "Welcome to our family. You're stunning, like what your father said."

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Queen Thyra." I said and hugged her back. She's also welcoming and kind. I thought she would be like my foster mother, but I was wrong. "We're happy that finally, this marriage is going to happen." King George announced. "We're waiting for you for so long, Princess Liviana." He added while smiling.

I smiled genuinely. "I will do my best in my ability to serve the kingdom, your majesty." I bowed.

"Marrying my eldest son is the biggest thing that you can do for us." King George said. Instead of saying anything, I just smiled at him and bowed again. This marriage is still against my will. If there is any other way to help their kingdom, I will, but this is just too much to bear.

While the majesties are talking about politics, I sneaked out to take a walk and breathe. The wedding will be in a few minutes from now. I need to clear my head. I need to think about what I should do after this wedding.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I stopped on my track. I raised my head to look at someone who just spoke. In front of me is a woman looking so gorgeous in her red, long gown. I must be looking so lame compare to her. "You're Princess Liviana, am I wrong?" She asked. She examined me from head to toe. From that, I sense trouble on this one.

"I am." I answered. "And you are?"

"I am Thalia, Prince Conrad's mate." She declared while smiling mischievously. Mate, is soul mate does exist? As far as I remember, the groom's name is Prince Conrad. I get it. She's implying that my future husband is in love with someone else and that someone else is her. Nice move. But what's with the mate thing?

I smiled genuinely. "It's nice to meet you, Thalia. I will take note of that information."

"You're human." She said while looking at me intently. That's not a question but a statement.

"Why of course, I am." I said, confusion visible on my face.

"I cannot believe this. Prince Conrad is marrying a human?" I backed up a little. There's something weird about what she's saying.

"What should I be? Aren't we all human?" I asked. Is she insane?

"You're in trouble, Princess." She declared and walked away. I was left stunned and confused. What the hell is she talking about?

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