
The Price of love

"Every time I win a fight I lose the war and this time I've lost the war if I want something it's taken from me to never knew this day would come but I need your help Mr Price" Love is a very deadly drug especially for the price brothers but love has twisted one if them in a way that can never be fixed when he first laid eyes on he he was swirled with the need to be with her every way but fate would not allow it but the longer he is away from her the stronger his obsession grows but looks like luck is on his side when she. ame asking for help and in return he would get whatever he wants. Remember nothing stays hidden forever not even the darkest desires after all in love you might get burnt or be kept warm.

maelegends · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Red looked at the street lights she didn't want to go home she looked around hoping no-one was following hershel smiled the peace and quiet was a first for her but good things never last long her phone rang and it was Casey once everything was done she would leave them and never look back "hey Red, are you down for some partying?" "Casey said she sounded drunk "ok, were are you" she said sounding annoyed but maybe some partying would help her let loose "we are at the new club" she said and ended the call she looked at her phone this was going to be a long night she found a Taxi and was left at the club going inside the heavy smell of Liquor, drugs and smoke she looked around for Casey and the others they all had men all over them "Red hey she's here" Casey said Red removed her jacket and sat beside her she looked around everyone seemed to have the time of their life I guess thats what happens when you have everything you want in life "hey Red I heard about you and Luciano why didn't you tell us" one of the girls said she dint even know her name Red was drowning herself in tequila shots when she looked at her she looked like she was about to hook up with the guy she looked away on the other side Hariet was enjoying herself swaying her hips to the music "well, well I guess the beauty festival has finally hit town" a guy said he looked at Red eyeing her up and down she rolled her eyes and signaled for the bartender to hand her another drink the guy looked her up and down and stopped at her chest he licked his lips and looked back at Red "what do you want?" Red said she knew it was an obvious answer "you love" he said Red skimmed him over he was dressed in a suit and tie his hair was all messy Red smiled "well that won't be easy" Red said "why wouldn't it be?" the guy added "because you`re not my type" "how am I not your type?" he said confused "because you came here to let loose and find some easy chick in here judging by the way you are dressed it looks like you and your wife have finally hit rock bottom" he was shocked he left Red in her peace of mind "want some" Casey offered her a fag she looked at her "no" she said "come on have a little fun" she said Red looked at her and laughed "smoking gives you wrinkles you know that right" she said she stood up and left Casey who was looking at her pocket mirror she started dancing swaying her hips to the sound of music she felt free as she let the music take her away she felt two hands on her hips and turned around to find Luciano she smiled at him and continued dancing she didn't want to start a fight she just wanted to enjoy herself 'what are you doing here, I thought you had a business emergency" "I did then I came here to let loose" he sad he enjoyed the feeling of her moving on his body he closed his eyes and looked at her, he then led her to the counter to grab a few drinks buy the time he had his first drink she was already drunk "you look good Lucy" she said he smiled at what she called him when they where you "thanks Red" he said he looked at her she was already wasted "so what are you really doing here Red" "letting loose like you I just needed some time to enjoy myself she said she slumped back into her chair and looked around "you know you were a really good friend Lucy what ever happened you just changed and became stone" she said she looked at him "love" he said looking at her "the same way first love ruined you it changed me" "who was your first love?" Red said she wasn't in the right state of mind but Luciano didn't care "well she is a girl who I have known since middle school she has brown hair. brown eyes her skin is smooth and bi-racial she has a smile that could light up the whole room a soft heart that has been hardened but she fell for someone else" he said he looked at her "what did she do?" "well she changed they say a glow stick has to be broken in order to glow I guess she broke so much that she finally snapped, she changed everything about herself she told herself she is not allowed to cry" "really some people don't tell themselves not to cry they are told to stop trying or their make up will run they are also told to eat cotton balls to help them maintain a figure I'm guessing she is one of those girls that she no longer has a heart and everything seems to not be perfect" "why would she listen to those people?" Luciano said "because of society you have your mom telling you your dress is too short or too fat you get a wake up call saying you need to lose the average better skip that nap and go for a bike ride 'were is that gap between your thighs your chest should be round and fun while your stomach is supposed to be flat no folds should appear on it when you bend your legs if you have acne you have to stay in your habitat, the scars on your body are undeserving of embrace you better fix them if your arms jiggle drop and give me six they are not looking for thin or fat they are looking for perfect we have our values mixed and you have to be perfect because you are Delilah `s daughter" she said tears falling he looked at her she didn't want to become this "so you see its never a choice your path has already been created for you, you are supposed to follow it and turn your tears into diamonds.