
The prince bride

Sam was just an ordinary girl, who accidentally saw the prince of Castile and she caught his attention The prince ended up inviting her to the palace to compete for him Will she go? or will she reject the prince

Gift_Lucky · Thanh xuân
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11 Chs

Real Kings

Theo can you explain this to me " said King Jeff

What father " answered prince theo

The fact that you invited a commoner to actually compete " said king Jeff

Dad you know I hate this idea of compete for me, dad I want to marry for love not because of rule but you declined it

Father you gave out 11 and I gave out 1 diamond ring

And you decide to give it to a commoner " said king Jeff

we actually she's a commoner but dad I want you to be fair with everyone especially Sam

Dad you said Real Kings makes hard decision

Do you mean that I'm not fair " asked king Jeff

I never said that dad, I just want you to be fair, and let her compete

Oh really, so you actually wants a commoner to become the next queen Never " he said with an arc eyebrows

Well dad she's the one I want to compete for me and you won't know her potentials if you don't examine her dad she's a cool girl ' explained the prince

Dad please be fair and that's all I ask of you


Way to go dear, I love how you put corodela in her place and please stay away from her, Or u will be add to ur problem with my father and mother ' Princess Mia said grinding wild

Geez when is this event going to end my eyes are arching " said Sam in a complaining tone

Come here u " they were interrupted by the Queen

who me " Sam asked

okay your Highness " said Sam

I'm coming with you " said princess Gia

They all went into the private room where the King and Prince were discussing

Greetings your majesty "said Sam and princess Mia alongside with the Queen

Sorry your majesty for barging into what you were doing I brought her here to question her by myself " said Queen Gia

Then the King gestured the Queen to go on

Who gave you the ring " asked Queen Gia

My name is Sam Andhra and the ring is given to me by

Me " said prince Theo who interrupted her, mum meet Sam

I don't remember any lady Sam "said the Queen

she she's not a royal or noble by birth " said the prince

oh I recognize you now you are the girl I met with kate at the kitchen right "said the Queen

Yes your majesty " said sam

so you are just a nobody " said Queen Mia

mum nobody is nobody "said princess Mia

don't you dare question me "the Queen said with angry tone towards her daughter

mum, dad the rules is for every lady to compete for me so I want you to allow Sam to complete too "said the prince who broke the silence between all of them

Okay, but you know that I decide who you marry, I am the king and I make the rules here " said the King

All I want mum, dad is that you should be fair with her and I'm sure she will make a good impression

And with that they all went back into the ballroom

king Jeff: ladies be where they are three trials that has to be done before you can be the Queen and The Prince future wife

all the attention of all the people in The ballroom were on the king And they listen attentively for what the king was about to say

king Jeff: firstly, the physical trial secondly, the emotional trial and thirdly motivational trial. And I believe all of you know what I'm talking about

Yes your majesty "they all answer in chorus

And I believe your room has been shown to all of you "said the King

yes your majesty


Once the ball was over, ladies move to their different rooms

King Jeff: Justin escort her Sam to her room

yes your majesty "said attendant Justin

this way please

Go I will take her to her room "said prince Theo

But the King

I said go

yes ur majesty

So tell me hope you are going to be present in the welcoming party me that my father is going to be throwing today evening said the prince who was walking Sam to her room, he has ordered the maids to arrange very close to his room.

yes I will " said Sam

And I thought you wouldn't come "Said prince

I actually intend to return it but your sister said it unreturnable "said Sam

Thank God you made it and I like the way you talk with delightful words and not fear

Princess Mia: what do we have here love lovebirds

O beautiful Sis thanks for today " said the prince

ok ok ok ok the king wants to see you better be fast with "said princess Mia

Okay beautiful sis takes take Sam to her room

Alright I'll

okay I will go speak to the King now until next time my lady "said the prince who was directly talking to Sam

And with that you left the two ladies alone

Then they went to the room where prince theodred had arranged for Sam

Sam:(amazed) oh my god what the heck, she was looking at the sky blue painted walls, luxury bed with dark cool cozy mattress, a wardrobe with the same colour of the room, a sofa with the same colour of the bed and

O Sam stop dwelling in your thoughts and come to reality "said princess Mia

OMG the prince so kind "said Sam in an amused voice

Get some rest and make sure you attend the welcoming party I will come tomorrow night I'll come and help you get dressed

O Mia you are my lifesaver "said Sam

Make sure you get some rest okay Theo won't want to see you tired "said mia before leaving the room for Sam to rest