
The Princess's Dangerous Vampire Mate

"You are not human, like us, are you?" The words left my mouth in whispers as my eyes glanced around eyeing the destruction caused by the two men. Two men who had effectively taken out Twenty guards. All heavily armed and trained. But now, not even one old get up. "What gave that away?" My companion, who I had feelings for, mocked. "Perhaps the strength we displayed caused her to see reality," in the blink of an eye, he was in front of me making me stumble back in fear. "Is that not true, Princess?" I looked to the man who was silent and ever watchful. "Why? Why were you not true?" I loved him, only him I let myself feel for. He glanced around and spotted Diwal, my trusted advisor. "No one is true in nature here," he pointed to my advisor, "Not even him." Unwanted tears came to my eyes as I glanced around me. I could die tonight and it would all be in their hands. "Don't worry, your highness, it's just the time for it to come to light." My advisor smiled and so did the other two men. •••• A gentle yet cold bastard prince. The bulky, muscular King to be. And a Princess. ~ slow burn ~

Inara_Me · Kỳ huyễn
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437 Chs

Conversations in the carriage - III

The morning light and eventually turned into the afternoon heat and in the carriage along with the very handsome man, I felt the heat.

It was the winter period of the year and yet I felt sweating inside my clothes which I knew I could not take off.

"Would like some water, my—"

"Oh yes, please." I snatched it from his hands and drank myself from it. My governess would have died on the spot if she knew that the water was dripping down from my mouth and was wetting my dress too.

This was something I would surely die in front of a. She was a statistic lady who I would not mind killing.

I handed it back to him who put the bottle of water and its place. The entire ride he had often offered me water but I had not seen him drink from even once.

"You have a separate bottle of water?" I asked as he shook his head. "Then why are you not drinking any?"

He smiled. "Ah, how delightful it feels that a beautiful lady is caring for me."

Heatcreptd up to my face and I looked away with my eyes lowered to the ground. He was perhaps the second man after the prince to tease me like that.

I gorgeous that gorgeous men had a habit or two of playing with women.

I could only hope that the prince I want to marry of similar nature to. Blushing in front of my husband seems to be more ethical than in this situation.

"I am drinking it." He sighed and revealed. "It is you that is so engrossed in your thinking that you forget what is happening all around you."

"Is that not how one thinks?"

He shook his head. "People have a lot to think about that does not name that one loses a grip on reality because of it. My lady, if you are not aware of your surroundings, you might end up in a situation you never wanted to be in."

Which made me think about the situation that happened in front of the brothel. Was I there to supposed to be aware of my surroundings? Gemma was right when she said that I was at a disadvantage because I have grown up with guards surrounding me and protecting me from any kind of danger no matter how big or small.

"Thank you for the advice. I will keep it in mind." I smiled and thanked him genuinely. "What will you be doing when you reach the capital?"

"A few things." He revealed. "What are you going to do?"

I answered truthfully this time. "I will be visiting the royal library."

He nodded and his eyes twinkled. "Ah, I was wrong. You do not lie as often as I thought."

That made me ask the question which was hanging around the back of my mind. "Who are you?"