
No longer a princess - I

I looked to the side where two chairs were and made a move to grab them only for Tristan to walk ahead of me and grab both of them in one go. He placed one behind me and as I took a seat he proceeded to sit down on one himself. 

I looked over to see him looking at the sunset. I reached over and grabbed his hand, Keeping the joined hands on my lap as I gazed over the sunset. 

He squeezed my hand. 


This time I had dinner with everyone and it was not a feast. It was a private event but I still sat in Tristan's lap without anyone telling me to do so. 

I liked it. 

"Serve her some more chicken nephew," Chiara's words made the server with chicken step forward, "she must have some meat on the bones. She has grown too weak." 

I did not comment on it even though it pained me slightly. I just released the fact that I was with Kristen as I now relished that I was happy with him.