
The Prince's Forbidden Desire

[Warning: Nature content ahead!] Li Mei, a demoness who was used to running away from the brothel to save her little virginity, one day bumped into the arrogant, ruthless, and unpredictable third prince of the Cao Dynasty. Thank god, she was cross-dressing at that time. She had expected the man to let her go, but alas! It turned out the prince was nowhere as elegant as they would think. He forced ‘him’ to enter into his harem and slept next to ‘him’ every single night. When she thought that was the limit of his craziness, the elegant prince also bumped into her in her real, female demoness form in a park. Ever since then, the elegant and majestic prince only had two things to do in his life: teasing the person in his palace, and teasing the person in the park. Li Mei: “Let go of me!” (Speaking the same words through both her male and female forms.) The elegant prince: “Never. Teasing you is the goal of my eternal life.” Li Mei: “.....” She wondered how the man would react if he ever found out the two of them were the same person…..

Pinkyprincess · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
184 Chs


A woman rushed forward with all her heart and soul, exhausted for life. Her hand covered up her big, bulging stomach. Beads of sweat rolled down her temples as she continued onward. From one tree to another, she continued to hold onto the trunks.

"Catch her!"

"Don't let her go!"

The woman cried bitterly as she bit her bottom lips, continuing onward. Finally, after reaching a cave, she felt like she had invested all her energy as she rested for a while.

For a while, the footsteps resounded into the deep and dark forest, making the pregnant woman's heart tremble in fear, but she continued to hide there, putting her hand on both her mouth and nose. She couldn't even dare to breathe loudly for the fear of being discovered by them.

"F*ck! Kill her before she gives birth to that demon!"

"The saint told us the child she's carrying is the one from the prediction! Let's kill that seedling before he could be born into this world!"

"But where the f*ck did she go?!"

"Let's return later with reinforcements."


After that, the sound of footsteps descended away from her, making the pregnant woman relax a little. Her shoulders rested against the wall of the cave as she felt teardrops rolling down her cheeks. She bit her bottom lips as she finally felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

Her eyes widened.


Not now.

Her heart trembled at the thought of giving birth to her dear son in this situation. Her golden complexion and a cinnamon mole between her eyebrows made her look extremely enchanting so much so that she could make several men bow to her feet, but alas, she was but a demoness, the clan everyone hated from the depths of their hearts.

Finally, the woman couldn't handle it anymore as she laid on the ground and began the thankless task of giving birth.

Pain was so much that she almost felt like she would end up dying merely because of that. But after half a night had passed and when she saw light finally showing in the sky, she heard a soft, beautiful cry of a baby echoed through the cave.

Tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks. Even though exhausted, she pushed herself up and held her newborn son in her arms. Then she hugged him to her chest, crying bitterly.

She was happy to give birth to him but there was also a trace of regret in her heart that burned her entire being.

This child….

She knew this child's fate wouldn't be good since he was a demon. But this was her own child. Prophecy or not, she couldn't kill her son no matter what.

Thinking of what kind of fate awaited this child, she hugged him firmly. Her bottom lips trembled as she put him down and closed her eyes, sitting in a meditative posture.

After a while, a trace of golden light emerged from her heart and started pouring into the child. In the blink of an eye, the woman's youthful beauty vanished without a trace, and at the same time, the child's complexion also started to turn normal, just like ordinary people. Even the cinnamon mole between his forehead also disappeared.

By the time she was finished, her entire body transformed into that of an ordinary old woman without even a single trace of beauty. Her face was wrinkled and her hair turned white.

She held the little chubby kid in her arms and smiled.

"Now… No one can recognize my son." She hugged him again and spoke to his ears. "You're my Haohao."

Ahem, I changed the prologue.... Anyway, this is my new novel! I hope you guys like it! Please, share it with your friends and family to support me! Thank you~

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