
Fiona Shadowsoul Terms

At his words, Fiona Shadowsoul seemed to become invigorated and she smiled widely, waiting for him to continue.

It was sometimes difficult to merge the vision of a woman who was smiling here and a creature that could casually sacrifice millions of lives for a bet, and he knew it was only because of the buffer afforded to him by the Anima of Ohrox that he was able to converse with them so blatantly, more likely if he was here with his real body he would hardly be able to maintain his life.

Rowan shifted in his throne to face Fiona directly, "I will be having an unwanted guest coming soon, and although there might be a chance I am wrong, but if I'm not, I will like them taken care of. You may have to fight someone with powers closer to those of a god. I have already tasked Kohron with this request, so this request should carry relatively little risk."