
The Hidden Hand

Every so often, it was the confluence of different random events that could lead to unexpected revelations. When Rowan had seen the vision of the death of the Chained God, it had no meaning to him and he left it behind for Andar as part of his inheritance.

Andar took a step back in shock, analyzing the memories again, with the words of the Watcher and he gasped,

'No, that cannot be correct, in the memories of Rowan, Silas Black did not find the Chained God outside the universe, but he fought and killed him while inside it.'

Andar could perfectly recollect the stars, and the blood of the Chained God flooding an entire galaxy, and also his haunting words that seemed to speak directly with him.

"Cleave my bones… Eat my heart… My Will shall ever remain. The stain that shall stay."

These words now took a new meaning for Andar, because there was something personal about this message, it was as if the Chained God knew Silas Black long before this battle.