
The Price of love

"Every time I win a fight I lose the war and this time I've lost the war if I want something it's taken from me to never knew this day would come but I need your help Mr Price" Love is a very deadly drug especially for the price brothers but love has twisted one if them in a way that can never be fixed when he first laid eyes on he he was swirled with the need to be with her every way but fate would not allow it but the longer he is away from her the stronger his obsession grows but looks like luck is on his side when she. ame asking for help and in return he would get whatever he wants. Remember nothing stays hidden forever not even the darkest desires after all in love you might get burnt or be kept warm.

maelegends · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

Meredith looked at Luciano shocked what had she done she had broken the most important rule "no, no, what have I done" Red said backing away Luciano looked at her he wanted to be close to her again "this shouldn't have happened" Red said she put her hands in her hair, her mind was telling her she wanted Ryan while her heart told her she wanted Luciano "what shouldn't have happened?" Luciano said moving closer Red looked at him shocked at his words "this day, we are supposed to working together not falling for each other" "so you admit you fell for me" Red tried to keep her distance from Luciano while he didn't want distance he kept moving closer to her "I wouldn't say that" Red said stuttering he heart was beating out of her chest "then why did you kiss me Meredith?" Luciano looked at her "I don't know Luciano but I don't like you I like Ryan" Luciano stopped in his tracks when he heard Ryan 's name he had tried not to hurt him but since he is the one in her mind he was gonna hurt him he grabbed her arm an pulled her closer to him "listen here Meredith I love you and the only reason I have been helping you was because I just wanted to be close to you, Eros might not want us together but you have no idea what I have done the blood stained in my hands to get to you" he gave her a kiss on the cheek and left she looked at him as he left her she fell to her knees what was going on in this world she stood up and found a taxi an headed back home did Luciano just walk away from her she looked out the window and let the tears fall the only reason she wanted Ryan was because he was the perfect brother

and she was told he was the perfect match for her but that's not what she wanted anymore she wanted Luciano she didn't know what had drown her to him.

Valerie gathered her clothes tomorrow she would leave this facade she didn't feel bad she had promised herself that Red would get him good as new just like she promised she stood up and put her bag under her bed she had to talk to Ryan he wanted to tell her something and she wanted to cut the cord she answered his call and he was his usual smiling self "Valerie come outside" Ryan said from the other side she just agreed 'lets get this over with' she mumbled to herself Ryan wanted to do it he wanted to seal the deal he stood up and leaned against his car an watched as she came out of her house and he smiled she was what he has been waiting for he took her hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek they got into the car and looked at each other "so what did you want to tell me?" she said looking at him "Valerie you made me feel happiness and love and will you marry me?" he brought out a diamond ring " hold up, marry you" she said looking at Ryan she got out of the car an he followed "Valerie I want to marry you I will give you anything you want I promise" he held her cheek "Valerie!" she looked ahead and found Cameron standing there flesh and spirit she could feel the tears well up in her eyes she let go of Ryan and ran to his arms "I thought you were coming tomorrow" "I came early I just couldn't wait to see you" he kissed he and she kissed him back while Ryan watched she turned and looked at him "Red is waiting for you she wants the ring not me" she went back to her house and came out holding her bag she left her house keys by the doorstep and all Ryan could do was watch as she walking away in other man 's arms he looked at the ring it was all fake her love and kindness was all fake how could this have happened the were supposed to move in together tomorrow.

Luciano smiled from the shadows he got what Red wanted he took a picture of Ryan who had sadness and shock written on his face he sent it to her and called her "I got you what you wanted Meredith" he said he looked at the gun in her hands this wasn't the end "now it's time for you to keep your end of the bargain" he said Red was a crying mess she was happy that Ryan s spirit was shattered "what do you want?" she said in a low voice "you, and to get you I have to erase him from your life" she heard gun shots fire and she dropped her phone she didn't know who was killed Luciano or Ryan she got up and tried getting a hold of Luciano " Red I promise you this Ryan won't be lucky the next time" he ended the call Ryan had gotten in his car at the right time he was driving away to Red 's house he arrived there while Luciano was following close behind he stopped the car and watched as he called Red "Red I want you back" he said the moment Valerie left him he wanted Red back.